城市和区域经济学研究前沿, 我国学者和机构在该领域表现如何?

城市经济学(Urban Economics)是研究城市在产生、成长、城乡融合的整个发展过程中的经济关系及其规律的经济学科。城市经济学以城市的产生、成长,最后达到城乡融合的整个历史过程及其规律,以及体现于城市内外经济活动中的各种生产关系为研究对象。区域经济学(Regional Economics)是经济学与地理学交叉而形成的应用经济学,是从经济学角度研究区域经济发展与区域关系协调的科学。在我国,城市经济学属于区域经济学下面的三级学科,因为他们跟地理和空间分析极为紧密,因此又常常把空间计量模型应用于实证分析。尽管空间计量方法在该领域发展很快,但在主流经济学领域似乎还是未被广泛采用,在经济学TOP 5期刊里,极少能看到将空间计量模型作为实证分析的基准回归。


1.空间计量经济学最新进展和理论框架2.空间和时间的计量,关注二位国人3.空间计量模型选择、估计、权重、检验4.空间计量百科全书式的使用指南的do file公开5.空间计量百科全书式的使用指南, 只此一份掌握此独门秘籍7.空间计量软件代码资源集锦(Matlab/R/Python/SAS/Stata),8.用R语言做空间计量, 绝不容错过的简明教程9.R软件中的空间计量经济学程序包纵览,10.空间计量的研究领域模型, 发展阶段与最新进展,11.空间计量和交互项如何使用, 将空间计量进行到底,12.JEL上空间经济学综述, 从中可以学到什么?13.空间DID双重差分方法的文献, spatial DID,14.中国所有地级市各类空间权重矩阵数据release,15.中国省级三大空间权重矩阵(相邻, 距离和经济)数据release,16.ArcGIS操作实例视频教程38讲全集,17.Arcgis使用通行Textbook推荐, 系统学习的宝库,18.Anselin讲解空间计量和GeoDa的运用,19.空间计量经济学与操作命令分解,20.空间面板数据模型估计数据, 程序和解读21.空间双重差分法(spatial DID)最新实证papers合辑,22.空间面板回归模型: SAR, SDM, SAC和SEM,23.“RDD女王”获2020年小诺奖!她的RD数据, 程序, GIS和博士论文可下载!关于她学术研究过程的最全采访!24.中国地图里的南海诸岛在哪里, 绘制指南25.2019版标准地图已上线, 空间计量的注意!26.空间计量免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 空间相关学者注意查收!27.经典! 空间计量代码学习小册子, 先到先得下载完为止!

从上面的统计结果可知,我国学者在过去5年里发表了18篇JUE,但在Urban Studies发表了113篇。对比显示,JUE发表难度更大,而且以经济学研究范式为主,因此对很多做人文或经济地理的学者较难。
文章名称 作者 期刊名称 日期 被引次数
The birth of edge cities in China: Measuring the effects of industrial parks policy Zheng, Siqi; Sun, Weizeng; Wu, Jianfeng; Kahn, Matthew E. JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 38
The effects of driving restrictions on travel behavior evidence from Beijing Gu, Yizhen; Deakin, Elizabeth; Long, Ying JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 27
To build above the limit? Implementation of land use regulations in urban China Cai, Hongbin; Wang, Zhi; Zhang, Qinghua JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 21
The role of transportation speed in facilitating high skilled teamwork across cities Dong, Xiaofang; Zheng, Siqi; Kahn, Matthew E. JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 20
Does investment in national highways help or hurt hinterland city growth? Baum-Snow, Nathaniel; Henderson, J. Vernon; Turner, Matthew A.; Zhang, Qinghua; Brandt, Loren JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 12
Decentralization, incentives, and local tax enforcement Jia, Junxue; Ding, Siying; Liu, Yongzheng JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 9
Race-specific urban wage premia and the black-white wage gap Ananat, Elizabeth; Shihe, Fu; Ross, Stephen L. JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 6
Using purchase restrictions to cool housing markets: A within-market analysis Somerville, Tsur; Wang, Long; Yang, Yang JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 5
Density economies and transport geography: Evidence from the container shipping industry Xu, Hangtian; Itoh, Hidekazu JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 5
Centralization and regional development: Evidence from a political hierarchy reform to create cities in china Bo, Shiyu JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 5
Wage growth, ability sorting, and location choice at labor-force entry: New evidence from US Census data Wang, Zhi JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 3
Valuing primary schools in urban China Chan, Jimmy; Fang, Xian; Wang, Zhi; Zai, Xianhua; Zhang, Qinghua JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 3
Tightening belts to buy a home: Consumption responses to rising housing prices in urban China Waxman, Andrew; Liang, Yuanning; Li, Shanjun; Barwick, Panle Jia; Zhao, Meng JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 3
Land-use regulation and the intensive margin of housing supply Tan, YA; Wang, Zhi; Zhang, Qinghua JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 3
Do political connections help or hinder urban economic growth? Evidence from 1,400 industrial parks in China Kahn, Matthew E.; Sun, Weizeng; Wu, Jianfeng; Zheng, Siqi JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 3
Preferences of public transit commuters: Evidence from smart card data in Singapore Agarwal, Sumit; Diao, Mi; Keppo, Jussi; Sing, Tien Foo JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 1
Rail accidents and property values in the era of unconventional energy production Tang, Chuan; Czajkowski, Jeffrey; Heintzelman, Martin D.; Li, Minghao; Montgomery, Marilyn JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 0
Do in-kind grants stick? The department of defense 1033 program and local government spending Bruce, Donald J.; Carruthers, Celeste K.; Harris, Matthew C.; Murray, Matthew N.; Park, Jinseong JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 0
Marshallian Sources of Relatedness and Their Effects on Firm Survival and Subsequent Success in China Howell, Anthony ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2017 10
Strong Links and Weak Links: How Do Unrelated Industries Survive in an Unfriendly Environment? Zhu, Shengjun; Guo, Qi; He, Canfei ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2021 0
FINANCING CHINA'S SUBURBANIZATION: Capital Accumulation through Suburban Land Development in Hangzhou Liu, Yong; Yue, Wenze; Fan, Peilei; Peng, YI; Zhang, Zhengtao INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2016 20
Beyond Space: Spatial (Re)Production and Middle-Class Remaking Driven by Jiaoyufication in Nanjing City, China Wu, Qiyan; Edensor, Tim; Cheng, Jianquan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2018 20
A SMALL ENTREPRENEURIAL CITY IN ACTION: Policy Mobility, Urban Entrepreneurialism, and Politics of Scale in Jiyuan, China He, Shenjing; Li, Lingyue; Zhang, Yong; Wang, Jun INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2018 15
Governmentality and Spatial Strategies: Towards Formalization of Street Vendors in Guangzhou, China Huang, Gengzhi; Xue, Desheng; Wang, Yang INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2019 5
