【火腿快新闻】73 Radio Row丨一个古老的无线电集市的网上重生

73 Radio Row 一个古老的无线电集市的网上重生,对于全体无线电的狂热爱好者来说又多了一个去处,今天小编就带你一起走进这个新站点!

(Source: 73 Radio Row press release)

A new website designed for radio amateurs, SWL’ers, CB’ers and all communications hobbyists has launched on the Internet recreating the atmosphere of the famed Radio Row in New York City.


According to its founder, Richard Fisher, KI6SN, “’73 Radio Row’ takes its cue from an era when New York’s legendary radio district bustled with communications fanatics shopping for surplus and used gear along Cortlandt Street in Lower Manhattan.” 73 Radio Row’s Web address is: http://www.73RadioRow.com

根据该站创始人Richard Fisher, KI6SN 介绍,“73Radio Row’”这个名字源于纽约传奇无线电聚集区的那个年代,该区域位于美国曼哈顿下城卡兰特街,当时通信狂热分子聚集于此购买通讯设备,“73Radio Row’”的网址是:http://www.73RadioRow.com

The site features used radio receivers, transmitters and transceivers, as well as unbuilt kits, new/old stock antennas, Morse instruments and station accessories of all kinds.


“We are crazy about radio, the same as everyone else,” Fisher said. “RETRO is NOWtro.” For complete details, visit: http://www.73RadioRow.com or write to: 73RadioRow@gmail.com. Call (951) 395-1923.

“我们都为无线电疯狂,我想每个热爱的人都是如此”Fisher 表示,想了解详细信息可以登陆网站 http://www.73RadioRow.com 或 EMAIL: 73RadioRow@gmail.com. 联系电话: (951) 395-1923.

I discovered 73 Radio Row right after it launched–I ordered a portable ER TiCK Deluxe Keyer for the very affordable price of $26 US shipped.

我马上访问了该站,并且用非常划算的26美元包运费的价格买了一台便携式ERTiCK Deluxe 键控器。

The keyer was dispatched immediately and I received it within a couple of days.


I know Richard Fisher (KI6SN) quite well and can certainly vouch for his integrity. In fact, he’s even giving a portion of 73 Radio Row proceeds to Ears To Our World–what a nice guy!

我和Richard Fisher (KI6SN)非常熟悉,他做事非常靠谱,事实上,他为用耳朵听世界的无线电爱好者提供了一个新的选项,好赞滴一个银!





