英语教师新入职、求进阶,读什么书?强烈推荐这本常读常新的经典著作!- 英语教学法论著选读特刊202102


上周《诚邀朋友们跟我一道,维护这个目录:英语教学法图书,这些值得推荐 - 英语教学法论著选读特刊2021》这篇文章发出后,朋友们纷纷点赞,大家都表示:这样的目录太需要了,多多益善!

《学习教学:英语教师指南》,1994年第一版,英文名《Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English Language Teachers》,作者Jim Scrivener,出版社MacMillan Heineman,国内由上海外语教育出版社在2000年前后作为“英语教学法丛书”的一个品种引进影印出版,并添加中文书名“学习教学:英语教师指南”。第一版228页,封面是这样的:

Chapter 1 Working with people 做 人 的工作

Chapter 2 An introduction to classroom management 课堂管理入门

Chapter 3 The subject matter of English language teaching 英语语言教学的学科内容

Chapter 4 Activities and lessons 活动与课堂

Chapter 5 Planning 备课

Chapter 6 Speaking 讲话

Chapter 7 Vocabulary 词汇

Chapter 8 Toolkit 1: Classroom options, skills and techniques 工具包1:课堂教学选项,技能与技巧

Chapter 9 Working with language 做语言的工作

Chapter 10 Language skills 语言技能

Chapter 11 Toolkit Activities, lessons, courses, people 工具包 活动,课堂,人

Chapter 12 Dealing with constraints and problems 处理局限与问题

这本书因为国内出版也有20年左右了,已经很难找到,不过京东还是有些小店面在销售,大家可以自行搜索一下。请注意,一定要搜索中文书名”学习教学 英语教师指南“,搜英文书名是搜不到的。

Jim Scrivener这本书,2011年出了第三版,英文名改成了《Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Teaching》,国内由外语教学与研究出版社去年引进影印出版,并添加中文书名“学会教学:英语教学必备指南”。第三版418页,封面是这样:

Chapter 1 Starting out 由此说起

Chapter 2 Classroom activities 课堂教学活动

Chapter 3 Classroom management 课堂教学管理

Chapter 4 Who are the learners? 学习者都是谁?

Chapter 5 Language analysis 语言分析

Chapter 6 Planning lessons and courses 备课,备课程

Chapter 7 Teaching grammar 教语法

Chapter 8 Teaching lexis 教词汇

Chapter 9 Productive skills: speaking and writing 输出技能:说和写

Chapter 10 Receptive skills: listening and reading 输入技能:听和读

Chapter 11 Phonology: the sound of English 英语语音

Chapter 12 Focusing on language 聚焦语言

Chapter 13 Teaching different classes 不同班级的教学

Chapter 14 Using technology 使用现代科技

Chapter 15 Tools, techniques, activities 工具,技巧和活动

Chapter 16 Next steps 下一步


介绍一本书,当然要首先介绍一下作者。Jim Scrivener,何许人也?这本书里是这样介绍的:
Jim Scrivener has worked in many different countries, including Russia, Georgia and Hungary. He has been Head of Teacher Training for International House Hastings, Director of Education for IH Budapest and is currently Head of leacher Development for Bell International, where he designed the Online Delta course. He was leader of the team that designed the Euro exams and has been actively involved with Cambridge ESOL exams including design of their online teacher portiblio. He is also the author of Teaching English Grammar which won the English Speaking Union Award for Best Entry for Teachers in 2010.

In my own teaching career, I have found that one of the most useful things is simply to watch other people teach. I often take away tangible things from this observation, such as ideas for specific activities, the pace they work at or a particular 'something' that the teacher said or did. Over the years, I find that I have incorporated a lot from this into my own teaching. (这段话的大意是,作者发现,其实学习教学、学会教学,最重要的还是”听课“。多听课,多模仿,多学习,多揣摩,总有自成一派、学成下山的时候。)

Is it possible to teach the skill of writing? How could we do it? For many teachers, the answer seems to be mainly by setting a writing task, leaving the students to do it (perhaps as homework) then collecting it in and marking it. Notice the gap in this diagram between setting and collecting. That is where the difficult writing work happens 一 yet it is often done entirely at home with the teacher doing nothing to help the student improve.
Some teachers doubt if there is any useful in-class work that could be done on writing, believing that it is essentially an individual activity. However, there are many possible steps that could go into the middle area of the diagram in Figure 9.5. A student can learn to become a better writer by (a) being actively encouraged and helped to follow through a series of preparatory steps before the final text is produced, and (b) becoming more aware of that preparation process, so that it can be done more independently and transparently in future.