Extracting Value, London Style: Revisiting the Role of the State in Urban Development Robinson, Jennifer; Attuyer, Katia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 4
Village Redevelopment and Desegregation as a Strategy for Metropolitan Development: Some Lessons from Guangzhou City Wong, Siu Wai; Tang, Bo-sin; Liu, Jinlong INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2018 3
Who Builds Cities in China? How Urban Investment and Development Companies Have Transformed Shanghai Jiang, Yanpeng; Waley, Paul INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 2
The State as Both Regulator and Player: The Politics of Transfer of Development Rights in China Shao, Zinan; Xu, Jiang; Chung, Calvin King Lam; Spit, Tejo; Wu, Qun INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 2
Family Arrangements and Children's Education Among Migrants: A Case Study of China Huang, Youqin; Liang, Zai; Song, Qian; Tao, Ran INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 2
Contesting Eco-Urbanism from Below: The Construction of 'Zero-Waste Neighborhoods' in Chinese Cities Lin, George C. S.; Kao, Shih-Yang INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 1
Remaking Shanghai: New Divisions in an Expanding Metropolis Gu, Honghuan; Logan, John R.; Wu, Ruijun INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 0
FROM SOCIALIST SUBJECT TO CAPITALIST OBJECT: Industry Enclave Life Past and Present in Wuhan Phelps, Nicholas A.; Miao, Julie T.; Li, Zhigang; Lin, Sainan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 0
'For the People' Without 'by the People': People and Plans in Shanghai's Waterfront Development Li, Yifei; Zhong, Xiaohua INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 2020 0
How to jump further and catch up? Path-breaking in an uneven industry space Zhu, Shengjun; He, Canfei; Zhou, YI JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2017 44
Functional specialisation in trade Timmer, Marcel P.; Miroudot, Sebastien; de Vries, Gaaitzen J. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2019 17
International trade and local labor markets: Do foreign and domestic shocks affect regions differently? Partridge, Mark D.; Rickman, Dan S.; Olfert, M. Rose; Tan, Ying JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2017 16
A tale of two distances: a study of technological distance, geographic distance and multilocation firms Wang, Shixiang; Zhao, Minyuan JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2018 5
Airports, access and local economic performance: evidence from China Gibbons, Stephen; Wu, Wenjie JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2020 3
Impact of air pollution on short-term movements: evidence from air travels in China Chen, Shuai; Chen, Yuyu; Lei, Ziteng; Tan-Soo, Jie-Sheng JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2020 1
Commute costs and labor supply: evidence from a satellite campus Fu, Shihe; Viard, V. Brian JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2019 0
Clustering, growth and inequality in China Guo, Di; Jiang, Kun; Xu, Chenggang; Yang, Xiyi JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2020 0
High-speed railway to success? The effects of high-speed rail connection on regional economic development in China Yu, Feng; Lin, Faqin; Tang, Yihong; Zhong, Changbiao JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 17
High-speed railroads and economic geography: Evidence from Japan Li, Zhigang; Xu, Hangtian JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2018 17
Government institutions and the dynamics of urban growth in China Rodriguez-Pose, Andres; Zhang, MIN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 13
Urban redevelopment and residential location choice: Evidence from a major earthquake in Japan Xu, Hangtian; Wang, SI JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 6
Does clean air increase the demand for the consumer city? Evidence from Beijing Sun, Cong; Zheng, Siqi; Wang, Jianghao; Kahn, Matthew E. JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 5
Railroad development, temporal-spatial externalities, and growth spillover: Theory and empirical evidence Chen, Yun; Wei, Lijia JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2018 4
The Chinese mosaic: Cultural diversity and creative cities Zhang, Cui JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 3
Spatial inequality and urban costs: Revisiting the home market effect Zhou, Yiming JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 1
Destination choices of Chinese rural-urban migrant workers: Jobs, amenities, and local spillovers Wang, Zhiling; Chen, LU JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 1
Are the most productive regions necessarily the most successful? Local effects of productivity growth on employment and earnings Partridge, Mark; Tsvetkova, Alexandra; Betz, Michael JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 1
A revealed preference index of urban amenities: Using travel demand as a proxy Broxterman, Daniel A.; Kuang, Chun JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 1
Causal effects of the fracking boom on long-term resident workers Winters, John, V; Cai, ZhengYu; Maguire, Karen; Sengupta, Shruti JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 0
Agglomeration and firm wage inequality: Evidence from China Chen, Anping; Dai, Tianshi; Partridge, Mark D. JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 0
Land tenure insecurity and rural-urban migration in rural China Ma, Xianlei; Heerink, Nico; van Ierland, Ekko; Shi, Xiaoping PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 27
Agglomeration, (un)-related variety and new firm survival in China: Do local subsidies matter? Howell, Anthony; He, Canfei; Yang, Rudai; Fan, C. Cindy PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2018 22
Regional industrial evolution in China He, Canfei; Yan, Yan; Rigby, David PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2018 20
