【火腿快新闻】孩子们的业余无线电世界 | 美儿童户外日和德国最小无线电A级火腿


Field Day at All-Kids Special Event K1D Will Be a Multimedia Event


Justin Bieber gets Class A ham radio license

德国十三岁小男孩Justin Bieber 获得业余无线电A级执照(最高级)

In an effort to encourage more youngsters and their families to get involved in Amateur Radio, the kids at Ham Radio (dot) World will mount an all-kids ARRL Field Day special event operation — K1D — over the June 25-26 weekend. Youngsters will set up, operate, and take down the station, which will be located in Deland, Florida. The K1D operators plan to operate on HF and Amateur Radio satellites. K1D will team with the K4G “Get on the Air” (GOTA) station at the same site, and Tom Medlin, W5KUB, of Amateur Radio Roundtable plans to webcast the event on Saturday, 2000 until 2200 U TC, live, followed by video from various Field Day sites around the US from 2200 until 2400 UTC or later.

为了鼓励更多的年轻人和他们的家庭参与业余无线电,6月25日至26日的周末,美儿童户外日特别活动K1D拉开帷幕。在这几天里,孩子们将架台、通联并记录台站日志,活动在佛罗里达迪兰举办。K1D操作者计划工作在高频和业余无线电卫星。K1D将和K4G“空气”(绿野仙踪)网站及汤姆Medlin W5KUB组成团队,在周六UTC20:00—22:00网络直播业余无线电爱好者的圆桌会议,随后,该视频网站将播放更多户外日的视频。


Justin, who celebrates his 13 birthday today. The blond boy is one of Germany’s youngest radio amateurs whose community in this country at least 75,000 members is one.





