
【讲座公告】英语教学的人文思考(Closer to Fun, Knowledge and Culture)且听周教授如何解读英语教与学的困惑与解决办法。如有兴趣,请点击下面的文章了解详情,报名参加:他18岁英语零起点考进复旦,结果成了英语文学导师!



二、重要句型或语法1、被动语态本课主要对比复习第21课、第45课和第69课出现的被动语态的用法,主要包括不同时态中的被动语态、与情态动词的连用、不定式结构的被动语态、被动语态所在的从句改为短语结构等。如:A letter was delivered this morning.Your bag must have been stolen in the shopping mall.I was asked to finish the work before Friday.After having been instructed to drive out of town, he began to acquire confidence.【推荐阅读】更多相关内容,请查看下面的文章:英语里的被动语态掌握这些内容就够了!被动语态竟然可以这么用!图解《新概念英语》语法之被动语态2、重音本课难点部分出现的是有关重音的内容,主要讲的是同一个词语,经常会因为词性不同,而发音不一样,主要的体现就是重音位置不一样。如:present作为名词的发音为['preznt],但作为动词的发音为[prɪ'zent]。

三、课文主要语言点One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.1)monument,纪念碑。2)the Statue of Liberty,自由女神像。3)present,用作动词,表示赠送。4)注意美国的全称为the United Stats of America,所以其简称为USA。The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete.1)注意因为这个statue是唯一的,所以其定语从句采用了which引导的非限定性定语从句。2)sculptor,雕刻家。3)注意take的用法:sth. take sb. some time to do sth.,句中省略了sb.,因为定语从句中已经说明了雕刻者是谁,所以take后面就无需再次说明是谁了。The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.1)actual,实际的。2)figure,人物、塑像。3)be made of,由...制成。注意与be made from(原材料不可见,即成品看不出原材料是什么)的区别。4)supported by...是定语,用来修饰先行词copper,其完整原形为:which/that was supported by a metal framework。5)a metal framework,金属框架。6)which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词framework。7)construct,建造。其名词为construction。Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.1)transport,运输。其名词形式为transportation。2)site,地点、位置。3)pedestal,基架、底座。The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.1)chosen用作后置定语,修饰site。其完整原形为:which/that was chosen。2)island,岛屿。3)at the entrance of,在...的入口处。4)harbour,港口(注意美式英语的拼法为harbor),多指天然港口。人工港口多用port。By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America.1)erect,矗立、竖立。其名词为erection。2)the following year,第二年。相当于the next year。3)take...to pieces,把...拆卸开。By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.1)by the end of,到...时候为止。其所在句子的谓语动词一般都要用完成时。如果是过去时间,则采用过去完成时;如果是将来时间,则采用将来完成时。2)put...together,把...组装起来。3)officially,正式地。Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.1)ever since then,自从那之后。其所在句子的谓语动词一般都要用完成时。2)a symbol of,...的象征。3)millions of,成百上千万。4)pass through,通过、经过。5)make one's home in,在某地安家、定居。

四、课文摘要The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by the French people in the 19th century. Designed by Bartholdi, it was built on a metal frame constructed by Eiffel. The site chosen for it was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour with a pedestal to be built. The statue was first erected in Paris in 1884, but it was re-erected two years later in America and officially presented to America in October, 1886.


六、学习建议1、被动语态用于从句中改为短语的用法,比如:After he had been sent to prison, he never saw her again.本句话的主从句主语是相同的,所以我们可以把after引导的从句改为短语结构,即:After having been sent to prison, he never saw her again.