Uncovering regional characteristics from mobile phone data: A network science approach Chi, Guanghua; Thill, Jean-Claude; Tong, Daoqin; Shi, Li; Liu, YU PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 17
A closer look at revealed comparative advantage: Gross-versus value-added trade flows Brakman, Steven; van Marrewijk, Charles PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 13
Agglomeration of knowledge intensive business services and urban productivity Zhang, Cui PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 11
What city amenities matter in attracting smart people? Zheng, Liang PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 10
Optimal time for implementing cordon toll pricing scheme in a monocentric city Li, Zhi-chun; Guo, Qian-Wen PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 10
Highways and industrial development in the peripheral regions of China Xu, Hangtian; Nakajima, Kentaro PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 10
Interaction between different forms of proximity in inter-organizational scientific collaboration: The case of medical sciences research network in the Yangtze River Delta region Cao, Zhan; Derudder, Ben; Peng, Zhenwei PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 9
Spatial dependence and heterogeneity in the location processes of new high-tech firms in Nanjing, China Li, Yingcheng; Zhu, Kai PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 8
Heterogeneous economic resilience and the great recession's world trade collapse van Bergeijk, Peter A. G.; Brakman, Steven; van Marrewijk, Charles PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 8
Topographic heterogeneity, rural labour transfer and cultivated land use: An empirical study of plain and low-hill areas in China Luo, Xiang; Zhang, Zuo; Lu, Xinhai; Zhang, LU PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 7
Foreign exports, net interregional spillovers and Chinese regional supply chains Pei, Jiansuo; Oosterhaven, Jan; Dietzenbacher, Erik PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 5
Does cognition matter? Applying the push-pull-mooring model to Chinese farmers' willingness to withdraw from rural homesteads Fan, Wen; Zhang, Lifang PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 4
A spatial panel data analysis of China's urban land expansion, 2004-2014 Li, Yingcheng; Xiong, Weiting PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 4
The willingness to pay for in-house piped water in urban and rural Indonesia Suparman, Yusep; Folmer, Henk; Oud, Johan H. L. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 3
Has highway construction narrowed the urban-rural income gap? Evidence from Chinese cities Huang, Zhenxiong; Xu, Hangtian; Li, Jianming; Luo, Nengsheng PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 3
Travel costs, trade, and market segmentation: Evidence from China's high-speed railway Niu, Dongxiao; Sun, Weizeng; Zheng, Siqi PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 2
The puzzling heterogeneity of amenity capitalization effects on land markets Wu, Wenjie; Dong, Guanpeng; Zhang, Wenzhong PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017 2
Spatio-temporal evolution of regional inequality and contribution decomposition of economic growth: A case study of Jiangsu Province, China Liu, Baiqiong; Xu, Min; Wang, Jing; Zhao, Lin; Xie, Sumei PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 2
The size distribution of exporting and non-exporting firms in a panel of Chinese provinces Peng, Guohua; Xia, Fan PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016 1
Is financial development narrowing the urban-rural income gap? A cross-regional study of China Su, Chi-Wei; Song, YU; Ma, Ye-Ting; Tao, Ran PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 1
E-commerce development and urban-rural income gap: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China Li, Lili; Zeng, Yiwu; Ye, Zi; Guo, Hongdong PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 1
Does climate matter? An empirical study of interregional migration in China Gao, LI; Sam, Abdoul G. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 1
Unpacking the U-shaped relationship between related variety and firm sales: Evidence from Japan Lu, Ren; Song, Qing; Xia, Ting; Lv, Daguo; Reve, Torger; Jian, Ze PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2021 0
Universities and the Formation of Edge Cities: Evidence from China's Government-led University Town Construction Wang, Yuan; Tang, Wei PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 0
Factors influencing farmers' intentions for urban-rural harmony in metropolitan fringes and regional differences therein Cao, Wei; Zhou, Shenglu; Wu, Shaohua; Song, Chaoye PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 0
Cross-city spillovers in Chinese housing markets: From a city network perspective Gong, Yunlong; de Haan, Jan; Boelhouwer, Peter PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 0
Can the internet reshape the national city size distribution? Cross-country evidence Wang, YU; Sun, Bindong; Wu, Sixu; Li, Wan; Zhang, Tinglin PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2021 0
Alternative measure of border effects across regions: Ripley's K-function method Ge, Ying; Pu, Yingxia; Sun, Mengdi PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2020 0
A spatial regression methodology for exploring the role of regional connectivity in knowledge production: Evidence from Chinese regions Sheng, Yuxue; LeSage, James PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2021 0
A framework for economies classification and its application to China's regions Ge, Fei PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2019 0
Strategic interaction in political competition: Evidence from spatial effects across Chinese cities Yu, Jihai; Zhou, Li-An; Zhu, Guozhong REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 60
A spatial differentiation study on comprehensive carrying capacity of the urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Tian, Yuan; Sun, Chuanwang REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 25
