
Dinah wouldn't have needed that much encouragement; she fell in love with Canberra almost at first sight.She thought the legacy to be a very touching and tender gesture from a kindly old man she had very quickly come to love and admire, and the idea of working for two years in Australia hadn't caused her a moment's worry until her exposure to Conan Garth's charge of nepotism.

The mere thought mad her bubble with anger, and without even realising it she surged out of her chair and hastened towarda the newsroom door. Conan Garth's sharp query halted her in her tracks, but it didn't quench her in explicable anger.

" Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" he demanded.

" I'm going to see Mr... the general manager," she retorted angrily. " I want to straighten out this nepotism thing once and for all."

If she had expected a vivid responce, she was sorely disappointed. Conan Garth merely grinned up at her and said ," Then why don't you ask me?"

"This morning you didn't even know I was employed here," Dinah replied archly." All you did know was that you didn't want me around , and frankly, Mr Garth, I have no wish to stay where I'm not wanted. I shall see the general manager, and if there's anything to your snotty charges of nepotism I can assure you you'll get your wish. I should resign immediately."

"Don't bother." He said it so quietly she didn't at first believe what she heard, but at the look of query on her face she repeated himself.

"I said don't bother. I've already talked to the general manager, and if there's anything else you'd like to know about your hiring you can ask me."

His oddly assured expression gave Dinah pause, and she revealed a touch of caution when she finally spoke."You're satisfied then that I've been given the job on merit?"


黛娜根本就不需要那么多的鼓励的,对堪培拉几乎是一见钟情。她认为这份遗产是一个善良老人的温柔而有爱心的举动,她很快就爱上这位老人,并对他仰慕不已。让她在澳洲工作两年的建议根本就没有导致她一分钟的担心,直到她和柯南 咖什见面,并被指控为裙带关系。

仅仅一想这个事就让她来气,甚至没有意识到,她已经从她椅子上站起,快速朝编辑室的门走去。柯南 咖什尖锐的询问让她停下了脚步,但并没有扑灭她的未名之火。

“你认为你这么匆忙要去哪里啊?” 他问道。

“我要去见。。。先生,总经理,” 她生气地反驳道。“我要一次性地理顺这个裙带关系的事情。“

如果她期待一个明确的答复,那么她非常失望了。柯南 咖什只是对她露出牙齿笑了一下,说道“那么你为什么不问我呢?”


”不用麻烦。“他说这话时如此平静以致于她开始不敢相信她所听到的, 但是看到她脸上的询问的表情,他重复说:

” 我说过了不用麻烦。我已经和总经理交谈了,如果你想知道任何关于你雇佣的事情,你尽管问我。“


