
High temperatures during the Tokyo Olympics have been making headlines around the world.


In fact, the event may go down as one of the hottest and most humid in the history of the Games.


Last week, current world No. 2 tennis player Daniil Medvedev said the heat and humidity were "some of the worst" conditions he had played in, even asking who would be responsible if he died.


But the temperatures and high humidity currently cooking the capital are not unusual.


Japanese summers are notoriously sticky and sweaty, and for many Japanese people, spooky.


Friends flock to haunted houses, head to the movies for horror flicks or visit graveyards after dark, all in an attempt to scare themselves into literally getting the chills -- in effect forgetting all about the sweltering heat.


As the temperatures soar in Japan it's believed that the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead are at their thinnest and yurei (spirits) are able to cross over.


Summer is marked by the festival of O-bon, which usually takes place in mid-August.


"O-bon is the Buddhist festival of the dead, in which the spirits of deceased family members and ancestors are honored," explains Yoshiko Okuyama, a professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Hawai'i, Hilo.


According to Okuyama, the festival is based on a Buddhist tale in which one of the Buddha's disciples, Mokuren, learns that his deceased mother has ended up in hell.


He then performs a ceremony to save her soul.


"This Buddhist myth eventually developed into the tradition of urabone (O-bon) as a time to hold a memorial service for the spirits of deceased family members," she says.


"It is said that the spirits return from the anoyo (the spiritual world) to the konoyo (the world of the living) in order to attend the festival with the living."


During O-bon, families reunite to pay respects at ancestral graves, light bonfires, clean the graves, dance the bon-odori, eat and drink.


It's believed that if a spirit is cared for by the family, then they are able to pass peacefully into the next world; in return the dead provide protection for their living relatives.


But, if the deceased are not cared for, or they died in a violent manner, the spirit may come back bearing grudges.


"Even the spirits of people who died yet cannot rest in peace are thought to visit us!" Okuyama says.


"Naturally, there is no better time than summer to talk about supernatural phenomena."







④ 潜力爆发