Spatial interrelations of Chinese housing markets: Spatial causality, convergence and diffusion Gong, Yunlong; Hu, JinXing; Boelhouwer, Peter J. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 22
The impact of China's housing provident fund on homeownership, housing consumption and housing investment Tang, Mingzhe; Coulson, N. Edward REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 20
Fear of nuclear power? Evidence from Fukushima nuclear accident and land markets in China Zhu, Hongjia; Deng, Yongheng; Zhu, Rong; He, Xiaobo REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 17
Changes in the distribution of land prices in urban China during 2007-2012 Qin, Yu; Zhu, Hongjia; Zhu, Rong REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 17
Housing price spillovers in China: A high-dimensional generalized VAR approach Yang, Jian; Yu, Ziliang; Deng, Yongheng REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 16
Is road infrastructure investment in China excessive? Evidence from productivity of firms Li, Zhigang; Wu, Mingqin; Chen, Bin R. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 15
Overreaction to policy changes in the housing market: Evidence from Shanghai Zhou, Zhengyi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 14
Market size, competition, and firm productivity for manufacturing in China Ding, Chengri; Niu, Yi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 10
Agglomeration economies in creative industries Tao, Jin; Ho, Chun-Yu; Luo, Shougui; Sheng, Yue REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 9
Estimation of single-index model with spatial interaction Sun, Yan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 8
Estimation and model selection of higher-order spatial autoregressive model: An efficient Bayesian approach Han, Xiaoyi; Hsieh, Chih-Sheng; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 8
A spatial panel data model with time varying endogenous weights matrices and common factors Shi, Wei; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 8
Doing well by doing good? The case of housing construction quality in China He, Jia; Wu, Jing REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 7
Urban inclusiveness and income inequality in China Qiu, Leiju; Zhao, Daxuan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 6
Identification of spatial variation in road network and its driving patterns: Economy and population Hu, Xisheng; Wu, Chengzhen; Wang, Jiankai; Qiu, Rongzu REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 6
Rental housing discrimination across protected classes: Evidence from a randomized experiment Murchie, Judson; Pang, Jindong REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 5
Urban house price surfaces near a World Heritage Site: Modeling conditional price and spatial heterogeneity Fritsch, Markus; Haupt, Harry; Ng, Pin T. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 4
The impact of the cost of car ownership on the house price gradient in Singapore Huang, Naqun; Li, Jing; Ross, Amanda REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 4
Testing endogeneity of spatial and social networks Cheng, Wei; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 4
Spatial interactive effects on housing prices in Shanghai and Beijing Guo, Juncong; Qu, Xi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 4
Informal borrowing and home purchase: Evidence from urban China Fan, Ying; Wu, Jing; Yang, Zan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2017 4
Theoretical foundations for spatial econometric research Xu, Xingbai; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 3
The effect of air pollution on criminal activities: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program Chen, Siyu; Li, Teng REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 3
Tests for spatial dependence and heterogeneity in spatially autoregressive varying coefficient models with application to Boston house price analysis Li, Deng-Kui; Mei, Chang-lin; Wang, Ning REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 3
Outer-product-of-gradients tests for spatial autoregressive models Jin, Fei; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 3
Identification and estimation of spatial dynamic panel simultaneous equations models Yang, Kai; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 3
Can price regulation increase land-use intensity? Evidence from China's industrial land market Lin, Yatang; Qin, Yu; Yang, Yang; Zhu, Hongjia REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 3
Bias correction and refined inferences for fixed effects spatial panel data models Yang, Zhenlin; Yu, Jihai; Liu, Shew Fan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2016 3
Tobit models with social interactions: Complete vs incomplete information Yang, Chao; Lee, Lung-fei; Qu, Xi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 2
Strategical interactions on municipal public safety spending with correlated private information Yang, Chao; Lee, Lung-fei REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 2
GMM estimation of the spatial autoregressive model in a system of interrelated networks Wang, Wei; Lee, Lung-fei; Bao, Yan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2018 2
The selection and quantile treatment effects on the economic returns of green buildings Liao, Wen-Chi; Zhao, Daxuan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 1
Temporary driving restrictions, air pollution, and contemporaneous health: Evidence from China Han, Qing; Liu, Ying; Lu, Zilong REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 1
Human capital externalities or consumption spillovers? The effect of high-skill human capital across low-skill labor markets * Liu, Shimeng; Yang, XI REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 1
