

(CNN)Visiting a gibbon reserve in Indonesia during the summer of 2011, Topher White was struck by the sounds of the rainforest.

1. gibbon reserve:长臂猿保护区
  2. be stuck by:被...打动
  3. rainforest:雨林

The chirps of birds. The buzzing of insects. The chattering of monkeys.

But what the American engineer couldn't hear was the roar of chainsaws and noise of the illegal loggers he knew were relentlessly tearing down trees and endangering the gibbons' natural habitat.

 1. chirp:(鸟)叫,(虫)鸣

 2. buzzing:嗡嗡声

 3. chattering:喋喋不休,(动物)鸣叫声

 4. roar:咆哮

 5. chainsaws:链锯

 6. noise:吵闹声

 7. illegal loggers:非法伐木工

 8. relentlessly:无情地

 9. tear down:拆毁,砍倒

10. endanger:威胁

11. natural habitat:自然栖息地

This prompted an idea: What if he could modify old cell phones and create a device that could listen out for sounds of destruction -- and instantly alert park rangers to the location?

  1. prompt:(v.)促进,导致 (a.)迅速的,及时的 (ad.) 准时地

  2. What if...? :要是...怎么样 / 办?

  3. modify:修改

  4. create:创造

  5. device:工具

  6. listen out for:聆听

  7. destruction:破坏。destroy的名词。

  8. instanty:立即

  9. alert:(v.)提醒 (a.) 警觉的 (n.) 警报

  10. ranger:护林员,骑警,突击队员

  11. location:位置

A year later, White returned to the Indonesian rainforest to test his creation. Not only did his device work, but he says his team found a group of illegal loggers in under 48 hours.

  1. return to:返回
  2. test:测试
  3. creation:发明创造。create的名词。
  4. Not only..., but (also)...:不仅...而且...
  5. work:起作用
  6. a group of:一群

Powerful devices

Through his non-profit Rainforest Connection, White repackages old Android smartphones into a recycled plastic box fitted with an extra microphone, battery pack and solar panels. The finished devices look like mechanical flowers and are fastened to trees high up in the canopy, often up to 150 feet.

  1. non-profit:非盈利的
  2. repackage:重新装配
  3. Android smartphone:安卓智能机
  4. recycled:循环使用的
  5. plastic:塑料的
  6. fit with:安装,配备
  7. extra:额外的
  8. microphone:麦克风
  9. battery pack:电池组
  10. solar panel:太阳能板
  11. mechanic:手工的
  12. fasten...to...:把..绑在...上
  13. canopy:华盖,树冠
  14. up to:达到
  15. feet:英尺。foot的复数。

The upcycled phones use existing cell phone networks which White says are available even deep in the jungle. They record sounds 24 hours a day from up to a mile away.

"They capture all the sounds from the rainforest and stream it up to the cloud where our software runs on it with a few different types of AI to pick out all sorts of things, so chainsaws, logging trucks, people, gun shots," explained White. "And then we can send real time alerts over the cell phone network to locals on the ground."

Once the rangers receive an alert to their own phones, they can determine whether the activity is suspicious based on  its location, White says.

  1.  upcycled:升级的
  2. existing:现存的
  3. network:网络
  4. available:可用的
  5. deep in the jungle:丛林深处
  6. record:录制
  7. a mile away:一英里之外
  8. capture:捕捉
  9. stream up:发射上
  10. software:软件
  11. run on:运行
  12. type:型号
  13. AI:人工智能(= artificial intelligence)
  14. pick out:挑选,辨别
  15. all sorts of:各种各样的
  16. logging truck:运木卡车
  17. gun shot:枪声
  18. real time:实时
  19. local:当地
  20. Once..., :一旦...,
  21. receive:收到
  22. determine:决定
  23. activity:活动
  24. suspicious:可疑的
  25. based on:以...为基础

Rainforest Connection now has more than 150 active devices used by local partners to protect areas of rainforest in five countries, including Peru, Cameroon and Brazil.

Detecting illegal logging has typically relied on aerial surveys or satellites -- which can take days or weeks to alert rangers to tree cover loss -- as well as ranger patrols.

Rainforest Connection says its phones are a faster and cheaper alternative. But the technology faces its own challenges -- sometimes from nature itself.

"You never really appreciate how alive the forest is until you see the way that insects can envelop something," said White, giving one example of how nature can bite back. "Everything was fine with the devices and we take it to Peru, and we realize that there is type of termite that loves to take apart every type of plastic."

  1.  Rainforest Connection:雨林保护组织
  2. more than:超过
  3. active:活跃的
  4. used by:被...使用的
  5. partner:同伴,搭档
  6. protect:保护
  7. area:区域
  8. including:包括
  9. detect:侦查
  10. typically:主要地
  11. rely on:依靠
  12. aerial survey:空中检测
  13. satellite:卫星
  14. take:花费
  15. tree cover loss:树林覆盖丧失(指乱砍滥伐)
  16. as well as:和
  17. patrol:巡逻队
  18. faster and cheaper:更快,更廉价
  19. alternative:选择
  20. technology:技术
  21. face:面临
  22. challenge:挑战
  23. nature itself:自然界本身
  24. appreciate:欣赏,体会
  25. alive:活跃的
  26. the way:方式
  27. insect:昆虫
  28. envelop:包裹,此处指吞食
  29. give one example:举个例子
  30. bite back:反击
  31. be fine with:和...相处好,进展顺利
  32. realize:意识到
  33. termite:白蚁
  34. take apart:拆解,此处指白蚁破坏检测设备。







