
Last Tango In ParisParis Lounge - Paris Lounge Vol 1

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (一)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (二)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (二)(此为三)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (四)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (五)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (六)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (七)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (八)

Thoughts on the Oil Investment Cycle

We are in the midst of the fourth major oil investment bust since 1900, and while this cycle is different in some critical ways (particularly the speed at which investment translates into output), the big picture process is the same as in previous cycles.


Commodity investment cycles tend to follow a broadly classic process: 大宗商品的投资周期往往倾向重复一套固定经典的流程

1) In the first phase, a pickup in commodity-intensive growth causes a global surge in demand for commodities to outstrip supply. As demand pushes up against capacity limits, prices rise.


2) In the second phase, high prices caused by the supply and demand imbalance induce large amounts of capital expenditure. As prices rise, margins for commodity producers widen and profits increase. These producers, flush with cash and looking at high prices, invest in profitable opportunities to expand production. There is a massive investment boom. This acts as a support to growth and inflation as capital expenditure accelerates.


3) The third phase is typically marked by a slowdown in commodity demand that occurs when the original growth that sparked the cycle fades and high prices incentivize reductions in demand growth, by encouraging substitution and efforts to improve efficiency. Simultaneously, the investment boom begins to bring new supply online, demand/supply imbalances ease, and prices stabilize. Thus, high prices help set in motion the increase in supply and reduction in demand that eventually lead to the turning of the cycle.


4) In the fourth phase, there is a supply glut. The balance between demand and supply swings sharply in the other direction, as production is much greater than demand. This phase is typically characterized by large price declines.


5) As prices fall, margins for commodity producers are squeezed. And, in the fifth phase, producers respond to low prices by slashing investment and in some cases shutting down production permanently. This decline in supply eventually brings the market back into balance, as the low investment deteriorates capacity, sowing the seeds for the next cycle.


We are currently in stage 5 of the most recent cycle, where years of investment have left the market oversupplied and prices at the lowest level in a decade. The move in oil prices has resulted, as one would expect, in a collapse in investment that is no longer profitable. For most of 2016, there will likely continue to be a significant spot oil glut, as the lag between production and investment means that cuts will only gradually bite into production. However, unless prices rise significantly, supply will likely fall short of demand some time in 2017, leading to one of the most significant shortages in the history of the oil market soon thereafter. At this point, the forward price of oil does not appear high enough to create the needed investment, and the longer oil prices remain low, the larger the future gap between supply and demand is likely to be.


Before we dig into where we stand in the current oil investment cycle, it is worth offering some perspective on the major oil investment booms and busts over the last 100 years. The chart below shows the four major oil investment booms since 1900 and the price levels that spurred them. In the appendix, we describe each of these past booms. While the details of each cycle are different, the cause and effect linkages that drive them are the same.


The current leg down in the commodity investment cycle (and accompanying decline in prices) has severely impacted the medium-term outlook for oil supply. While there is lots of uncertainty around exactly how long the market will remain out of balance, a particularly large reduction in supply could leave the market undersupplied as soon as 2017. In the near term, cuts in shale investment have and will continue to bite into production, and the supply issue is amplified going forward, as massive capex cuts from more traditional producers (with longer lag times between investment and production) flow through to supply. As described above, the supply glut phase of the cycle sows the seeds for a price rebound, which is necessary to allow supply to catch up with demand. Below, we walk through our picture of the current supply and demand dynamics in more depth.


Low Oil Prices Have Led to a Sharp Pullback in Investments


At current spot and forward prices, most of the world’s investment opportunities are uneconomical. Consistent with this picture, over 20% of global oil capex was cut in 2015, and further cuts of at least 15% are likely this year. If prices remain low, we are likely to see capex collapse even further.


US Shale Production Has Already Turned and Will Continue to Decline in the Coming Year.


So far, US shale is the main source of oil supply where production has already turned, and production is likely to continue to decline over the next year. US shale production is much more responsive to prices than traditional sources of production—high decline rates mean that practically continuous reinvestment is required to maintain production levels. The time between initial investment and oil extraction is also significantly shorter for shale, meaning that capex cuts hit production faster in current (and future) cycles than has been the case historically. The dynamic nature of shale, combined with its relatively high cost of production, makes it particularly vulnerable in today’s price environment.


As a result, rig counts have plummeted to 2010 levels and production started to decline in the second half of last year, ahead of traditional counterparts. Declines in shale production thus far have actually been smaller than many expected, in large part because companies have managed to focus on only their most productive wells and to tighten their belts in typical cyclical ways (by firing employees, squeezing service providers, etc.). However, there are limits to how long companies can fight the tide of falling oil prices with this type of cost cutting. Additionally, because many of these cost-saving measures are tied to oil prices and associated activity levels, the positive impact of a price increase on shale production is somewhat muted by the fact that these costs would also increase.