Bayesian Lassos for spatial durbin error model with smoothness prior: Application to detect spillovers of China's treaty ports Li, Jianan; Han, Xiaoyi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2019 1
What happens when Airbnb comes to the neighborhood: The impact of home-sharing on neighborhood investment Xu, Minhong; Xu, Yilan REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 0
School runs and urban traffic congestion: Evidence from China Sun, Weizeng; Guo, DongMei; Li, Qiang; Fang, Haidong REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 0
Salience of hazard disclosure and house prices: Evidence from Christchurch, New Zealand Huang, YI REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 0
How do home purchase restrictions affect elite Chinese graduate students' job search behavior? Sun, Weizeng; Zhang, Sisi; Lin, Chengtao; Zheng, Siqi REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 0
Household residential location choice in retirement: The role of climate amenities Lu, Jiajun REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2020 0
Epidemic shocks and housing price responses: Evidence from China's urban residential communities Liu, Yanan; Tang, Yugang REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS 2021 0
Measuring Polycentric Urban Development in China: An Intercity Transportation Network Perspective Liu, Xingjian; Derudder, Ben; Wu, Kang REGIONAL STUDIES 2016 107
Understanding city-regionalism in China: regional cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta Li, YI; Wu, Fulong REGIONAL STUDIES 2018 43
Can transport infrastructure change regions' economic fortunes? Some evidence from Europe and China Chen, Chia-Lin; Vickerman, Roger REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 37
Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation in Chinese Regions: The Role of Regional Industrial Specialization and Diversity Wang, Yuandi; Ning, Lutao; Li, Jian; Prevezer, Martha REGIONAL STUDIES 2016 32
City shrinkage in China: scalar processes of urban and hukou population losses Yang, Zhenshan; Dunford, Michael REGIONAL STUDIES 2018 24
Regionalization in the Yangtze River Delta, China, from the perspective of inter-city daily mobility Zhang, Weiyang; Derudder, Ben; Wang, Jianghao; Shen, Wei REGIONAL STUDIES 2018 20
Uneven and combined development Dunford, Michael; Liu, Weidong REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 19
The emergence of collaborative partnerships between knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) and product companies: the case of Bremen, Germany Liu, Yipeng; Lattemann, Christoph; Xing, Yijun; Dorawa, David REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 13
Understanding heterogeneous spatial production externalities as a missing link between land-use planning and urban economic futures Pan, Haozhi; Yang, Tianren; Jin, Ying; Dall'erba, Sandy; Hewings, Geoffrey REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 12
Regional spillover and rising connectedness in China's urban housing prices Zhang, Dayong; Fan, Gang-Zhi REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 12
R&D collaborations and the role of proximity Marek, Philipp; Titze, Mirko; Fuhrmeister, Clemens; Blum, Ulrich REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 12
Place leadership with Chinese characteristics? A case study of the Zaozhuang coal-mining region in transition Hu, Xiaohui; Hassink, Robert REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 12
The dynamics of local upgrading in globalizing latecomer regions: a geographical analysis Liu, YI REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 10
Exploring the spatial dimensions of nanotechnology development in China: the effects of funding and spillovers Wang, Lili; Jacob, Jojo; Li, Zibiao REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 10
Exploring financial centre networks through inter-urban collaboration in high-end financial transactions in China Pan, Fenghua; Bi, Wenkai; Liu, Xingjian; Sigler, Thomas REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 10
Rural banking in China: geographically accessible but still financially excluded? Yeung, Godfrey; He, Canfei; Zhang, Peng REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 8
Planning megaregional futures: spatial imaginaries and megaregion formation in China Harrison, John; Gu, Hao REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 5
Migration "against the tide': location and Jewish diaspora entrepreneurs Elo, Maria; Taeube, Florian; Volovelsky, Erez Katz REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 5
Infrastructure, externalities and regional industrial productivity in China: a spatial econometric approach Zhang, Yin-Fang; Ji, Shengbao REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 4
Fiscal Policy and Regional Output Volatility: Evidence from Russia Eller, Markus; Fidrmuc, Jarko; Fungacovas, Zuzana REGIONAL STUDIES 2016 4
Determinants of occupational mobility: the importance of place of work McCollum, David; Liu, YE; Findlay, Allan; Feng, Zhiqiang; Nightingale, Glenna REGIONAL STUDIES 2018 4
Characterizing broken links on national and local expressways in Chinese city-regions Liu, Xingjian REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 4
Bureaucratic Rationale and Use of an Academic Concept in Policy-Making: The Rise and Fall of the Regional Innovation System in South Korea Sonn, Jung Won; Kang, Hyunsoo REGIONAL STUDIES 2016 4
Assembling mega-urban projects through state-guided governance innovation: the development of Lingang in Shanghai Shen, Jie; Luo, Xiang; Wu, Fulong REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 4
Linking global financial networks with regional development: a case study of Linyi, China Pan, Fenghua; Yang, Chun; Wang, HE; Wojcik, Dariusz REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 3
Does religion matter to informal finance? Evidence from trade credit in China Cao, Chunfang; Chan, Kam C.; Hou, Wenxuan; Jia, Fansheng REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 3
