🌍地理1⃣️3⃣️ A1新学期第十三课的云端材料 ☁️ Tuesday supplementary

©️ Hermione MIAO

Captured in Oxford (2015)

2017.03.14 -2017.5.10

(9696 Geography)

⏳Before the A1 exam, you have 57 days to go.

今天距离地理A1考试还有:57 天

We had one new class and one review period.

So how does it work for you?

I won't know if you tell me after you do the past paper.

Section A Question 1

Section B Question 7

have fun!

The following are for you just in case:

(You can also search by yourself)

地壳为什么是热的?(In English with Chinese subtitle)



What's for the Topic 1?

I did it last year, for your final examination,remember?


🌍GEO-A* | A level 地理 自然部分复习指南 1⃣️ ☔️

🌍 GEO-A* | 术语回顾 Fantastic GEO-Terms 1⃣️ (A1-1Hydrology...)

🌍全是水货的地理复习备考指南 All for Hydrology Topic

Real A-level Exam 真题检测 1⃣️


