每日新闻播报(October 30)

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An operator drives a rice harvester in Huichang, Jiangxi province, on Friday. [Photo/China Daily]

>China reaps bumper harvest
China will see a bumper harvest this year with stable cereal grains output, and large-scale cereal purchases have kicked off recently, the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration revealed on Tuesday.
"With the autumn harvest ending soon, we've already seen an abundant cereal supply that can ensure a bumper harvest for the whole year," said Qin Yuyun, head of the administration's food reserves department.
China's total cereal output consists of three parts - early rice, summer grain and autumn production.
Autumn grain crops, which include corn, middle-and late-season rice, account for three quarters of a whole year's grain production.
According to the administration, China's current cereal storage can meet the country's total consumption for a whole year.
As of last week, a total of 90 million tons of grain crops have been traded on the State-owned platform.

A woman looks at frozen food products in a supermarket following an outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Beijing, Aug 13, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Virus may spread by cold food
Chinese scientists have discovered that the COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing in June was likely to have been triggered by cold-chain imports from overseas.
The study was published online on Friday in China's peer-reviewed journal, the National Science Review.
A new cluster of local infections linked to the massive Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing's Fengtai district emerged on June 11 after the capital reported no new local cases for 56 consecutive days.
The outbreak, which prompted a mass testing campaign covering about half of the over 20 million residents of the capital, saw 335 confirmed cases.

Square dancing is one of the most popular activities among China's elderly population, and it has often caused controversy because of its loud music and use of public spaces. [Photo/China Daily]

>Square dancing law unveiled
Shanghai recently became the latest city in the country to unveil local regulations on square dancing, a popular form of mass fitness among the middle-aged and the elderly that has sparked controversy because of complaints from nonparticipants about disturbances.
The group of individuals participating in square dancing should adhere to public rules and social customs and never disturb others around them, according to the Shanghai Municipal Regulation on the Protection and Promotion of Public Cultural Services, which was approved by the city's legislature on Tuesday.
The local subdistrict authority and managers of public venues will assume a larger role in the organization and coordination of such public dances to ensure they are carried out smoothly, according to the regulation that will take effect at the beginning of next year.
Some other cities and provincial-level regions have published similar regulations aimed at the problem.
In Beijing, a regulation targeting public sports activities that took effect in 2017 stipulated that all participants in such activities at public venues should not disturb others.

French President Emmanuel Macron is seen on a screen as he addresses the nation about the state of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Blecourt, France, October 28, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Lockdown in France & Germany
France will enter a new nationwide lockdown starting Friday and lasting at least the whole of November in order to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday evening.
Macron said tighter restrictions on socializing, mobility and hospitality were necessary in order to prevent the nation becoming "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first".
Macron said that all bars and restaurants must close under the new measures, and people will only be allowed to leave their homes in order to go to work, shop for food, and exercise for an hour each day.
The French leader added that schools will remain open, and elderly nursing homes can be visited.
The announcement came hours after German Chancellor Angela Merkel laid out similar measures in Germany, which will enter a four-week lockdown from Monday.
Bars, pubs, gyms, cinemas and theatres will shut under the new regulations.

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