Cultural diversity and new firm formation in China Sun, Bindong; Zhu, Pan; Li, Wan REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 3
Are trade fairs relevant for local innovation knowledge networks? Evidence from Shanghai equipment manufacturing Zhu, Yi-Wen; Bathelt, Harald; Zeng, Gang REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 3
Geographical influences on the relationship between corporate philanthropy and corporate financial performance Lu, Jane; Liang, Xueji; Wang, Heli REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 2
Wage flexibility in the Chinese labour market, 1989-2009 Kang, Lili; Peng, Fei REGIONAL STUDIES 2017 1
The impact of spatial spillovers on interprovincial migration in China, 2005-10 Pu, Yingxia; Han, Xiao; Chi, Guangqing; Wang, Yaping; Ge, Ying; Kong, Fanhua REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 1
Regional institutions, financial analysts and stock price informativeness Ding, Rong; Hou, Wenxuan; Kuo, Jing-Ming; Lee, Edward REGIONAL STUDIES 2018 1
Positive feedback in skill aggregation across Chinese cities Chung, Seung-hun; Zhang, MIN; Partridge, Mark D. REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 1
Population agglomeration and the effectiveness of enterprise subsidies: a Chinese analysis Deng, Kebin; Ding, Zhong; Xu, Mingli REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 1
Market imperative and cluster evolution in China: evidence from Shunde Fu, Tianlan; Yang, Chun; Li, Lixun REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 1
Learning from yourself or learning from neighbours: knowledge spillovers, institutional context and firm upgrading Zhou, YI; Zhu, Shengjun; He, Canfei REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 1
Inter- and intra-city networks: how networks are shaping China's film industry Wen, Hu; Zhang, Qiangguo; Zhu, Shengjun; Huang, Yongyuan REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 1
Does infrastructure spending lead to price effects in the property market? Evidence from major cities across India Deng, Xiaoying; Nanda, Anupam; Ong, Seow Eng REGIONAL STUDIES 2019 1
The impact of metropolitan technology on the non-metropolitan labour market: evidence from US patents Hean, Oudom; Partridge, Mark D. REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
The evolution of transport networks and the regional water environment: the case of Chinese high-speed rail Guo, Huanxiu; Chen, Cheng; Dong, Xiaofang; Jiang, Changmin REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
The creative renewal of a craft cluster: the role of materiality and mobility in cluster evolution Yang, Xueke (Stephanie); Xu, Honggang; Ni, Sisi REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 0
Strategic coupling in global production networks through international cooperation zones: the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone Zheng, Zhi; Liu, Weidong; Song, Tao REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Spillovers across industries and regions in China's regional economic diversification Gao, Jian; Jun, Bogang; Pentland, Alex 'Sandy'; Zhou, Tao; Hidalgo, Cesar A. REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Soft information and the geography of SME bank lending Zhao, Tianshu; Luintel, Kul B.; Matthews, Kent REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 0
Skill diversity of cities and entrepreneurship Zhang, Cui REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 0
Regional economic resilience in China: measurement and determinants Wang, Zanxin; Wei, Wei REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Polycentric urban structure and innovation: evidence from a panel of Chinese cities Li, Yingcheng; Du, Rui REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Negative human capital externalities in well-being: evidence from Chinese cities Guo, Qi; Qian, Haifeng REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
History matters: the effects of Chinese ports from 170 years ago on entrepreneurship today Wang, Zhe; Yang, Huan; Zhang, Xinning REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 0
Financialization of urban development in China: fantasy, fact or somewhere in between? Jiang, Yanpeng; Waley, Paul REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Entrepreneurship education and firm creation Breznitz, Shiri M.; Zhang, Qiantao REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Do polycentric urban regions promote functional spillovers and economic performance? Evidence from China Wang, Yixiao; Sun, Bindong; Zhang, Tinglin REGIONAL STUDIES 2020 0
Defining 'centres' in analyses of polycentric urban regions: the case of the Yangtze River Delta Zhang, Weiyang; Derudder, Ben; Liu, Xingjian; Sun, Bindong; Wang, YU REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
China's State Energy Investment during 1991-2007: Investment Analysis and Policy Issues Bo, Hong; Zhang, Baoshan; Oughton, Christine; Yuan, Xiaoling; Ma, Jun REGIONAL STUDIES 2016 0
Can the Internet narrow regional economic disparities? Wu, Sixu; Wang, Panpan; Sun, Bindong REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Agglomerative patterns and cooperative networks of the online video industry in China Zhang, XU; Sun, Chuanxiang; Mei, Lin REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
'Buzz-and-pipeline' dynamics in Chinese science: the impact of interurban collaboration linkages on cities' innovation capacity Cao, Zhan; Derudder, Ben; Dai, Liang; Peng, Zhenwei REGIONAL STUDIES 2021 0
Developing by borrowing? Inter-jurisdictional competition, land finance and local debt accumulation in China Pan, Fenghua; Zhang, Fengmei; Zhu, Shengjun; Wojcik, Dariusz URBAN STUDIES 2017 49
Does formal housing encourage settlement intention of rural migrants in Chinese cities? A structural equation model analysis Liu, Zhilin; Wang, Yujun; Chen, Shaowei URBAN STUDIES 2017 45
