5.1 气候影响下的中国 /《忽然》连载
5. 欧亚大草原文化传播带与中国文化
5. Diffusion of Eurasian Steppe Culture and Chinese Culture
5.1 气候影响下的东亚
5.1 East Asia and Climate Changes

( The Eurasian Steppe Belt (in red) / 欧亚大草原交流带贯通东西方文化 )
相对于地中海的沿海交流区域,北方旧大陆还有一个相对统一的交流区,这 就是亚欧大草原。这是旧大陆的第二个主要交流带。假如说地中海文明的集大成 者是罗马帝国,那么欧亚大草原的集大成者是后来的成吉思汗帝国。这两个交流 区域实际通过黑海等地是有关联的。
欧亚大草原由于在中国的北方,所以在新石器时代前后这里是华北文化的主 要文明来源。
With respect to the coastal areas around the Mediterranean, there was another region of communication, i.e. the Eurasian Grassland. It was the second important belt for exchange in the north of the old world. The Middle Eastern civilization and the Roman Empire took shape because of the Mediterranean Sea while the civilizations of Central and East Asia were brought into being by the Eurasian Grassland. The Eurasian Steppe was next to the Mediterranean and the two were connected by the Black Sea.
( Part of the Silk Road even went through the Eurasian Grassland located in the north of China.)
的一条丝绸之路就在大草原上。突厥人就是印欧人从西部迁到西伯利 亚,然后再西迁南下的结果。
在新石器时代印欧人向西形成了今天的西欧人,向东则形成了俄罗 斯的阿凡那羡沃文化与安德罗诺沃文化等。
The Mediterranean people communicated by water route while the people on the Eurasian grassland by nomadism. For example, Indo-Europeans traveled from the west to Siberia and then came back as Turks.
( Clay pottery of Gansu,China /中国甘肃的陶罐 )
欧亚大草原位于中国的北方,中国文明初期的的华北文化明显受到这些俄罗 斯古文化的影响。不仅 5500 年前的红山文化与西北方向的东欧文化有关,中国 地区常见的鬲就是北方草原牧民人挤奶的灵感。
中国古代西北 的戎人与东北的胡 人,实际上都是参 杂了印欧人的华北 人群。

( 阿凡纳羡沃文化 与安德罗诺沃文化 分布区域和时间 )
During the Neolithic Age, some of the nomads featuring Afanasevo Culture, Andronovo Culture and so on migrated to the east, It is widely believed that they profoundly influenced Chinese civilization. Hongshan Culture in the northeast of China took shape probably as the result of their impact. It is believed that ancient Rong and Hu Peoples of North China were somewhat of Indo-European descent.
( 古代草原常见场景/ Common scenes of ancient grassland)
商朝的陶器花纹与东欧或俄罗斯草原的新石器时代文化明显有继承关系。 The decorative patterns on the potteries produced in the Shang Dynasty look very much like those made by people on the Russian Steppe in the Neolithic Age.
( Design pattern in Russia of the New Stone Age /新石器时代西部俄罗斯附 近的常见花纹 )
( 殷商陶罐与莫斯科附近的东欧花纹接 近 / Clay pottery of Shang Dynasty )
这种交流即便在历史时期都没有停止 过。大约 1000 年前在中国开始出现的阴阳 太极图,几乎成为今天中国文化一个符号, 但实际上 5000 年前这种符号就出现在东欧了,它的起源是对蛇和太阳崇拜的集合,但也有生命轮回等意味。
The communication continued in history. The picture of Taiji came into China about 1000 years ago, but it equally appeared in Eastern Europe in the Neolithic Age, which was a combination of worship of the Sun and

( Taiji,the typical cultural symbol in China / 中国文化象征的太极图 )
( 世博会乌克兰馆,《东方早 报》./Ukraine Hall of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo )
时间稍晚一些的中国西北甘肃 的辛店文化中的陶纹很多也属类似 情况。
中国甘肃辛店文化出现的靴型物也在 东欧和土耳其大量出现,都是亚欧大草原 的传播贡献。
( The earthware boot unearthed in Gansu Province also appeared in Turkey. That shows that the people along the Silk Road shared many things since long ago./中国甘肃的靴型陶器,在土耳其 也有发现 )
( Clay pottery,Li,in China, was probably originated in the Russian grassland/中国北方常见的鬲可能起源于俄国大草
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