

印度财政部长尼尔马拉·西塔拉曼 (Nirmala Sitharaman) 周日认为,该国人口中有 7.3 亿人已接种疫苗,他说疫苗接种是促进经济的唯一药物,因为它允许人们定期开展业务或农民开展农业活动。

“该国的疫苗接种计划进展顺利,到目前为止,已有 7.3 亿人免费接种了疫苗。今天,通过疫苗接种计划,人们能够开展业务,贸易商能够采购产品来开展业务,(从而 )促进经济,或者农民能够从事农业......因此,疫苗接种是唯一的药物(对抗病毒,促进经济)......,”她说。


印度卫生部周日通知,印度在过去 24 小时内记录了 28,591 例新增病例,累计新冠病例数达到 3,32,36,921。

目前,印度有3,84,921例活跃病例。在过去 24 小时内,仅在喀拉拉邦报告了 20,487 例新冠病例。

据该部称,过去 24 小时内共有 338 人死于冠状病毒感染,使该国的总死亡人数达到 4,42,655。

作为缓解的迹象,印度在过去 24 小时内记录了 34,848 次康复,而康复人数已上升至 3,24,09,345。


该国的每日阳性率为 1.87%,而每周阳性率为 2.17%。

印度已大幅提高其新冠病毒检测能力,迄今已进行了超过 5.4 亿次测试。

在正在进行的疫苗接种活动中,迄今为止已向符合条件的受益人接种了 7.382 亿剂疫苗。



印度经济智库NCAER总干事普纳姆·古普塔(Poonam Gupta)表示,由于与新冠病毒相关的供应中断可能会减少,全球经济也可能出现增长,印度经济在本财年预计将增长10%左右。


The Indian economy is expected to grow around 10 per cent during the current financial year on the likelihood of fewer COVID-19-linked supply disruptions and buoyancy in the global economy, said Poonam Gupta, director general of economic think-tank NCAER.

The real challenge, however, would be to sustain a growth rate of 7-8 per cent in years to come, she said.




由350名印度初创企业组成的印度数字印度基金会联盟(Alliance of Digital India Foundation)表示,预计印度的应用程序开发者现在也可以选择苹果和谷歌生态系统之外的支付方式。

New Delhi: Indian internet entrepreneurs are renewing their demand that Apple and Google also provide local developers with a choice of payment options for in-app purchases, after a US Court struck down some of the store rules laid down by the iPhone maker.
The Alliance of Digital India Foundation, a 350-member grouping of Indian startups, said it expected that app developers in India will also have the option now to choose payment methods outside of the Apple and Google ecosystems.



India’s food safety authority has decided to put food safety labels on the front side of packaged food depending on the harm fat, sugar and salt cause to human health but consensus eludes food industry and consumer groups on what the label should say.



周五,阿拉伯联合酋长国表示,将允许先前被列入暂停名单的 15 个国家(包括印度)的那些接种了世卫组织批准的新冠苗并持有的有效居留签证的人返回。


The UAE will lift its restrictions on entry for fully vaccinated residents from Sunday.
On Friday, the United Arab Emirates said that it will allow the return of those vaccinated fully with WHO-approved Covid-19 jabs and holding valid residence visas from 15 nations previously on the suspended list, including India.
Passengers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Namibia, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa, Nigeria, and Afghanistan can now enter the UAE.


印度最大的银行印度国家银行 (SBI) 已向其账户持有人发出通知。该银行已通知客户在月底前将他们的 PAN 与他们的 Aadhaar 卡关联起来。该银行进一步表示,如果他们不这样做,他们将难以享受无缝的银行服务。

The country's top lender State Bank of India (SBI) has issued a notice to its account holders. The bank has intimated the customers to link their PAN with their Aadhaar card by month-end. The Bank has further said that if they fail to do so, they will face difficulty enjoying a seamless banking service.


美国酒业巨头布朗福尔曼(Brown-Forman)的一名管理人员表示,该公司正寻求在印度市场开发“巨大机遇”。该公司生产包括杰克丹尼尔(Jack Daniel’s)在内的许多流行品牌。在新冠疫情期间,印度市场的酒类高端化加速。


American spirits major Brown-Forman, the maker of many popular brands including Jack Daniel’s, is seeking to tap a “huge opportunity” in the Indian market where premiumisation of liquor has accelerated during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a company official.
It is driving retail distribution for its premium and super-premium portfolio and expanding with introductions of the global portfolio in the Indian market.



NEW INDIA: India urged Australia on Saturday to ease coronavirus travel restrictions for thousands of students who have been unable to get into the country since the pandemic started 18 months ago.


新德里:印度理工学院马德拉斯分校连续第三年保持良好势头,在教育部周四发布的“2021 年印度排名”中名列前茅,而德里的米兰达之家和斯里拉姆女子学院则在学院类别中名列前茅,保持了前 100 名中的第一和第二位。IIT-Madras 还保持了“工程”和“整体”类别的最高位置。

NEW DELHI: Continuing its good run for the third year in a row, IIT-Madras has topped the 'India Rankings 2021’ released by the ministry of education on Thursday, while in the colleges category Delhi’s Miranda House and Lady Shri Ram College for Women retained the first and second positions among the top 100.
IIT-Madras also retained top position in the 'engineering’ and 'overall’ categories.



Google may owe over $100 million in back salaries over 9 years of noncompliance in 16 countries with pay parity law (AFP)
In December, a group of Google managers responsible for overseeing thousands of its temporary staff members discovered the company had been underpaying some of those workers for years



根据边境安全部队(BSF)周五发布的消息,在其间的 9 月 9 日至 10 日晚上,BSF 部队听到一架无人机的嗡嗡声,并向飞行物体开火,随后它飞向了巴基斯坦地区。

AMRITSAR: Once again a drone originating from Pak soil dropped heroin near Indo Pak international border in the Amritsar sector.
According to a release issued by Border Security Force (BSF) on Friday, on the intervening night of September 9 and 10, the BSF troops heard the buzzing sound of a drone and fired on the flying object following which it went towards the Pakistan area.