Intra-city access to inter-city transport nodes: The implications of high-speed-rail station locations for the urban development of Chinese cities Diao, Mi; Zhu, YI; Zhu, Jiren URBAN STUDIES 2017 43
Jiaoyufication: When gentrification goes to school in the Chinese inner city Wu, Qiyan; Zhang, Xiaoling; Waley, Paul URBAN STUDIES 2016 40
Effects of China's urban form on urban air quality Lu, Chen; Liu, YI URBAN STUDIES 2016 39
Strategic interaction in local governments' industrial land supply: Evidence from China Huang, Zhonghua; Du, Xuejun URBAN STUDIES 2017 34
Entrepreneurship in China: The role of localisation and urbanisation economies Guo, Qi; He, Canfei; Li, Deyu URBAN STUDIES 2016 33
Mapping urban networks through inter-firm service relationships: The case of China Pan, Fenghua; Bi, Wenkai; Lenzer, James; Zhao, Simon URBAN STUDIES 2017 31
Urban form, car ownership and activity space in inner suburbs: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Chicago (United States) Tana; Kwan, Mei-Po; Chai, Yanwei URBAN STUDIES 2016 30
Determinants of residential satisfaction in urban China: A multi-group structural equation analysis Ren, Honghao; Folmer, Henk URBAN STUDIES 2017 29
The China model withering? Institutional roots of China's local developmentalism Su, Fubing; Tao, Ran URBAN STUDIES 2017 28
From urban sprawl to land consolidation in suburban Shanghai under the backdrop of increasing versus decreasing balance policy: A perspective of property rights transfer Tian, Li; Guo, XU; Yin, Wei URBAN STUDIES 2017 26
Identifying house price effects of changes in urban street configuration: An empirical study in Nanjing, China Xiao, Yang; Webster, Chris; Orford, Scott URBAN STUDIES 2016 24
Village-led land development under state-led institutional arrangements in urbanising China: The case of Shenzhen Lai, Yani; Chan, Edwin Hon Wan; Choy, Lennon URBAN STUDIES 2017 20
The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: Evidence from Nanjing, China Feng, Jianxi; Tang, Shuangshuang; Chuai, Xiaowei URBAN STUDIES 2018 18
Hukou-based labour market discrimination and ownership structure in urban China Song, Yang URBAN STUDIES 2016 18
The price premium for green-labelled housing: Evidence from China Zhang, LI; Liu, Hongyu; Wu, Jing URBAN STUDIES 2017 17
Residential segregation and perceptions of social integration in Shanghai, China Liu, Lin; Huang, Youqin; Zhang, Wenhong URBAN STUDIES 2018 17
Residential segregation and employment outcomes of rural migrant workers in China Zhu, Pengyu URBAN STUDIES 2016 16
How sensitive are measures of polycentricity to the choice of 'centres'? A methodological and empirical exploration Zhang, Weiyang; Derudder, Ben URBAN STUDIES 2019 13
Evaluating restrictive measures containing housing prices in China: A data envelopment analysis approach Li, Jing; Xu, Ying URBAN STUDIES 2016 13
Comparing passenger flow and time schedule data to analyse High-Speed Railways and urban networks in China Yang, Haoran; Dijst, Martin; Witte, Patrick; van Ginkel, Hans; Wang, Jiao'e URBAN STUDIES 2019 13
Changes in residential satisfaction after home relocation: A longitudinal study in Beijing, China Wang, Fenglong; Wang, Donggen URBAN STUDIES 2019 13
Agency and social construction of space under top-down planning: Resettled rural residents in China Zhang, MIN; Wu, Weiping; Zhong, Weijing URBAN STUDIES 2018 13
The geopolitics of South-South infrastructure development: Chinese-financed energy projects in the global South Mohan, Giles; Tan-Mullins, May URBAN STUDIES 2019 12
How does parking interplay with the built environment and affect automobile commuting in high-density cities? A case study in China Liu, Qian; Wang, James; Chen, Peng; Xiao, Zuopeng URBAN STUDIES 2017 12
Assessing the public transport service to urban parks on the basis of spatial accessibility for citizens in the compact megacity of Shanghai, China Liang, Huilin; Zhang, Qingping URBAN STUDIES 2018 12
Urbanisation and the geographic concentration of industrial SO2 emissions in China He, Zekai; Shi, Xiuzhen; Wang, Xinhao; Xu, Yuwei URBAN STUDIES 2017 11
Emerging selective regimes in a fragmented authoritarian environment: The "three old redevelopment' policy in Guangzhou, China from 2009 to 2014 Li, Bin; Liu, Chaoqun URBAN STUDIES 2018 11
Beyond unemployment: Informal employment and heterogeneous motivations for participating in street vending in present-day China Huang, Gengzhi; Zhang, Hong-ou; Xue, Desheng URBAN STUDIES 2018 11
The influence of hukou and college education in China's labour market Xiao, Yang; Bian, Yanjie URBAN STUDIES 2018 9
The built environment and trip chaining behaviour revisited: The joint effects of the modifiable areal unit problem and tour purpose Yang, Liya; Hu, Lingqian; Wang, Zhenbo URBAN STUDIES 2019 9
Losers and Pareto optimality in optimising commuting patterns Zhou, Jiangping; Long, Ying URBAN STUDIES 2016 9
Institutional change and diversity in the transfer of land development rights in China: The case of Chengdu Shi, Chen; Tang, Bo-sin URBAN STUDIES 2020 9
Housing career disparities in urban China: A comparison between skilled migrants and locals in Nanjing Cui, Can URBAN STUDIES 2020 9
Gentrification effects of China's urban village renewals Wu, Wenjie; Wang, Jianghao URBAN STUDIES 2017 9
Emerging divided cities in China: Socioeconomic segregation in Shanghai, 2000-2010 Shen, Jie; Xiao, Yang URBAN STUDIES 2020 9
The roles of developer's status and competitive intensity in presale pricing in a residential market: A study of the spatio-temporal model in Hangzhou, China Hui, Eddie Chi Man; Liang, Cong; Wang, Ziyou; Wang, Yuan URBAN STUDIES 2016 8
The impacts of built environment on ridesourcing demand: A neighbourhood level analysis in Austin, Texas Yu, Haitao; Peng, Zhong-Ren URBAN STUDIES 2019 8
Spatial structure and labour productivity: Evidence from prefectures in China Li, Wan; Sun, Bindong; Zhang, Tinglin URBAN STUDIES 2019 8
Making urbanisation compact and equal: Integrating rural villages into urban communities in Kunshan, China Zhu, Jieming URBAN STUDIES 2017 8
