米娅·贝杰龙 (Mia Bergeron)艺术绘画作品欣赏





只有形式对心灵产生作用时,我们才能理解和欣赏一件作品;也只有通过形式,我们才能理解内容并欣赏一件作品。 —— 康定斯基

米娅·贝杰龙  (Mia Bergeron),美国女画家。2002-2005年在意大利佛罗伦萨查尔斯H.塞西尔工作室学习,2001年在哈佛扩展学院学习,1998-1999年在罗德岛设计学院学习。目前住在田纳西州查塔努加。 其作品所体现有之饱蕴绘者精神意识的视觉图像。

对于画画 她说:对我来说,绘画是一种脆弱的行为,这可能是我的一些想法,因为控制油彩有些难度。每次在创作开始时,我都觉得是在聆听世界,了解世界,走进一个未知的世界。如同我们的生活一样,我们的不安全感和那种挣扎迫使我们再多看这个世界几次,仔细观察生活的周围。在创作时,我会对我所描画的事物充满好奇,认真的走进我想描绘的世界里,观察所有动态和不动态。

It is only through form that we can understand and appreciate a work, and it is only through form that we can understand and appreciate a work. As Wassily Kandinsky

MIA, American painter. Charles, Florence, Italy, 2002-2005. Cecil studied at Studio, Harvard Extension School in 2001, and Rhode Island School of Design in 1998-1999. Currently living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. His works embody the visual image of the full spiritual consciousness of the painter.

When it comes to painting, she said, to me, painting is a fragile act, and that\'s probably something I think about, because it\'s hard to control the paint. At the beginning of each creation,

I feel that I am listening to the world, understanding the world, into an unknown world. As with our lives, our insecurities and struggles force us to look at the world a few more times and take a closer look at the world around us. When I\'m creating, I\'m curious about what I\'m painting, and I\'m serious about going into the world that I want to paint, and observing all the dynamics and the immobility.

