医学影像英语每日读丨75.Paget's Disease



In this case, we have lateral views of the lumbar spine, and you would notice (that the) immediately that the bones are abnormal, right? The vertebral bodies look sclerosis,there's cortical thickening, they have a picture-frame appearance, so the very edges of the vertebral bodies are more sclerotic with central lucency. Also you can often see that there's coarsening of the trabeculae, and their vertebral bodies, if they're involved, can also appear a little bit larger.

And this is an example of the appearance on x-ray of Paget's disease. That's a disorder that involves the abnormal bone destruction and regrowth, and that you get deformity in the affected bones. And of course the cause is unknown, but it's thought there may be genetic factors that are associated with it, or even there's some evidence to say that it's caused by a virus early in life.

【Paget's disease 佩吉特病】





1. sclerotic.     adj.硬化的,僵硬的;巩膜的

2. trabeculae.        n.骨小梁;

