
《Radiology Secrets Plus》是由宾夕法尼亚大学E. Pretorius和Jeffrey Solomon博士主编的以问答形式深入浅出的介绍相关放射性与影像诊断学内容的图书。该书总结了影像诊断学在实践过程中需要注意的100个知识要点,本公众号将持续推送翻译介绍。上一期我们介绍了:儿科辅助影像、日常护理与急救时的影像指证和妇科影像。本期推送是《放射学的秘密》系列的最后一期,本期除了介绍了妇产科重要影像诊断和胆囊超声,还对放射学医生的职业责任和资格考试进行了诠释

91. 如果孕妇出现阴道出血、盆腔疼痛和子宫触痛,必须首先考虑是否有胎盘早剥。 

If a pregnant patientpresents with vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and uterine tenderness, placentalabruption must be excluded.



The most dreaded complication of oligohydramnios is pulmonary hypoplasia. 


Omphalocele has a worse prognosis than gastroschisisbecause the former is associated with an increased incidence of chromosomalabnormalities leading to other structural abnormalities. 


Most strokes are due to emboli rather than carotidstenosis. Therefore, it is important to identify irregular atheroscleroticsurfaces when examining the carotid circulation. 



Sonographicfindings in early or uncomplicated acute cholecystitis may include gallstones(which may be impacted in the gallbladder neck or cystic duct), gallbladderwall thickening, and gallbladder distention. A sonographic Murphy's sign (focaltenderness over the gallbladder when compressed by the US transducer) may alsobe elicited. 


96. 胆石症与超声Murphy征相结合,对急性胆囊炎的预测价值为92%,阴性预测值为95%。

The combination of gallstones and a sonographicMurphy's sign has a positive predictive value of 92% and a negative predictivevalue of 95% for acute cholecystitis. 

97. 如果判决医生有过失,必须证明以下四件事:(1)注意义务的确立(即医患关系);(2)不负护理责任或出现失误;(3)不良预后引起机体损伤或精神伤害;(4)过失结果之间的直接因果关系。

For a physician to be found liable for malpractice,the following four things must be demonstrated: (1) establishment of a duty ofcare (i.e., doctor-patient relationship); (2) breach of the duty of care, ornegligence; (3) adverse outcome with injury or harm; and (4) direct causalitybetween the negligence and outcome. 


The three most common reasons radiologists get suedare failure of diagnosis, failure to communicate findings in an appropriate andtimely manner, and failure to suggest the next appropriate procedure. 


To become board-certified in diagnostic radiology, youmust pass the written and oral examinations of the American Board of Radiology(www.theabr.org). The written examination consists of a physics portion and aclinical portion. You may take the physics portion in your second, third, orfourth year of radiology training. The clinical written portion is taken in thefall of the fourth year, and the oral examination is taken in Louisville, Ky.,in June of the fourth year of residency. 

100. 唯一比去路易斯维尔更糟糕的是,回到路易斯维尔。(译者认为这句话想要告诉问我们医学是一门学无止境的科学,我们的学习只能进步不能后退,努力往更高的方向进发,而不是固步自封甚至退步。)

The only thing worse thangoing to Louisville is going back to Louisville. 

