BNEF北京风能专家Leo Wang 表示,中国有20多家风力涡轮机制造商供货,其中许多制造商去年的装机容量达到了原来的两到三倍。

In Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) 2020 ranking of global wind turbine manufacturers, 7 of the top 10 wind turbine manufacturers are Chinese companies, with Goldwind of China in second place behind General Electric of the United States. Danish manufacturer Vestas fell from the top position for the first time in five years and finished in third place. BNEF calculates its rating based on the total capacity of the newly installed turbines.
The growth of China’s wind turbine manufacturers can be attributed to the country’s strong growth in wind power capacity. In BNEF’s report, it is found that more than half of the world’s newly installed wind power capacity was built in China in 2020, almost equal to global growth in 2019. Chinese manufacturers that made the list included: Goldwind , Envision, Mingyang, Shanghai Electric, Windey, CRRC and Sany.
In addition, China commissioned 98% of the newly installed capacity from wind turbine manufacturers. This increased demand has allowed domestic wind turbine manufacturers to fully utilize their capacity and has achieved great footage in the world rankings.
According to Leo Wang, a Beijing-based wind energy expert at BNEF, there were more than twenty wind turbine manufacturers supplying China and many were able to double or triple their installed capacity last year.