人工智能的局限性(二) | 经济学人精讲第673期




The future 未来
Humans will add to AI’s limitations
It will slow progress even more, but another AI winter is unlikely
Jun 13th 2020 |
A sure way to fail is to set expectations too high. In 1969 a widely read book by Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, two AI researchers, described how, in contrast to the grand promises, the Perceptron was constitutionally incapable of performing certain elementary tasks. Research into neural networks languished for a decade.
  • incapable of: 没有能力的
  • languish: 停滞、未能取得进展
The history of AI is of periodic bouts of overexcitementinterspersed with “AI winters”, in which limits become apparent, enthusiasmdrains away and funding is slashed. In 1973 the British government abandoned nearly all AI research, citing the field’s failure to meet its “grandiose objectives”. After Minsky and Papert’s book, the focus of AI research turned to “symbolic” approaches that focused on formal logic and rigid, top-down reasoning. Once again, early progress caused much excitement before the unmet promises piled high enough to cause another backlash in the 1980s. Funding cuts closed research projects. American officials dismissed efforts at AI as little more than “clever programming”.
  • bouts of: 一阵、几回
  • overexcitement: 过分激动
  • intersperse with: 用…点缀着
  • enthusiasm: 热情
  • drain away: 逐渐枯竭
  • grandiose: 宏大的、巨大的
  • rigid: 严格的
  • unmet: 未满足的
  • little more than: 仅仅是