Outside of Shale, Production Has Not Yet Turned but Will Likely Decline Meaningfully in the Coming Years


While investment has been cut across all sources of production, non-shale supply has not yet turned, as past investments continue to come online. Non-OPEC supply outside of the US is set to start declining gradually in the coming months, and we are likely to see a meaningful acceleration in supply declines beyond 2017, as the massive cutback in investment over the past year flows through. OPEC production has actually increased over the past year, as OPEC stepped away from its role as swing producer and chose instead to produce at nearly full capacity. The return of Iranian production following the lifting of nuclear sanctions is expected to provide a nearterm boost to production, but OPEC output is otherwise expected to remain flat at high levels over the next few years.

当在石油的不同生产中投资规模都被削减时,非页岩油的供应仍未复苏,即使在过去的投资持续到位时亦然。在美国市场以外的,非OPEC的供应仍将在未来几个月持续下滑,我们同时可能见到2017年随着供应减少而带来的有意义的石油价格的攀升,而这是由于过去几年来自投资的巨额撤回决定的。OPEC的生产量在过去几年获得持续的增长,当OPEC不在生产调节者并且决定大开马力生产时。伊朗核制裁的升级被市场预期为,短时间里来自原油价格的收益将攀升,然而OPEC 的产量数去却被市场预期为,在未来几年将维稳在高位水平。

While Low Oil Prices Have Led to a Bleak Supply Outlook, Demand Is Expected to Grow at a Moderate Pace


Below, we highlight some of the dynamics affecting transportation sector demand.

Rising Fuel Efficiency Standards Will Be a Drag


To illustrate the point, full adherence to CAFE standards in the US would result in a reduction of oil demand by about 0.5 mb/d by 2020. If other countries follow a similar pattern, the impact has the potential to be meaningful for global demand. That said, it’s hard to know to what extent companies will actually adhere to standards if consumer preferences are at odds with policy objectives. The chart on the left below lends some historical perspective to the case at hand. Past increases in fuel efficiency have been accompanied by large increases in oil prices—in this instance, standards are competing with low fuel prices. In addition, current CAFE standards call for more sustained and faster improvement than we’ve seen at any point over the past 35 years. The stated regulations appear to be a high target (and could change in upcoming reviews if the goal winds up being too lofty).


But Rising Vehicle Penetration in Emerging Markets Is Exerting Upward Pressure on Demand 然而新兴市场的车辆普及率正在上升。

Increasing demand for vehicles from emerging market consumers is likely to somewhat offset the downward pressure from rising efficiency standards. Most of the demand growth within the transportation sector is likely to come from EM economies, such as China and India, which are seeing growing middle classes. In particular, these countries are expected to see a rapid increase in vehicle penetration off of very low levels. The charts below illustrate this dynamic for cars, though it is equally valid for light trucks and heavy vehicles as well.


And the Impact from Fuel Switching Will Be Limited in the Next Few Years


Inventories Are Helping to Bridge the Gap, but Limited Cheap Storage Capacity May Be a Downward Pressure on Prices in the Near Term

Reported OECD inventories are at record highs, and US commercial storage (especially Cushing) is operating at close to 90% utilization rates. While it’s difficult to know precisely how close we are to actual capacity limits, there is a risk that this storage capacity fills and oil has to be increasingly stored in more expensive offshore tankers or even shut in, which would be a downward pressure on oil prices and likely require even lower prices than are discounted for the upcoming year



Barring a Significant Price Increase, Oil Markets Will Likely Shift to Undersupply by 2017


Appendix: A Brief History of Oil Investment Cycles 附录: 一个原油投资周期的简要历史


There have been four major investment cycles in the oil market, where high prices have incentivized investment that eventually unlocked new sources of supply. Indeed, in the same way that high oil prices have unlocked unconventional oil sources in the most recent boom, crude oil production was initially developed as an alternative lighting fuel to whale oil, the dominant source of the day, whose price escalated as the result of decades of overfishing. Each oil boom brought on new supply to the market, either from the discovery of new fields or from tapping known fields that previously weren’t economically or technologically feasible.



OPEC 产石油价格飙升(1972年以及1979年)是布雷顿森林体系瓦解后,大量流动性紧随着的市场产物。这也同时带来了来自阿拉斯加,俄罗斯,拉丁美洲以及北海的新资源。无论如何,伴随着原油如同火箭一般的价格飙升,需求开始衰退,而原油企业必须通过降价50%以在这样显著的供应过剩市场中生存,更高成本的生产商在通过在投资支出的大幅削减以应对安全边际的挤压以及资产负债表的恶化。拉丁美洲出现信贷问题,最终导致拉美政府只能通过借入大量外债以融资推进开采新的石油渠道。

