【火腿快新闻】工匠精神丨探访意大利著名电键、自动键大师Piero Begali

上周末,小编到影院看完了近期在国内引发热议的电影《百鸟朝凤》,影片里的焦师傅说“唢呐是个匠活。”喜欢“匠活”这个词,特迷人,在火腿圈子里,不少大师级工匠,打造出很多匠心独运,技法高妙的产品,我想,工匠精神就是这些大师为大家奉上一件件完美作品的最好诠释吧!今天,小编就带你走进意大利著名电键、自动键大师Piero Begali的电键工厂,一睹大师的风采吧!
“In late April 2016, Ana (PU2VYT) and I were again in Northern Italy, to participate in various activities related to the end of World War II.
More than 25.000 Brazilians participated in the Allied effort to break the “Gothic Line” from 1944 to 1945 and some cities pay tribute to Brazil there.
At the end of our ‘historic’ mission, I retake my amateur radio passion and made a visit to the famous artist Piero Begali, I2RTF, which manufactures telegraphic keys / paddles.
在我们的“历史性”的使命快结束时,我重新拾起了我对业余无线电热情,参观了著名的无线电电键工匠Piero Begali,I2RTF制造的电键/自动键。
He is almost every day in his small factory, located in Cellatica, few kilometers from Brescia.
We had lunch together in a very traditional restaurant, drinking the good Lugana white wine from Garda region and finishing the visit going back to the factory for a coffee with Begali’s family.
Of course, I took one of his “Sculpture” paddle, special series for the 60th production anniversary. All settings in this piece were made by Begali himself, before being packaged by Bruna, her daughter.
Was a very special moment, repeating last year (we gone to Cellatica with a Brazilian 95 years old WW2 veteran – see picture), but with more time together now.
Grazie Mille, Piero & Family! – Vitor PY2NY and Ana PU2VYT.”