十九世纪旅法意大利画家 Giovanni Boldini 画中女子,女人味十足!




19世纪末,他也成为巴黎最时尚的肖像画家,他的绘画风格具有鲜明的风格,显示出一些马基雅奥里风格的影响,这种风格让我们想起了约翰·辛格·萨金特(John Singer Sargent)和保罗·海勒(Paul Helleu)等年轻艺术家的作品。

2010年末,在巴黎的一套公寓里发现了一幅博尔蒂尼的肖像,这幅肖像是他以前的法国女演员缪斯·马尔蒂·德·弗洛里安(muse Marthe de Florian)的画像,这座公寓被隐藏了70年,没有人参观过。



Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931)Born in Ferrara, the Italian painter. moved to Paris in 1871, where painted a number of landscapes in suburban locations outside Paris.

His work from 1871-1886: the bustling streets and squares to cafés, theaters, and concert halls- reflects the influence of his contemporaries: Degas, Manet, Caillebotte, Meissonier, and Fortuny among others.

Boldini was born in Ferrara, the son of a painter of religious subjects, and in 1862 went to Florence for six years to study and pursue painting.
He only infrequently attended classes at the Academy of Fine Arts, but in Florence,

met other realist painters known as the Macchiaioli, who were Italian precursors to Impressionism. Their influence is seen in Boldini's landscapes which show his spontaneous response to nature, although it is for his portraits that he became best known.

Moving to London, Boldini attained success as a portraitist. He completed portraits of premier members of society including Lady Holland and the Duchess of Westminster. From 1872 he lived in Paris, where he became a friend of Edgar Degas.

He also became the most fashionable portrait painter in Paris in the late 19th century, with a dashing style of painting which shows some Macchiaioli influence and the style reminds us the work of younger artists, such as John Singer Sargent and Paul Helleu.
He was nominated commissioner of the Italian section of the Paris Exposition in 1889, and received the Légion d'honneur for this appointment.

A Boldini portrait of his former muse Marthe de Florian, a French actress, was discovered in a Paris flat in late 2010, hidden away from view on the premises that were unvisited for 70 years.

The portrait has never been listed, exhibited or published and the flat belonged to de Florian's granddaughter who went to live in the South of France at the outbreak of the Second World War and never returned.

A love-note and a biographical reference to the work painted in 1888, when the actress was 24, cemented its authenticity. The full length portrait of the lady in the same clothing and accessories, but less provocative, hangs in the New Orleans Museum of Art.