雅思口语| Part2考题:小孩公共场所不良行为A misbehavior of children in public
1 slump in a seat with my glasses off and eyes closed 瘫在椅子上,摘掉了眼镜,两眼紧闭着
I was really tired, so I slumped in a seat with my glasses off and eyes closed.我很累,瘫在座椅上,摘掉了眼镜,两眼紧闭着。
2 in a high-pitched voice 尖声说
''OMG!'' said the boy in a high-pitched voice.
3 give a hearty guffaw 发出一阵大声的狂笑
He gave a hearty guffaw .他发出一阵大声的狂笑。
4 slam sth. down on somewhere 猛地把某物摔到某处
He slammed a book down on the tray table so hard that it made loud noise.他啪的一下把一本书摔到小桌板上,动作如此之重,以至于发出很大噪音。
5 shut the door with a snap 用力关上门
When he came out of the toilet,he shut the door with a snap.
6 go too far 太过分了
I thought he'd gone too far.我觉得他太过分了。
7 slap sb. across the face with all the strength I could muster 尽力打某人一个耳光
What I wanna do was slap him across the face with all the strength I could muster. 我就想用力打他一个耳光。
8 brandish a whip at sb. 用鞭子抽某人
Maybe brandishing a whip at him is also OK. 也许用鞭子抽他也行。
9 take deep, calming breaths 用深呼吸让自己冷静
I tried to take deep, calming breaths , but I still couldn't help stopping him. 我试着深呼吸让自己冷静,但还是忍不住来阻止他。
10 sweep toward sb. 急忙走向某人
I swept toward him.我急忙走向他。
11 furiously 气愤地
''Can you stop it?'' I said furiously. 你可以停下来吗?我气愤地说。
12 freeze 呆住了
The boy froze, watching me.他呆住了,注视着我。
13 go very still 鸦雀无声
The compartment went very still.火车车厢里鸦雀无声。