

Huoquan is the most common coin of the Han Dynasty. It was the product of the fourth currency reform in the first year of Wang Mang's Tianfeng reign (AD 14). The Spring of Goods circulated from the first year of Tianfeng to the 16th year of Jianwu of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 40). The material is bronze, still see iron and copper with iron, Qian Wen for the needle seal, the vertical pen in the spring is disconnected, (the character lines of the bread in the spring are more flat, the casting is rough).

有传形、异书、异范、合背、合面、圆穿、横划、星号、月纹、决纹、剪边等近百种,一般径2.2--2.4 CM,重约2.4克以上。

There are different types of printing, different books, different fan, back, face, round wear, horizontal stroke, asterisk, moon grain, decided grain, cutting edge and so on nearly 100 kinds, general diameter 2.2--2.4CM, weight about 2.4--3.6 grams, the initial can reach more than 5 grams.


Wang Mang's reform of the currency system was a failure, but Mang Qian was well made and was praised by later generations as the first of "Qian Ju". "Currency" and "Huoquan" are the representative coinage of Wang Mang in his later period. They are the more precious varieties of Mang Money, which have certain historical research value and collection value.


Someone once said: "Before Wang Mang's treasure system, after Xianfeng's banknote system." There is some truth in this. Let's take a look at several currency reforms in Wang Mang's period to make it clear. According to history carries: follwed usurp the power of the western han dynasty, the redevelopment of the "new", from r (7 years) taken two years to the day of the first year of phoenix (14 years) just eight years, in his restore ancient ways, under the guidance of the good, the good goods, currency reform carried out three times in a row, the short of time, the number of varieties of numerous, in the past dynasties.


The coins in Wang Mang's period were of various varieties, peculiar shapes, exquisite minders and elegant writing. They had been praised highly by the world, and were even praised as the first master of coin making through the ages, which was not too bad. Later, because "Huobu" weighed 25 baht and "Huoquan" weighed 1 baht, that is, one "Huobu" was worth 25 "Huoquan", the ratio was extremely unreasonable, and the looting of the people at that time was even more serious, thus arousing the people's rebellion. Therefore, Wang Mang was overthrown before he had time to reform the currency system for the fourth time.


As the numismatist Peng Xinwei said in The Monetary History of China, "The failure of Chinese currencies in the past dynasties was mainly due to other reasons other than the defects of the system itself. Only the failure of Wang Mang's system of treasured goods was completely due to the failure of the system. That really hit home. In a word, Wang Mang's reform of the currency system was a failure, but Mang Qian was well made and was praised by later generations for its excellent production. "Currency" and "Huoquan" are the representative coinage of Wang Mang in his later period. They are the more precious varieties of Mang money, which have high historical research value and collection value.


Company in the near future from a senior coin collectors collection to a period of han dynasty follwed the goods make spring coin, the coin wrapped slurry is mellow, well-preserved, follwed witnessed the han dynasty period of prosperity and decline, historical significance, for numismatics study lovers, is a national treasure collection presented here, believe that this coin is circulating in the market, Will certainly cause a commotion, cause Tibetan friends crazy chase after and investment









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


