3.7.12.后缀-ee和-er 【P62】


1.unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt] n. 失业;失业状态 【employ [im'plɔi] v.雇用;使用】

2.employer [im'plɔiə] n. 雇主【employ雇用,-er表示动作的执行者;“雇用人的人”】

3.employee [ˌimplɔi'i:] n. 雇员【employ雇用,-ee表示动作的承受着;“被人雇用的人”】

4.examiner [ig'zæminə] n. 主考者

5.examinee [igzæmi'ni:] n. 应试者

6.trainer ['treinə] n. 教练员 ; 驯兽师【train训练】

7.trainee [trei'ni:] n. 练习生; 新兵;训练中的动物【train训练】

8. briber ['braibə:] n. 行贿者【bribe [braib] v. 贿赂】[四级]

9.bribee [braibi:] n. 受贿者【bribe [braib] v. 贿赂】[四级]

10.committee [kə'miti] n.委员会【commit [kə'mit] v.委托,托付;“被委托的人”】

11. guarantee [ˌgærən'ti:] n. 担保人,抵押品【guarant 保证, 担保;“被请来做保证的人或物”】

12. referee [ˌrefə'ri:] n. 仲裁人;裁判员;证明人【refer参考,咨询;“被咨询的人”】


1. Three thousand men face unemployment if the factory closes (down).如果工厂关闭,将会有三千人面临失业

2. They've just employed five new waiters. 他们刚刚雇用了五个新服务员.

3. The workers demanded (that) their employer improve their working conditions.工人们要求顾主改善他们的工作条件.

4. This employee was dismissed for laziness.这名雇员因为懒惰而被解雇.

5. The examiner never left the classroom to make sure there is no cheat.主考人一刻也没有离开教室以确保不发生作弊

6. The examinee, who failed in the entrance exams both in 2000 and 2001,passed the exam.这名在2000年和2001年的入学测验都未能榜上有名的考生通过了考试.

7. He is an animal trainer for the circus.他是马戏团的驯兽师.

8. She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.她指导实习护士练习注射.

9. The policeman was offered/given a bribe of 500 to keep his mouth shut. 向该警察行贿500英镑让他闭口不言.

10. The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会已决定辞退他.

11. He has committed himself to support his brother's children. 他已答应抚养他弟弟的孩子.

12. Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friend's good behaviour? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗?

13. The head teacher often acts as (a) referee for his pupils. 这位校长常为求职学生做证明人.