Incorporating land use and pricing policies for reducing car dependence: Analytical framework and empirical evidence Zhang, Wenjia; Zhang, Ming URBAN STUDIES 2018 8
Governing the countryside through state-led programmes: A case study of Jiangning District in Nanjing, China Shen, Mingrui; Shen, Jianfa URBAN STUDIES 2018 8
(De-)Activating the growth machine for redevelopment: The case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou Guo, Youliang; Zhang, Chengguo; Wang, Ya Ping; Li, Xun URBAN STUDIES 2018 8
Theorising small city as ordinary city: Rethinking development and urbanism from China's south-west frontier Qian, Junxi; Tang, Xueqiong URBAN STUDIES 2019 7
Between haven and heaven in cities: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Utrecht (the Netherlands) Zhao, Ying; Dijst, Martin; Chai, Yanwei URBAN STUDIES 2016 7
An experimental study of the effect of intergroup contact on attitudes in urban China Gu, Jun; Nielsen, Ingrid; Shachat, Jason; Smyth, Russell; Peng, Yujia URBAN STUDIES 2016 7
What do young adults on the edges of homeownership look like in big cities in an emerging economy: Evidence from Shanghai Chen, Jie; Yang, Zan URBAN STUDIES 2017 6
The obesity epidemic and the metropolitan-scale built environment: Examining the health effects of polycentric development Yang, Jiawen; Zhou, Peiling URBAN STUDIES 2020 6
Spatial agglomeration and location determinants: Evidence from the US communications equipment manufacturing industry He, Zekai; Romanos, Michael URBAN STUDIES 2016 6
Residential relocation and the remaking of socialist workers through state-facilitated urban redevelopment in Chengdu, China Yang, Qinran; Ley, David URBAN STUDIES 2019 6
Parental migration and young migrants' wages in urban China: An exploratory analysis Lyu, Lidan; Chen, YU URBAN STUDIES 2019 6
Local name, global fame: The international visibility of Chinese cities in modern times Chen, Yunsong; Yan, Fei; Zhang, Yi URBAN STUDIES 2017 6
Institutional change and divergent economic resilience: Path development of two resource-depleted cities in China Hu, Xiaohui; Yang, Chun URBAN STUDIES 2019 6
City size and housing purchase intention: Evidence from rural-urban migrants in China Song, Yanjiao; Zhang, Chuanyong URBAN STUDIES 2019 6
China's development policies and city size distribution: An analysis based on Zipf's law Fang, Li; Li, Peng; Song, Shunfeng URBAN STUDIES 2017 6
Spatial inequality in the city-regions in the Yangtze River Valley, China Li, Huan; Wei, Yehua Dennis; Swerts, Elfie URBAN STUDIES 2020 5
Regional heterogeneity and the trans-regional interaction of housing prices and inflation: Evidence from China's 35 major cities Yu, Huayi; Huang, Yanfen URBAN STUDIES 2016 5
Market expansion, state intervention and wage differentials between economic sectors in urban China: A multilevel analysis Liu, YE; Xu, Wei; Shen, Jianfa; Wang, Guixin URBAN STUDIES 2017 5
Locating the interstitial island: Integration of Zhoushan Archipelago into the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration Zhang, Huan; Grydehoj, Adam URBAN STUDIES 2020 5
Density effect and optimum density of the urban population in China Su, Hongjian; Wei, Houkai; Zhao, Jian URBAN STUDIES 2017 5
An investigation of migrants' residential satisfaction in Beijing Chen, YU; Dang, Yunxiao; Dong, Guanpeng URBAN STUDIES 2020 5
A spatio-temporal analysis of urban crime in Beijing: Based on data for property crime Feng, Jian; Dong, Ying; Song, Leilei URBAN STUDIES 2016 5
Urban planners and the production of gated communities in China: A structure-agency approach Liao, Kaihuai; Wehrhahn, Rainer; Breitung, Werner URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
The role of the state in China's post-disaster reconstruction planning: Implications for resilience Xu, Jiang; Shao, Yiwen URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
The impact of rail transit on the distribution of new housing projects in Beijing Hu, Ruohan URBAN STUDIES 2017 4
Technological spillovers in space and firm productivity: Evidence from China's electric apparatus industry He, Ming; Chen, Yang; Schramm, Ron URBAN STUDIES 2018 4
Neighbourhood-scale public spaces, inter-group attitudes and migrant integration in Beijing, China Liu, Zhilin; Tan, Yiming; Chai, Yanwei URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
Multiple creators of knowledge-intensive service networks: A case study of the Pearl River Delta city-region Zhang, XU URBAN STUDIES 2018 4
Housing search and housing choice in urban China Tu, Yong; Li, Pei; Qiu, Leiju URBAN STUDIES 2017 4
Green infrastructure for China's new urbanisation: A case study of greenway development in Maanshan Zhang, Fangzhu; Chung, Calvin King Lam; Yin, Zihan URBAN STUDIES 2020 4
Examining the dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban spatial structure by agent-based modelling: A case study of Nanjing, China Liu, Helin; Silva, Elisabete URBAN STUDIES 2018 4
Distance to work in Beijing: Institutional reform and bargaining power Wang, Lanlan; Qin, Ping URBAN STUDIES 2017 4
Block-level changes in the socio-spatial landscape in Beijing: Trends and processes Liu, Lun; Silva, Elisabete A.; Long, Ying URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
Analysing the changes of employment subcentres: A comparison study of Houston and Dallas Liu, Xuejun; Pan, Qisheng; King, Lester; Jin, Zhonghua URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
Administrative restructuring and urban development in China: Effects of urban administrative level upgrading Wang, Jiejing; Yeh, Anthony G. O. URBAN STUDIES 2020 4
A temporally cyclic growth model of urban spatial morphology in China: Evidence from Kunming Metropolis Wu, Qiyan; Cheng, Jianquan URBAN STUDIES 2019 4
Unravelling the role of green entrepreneurs in urban sustainability transitions: A case study of China's Solar City Yu, Zhen; Gibbs, David URBAN STUDIES 2019 3
The changing social structure of global cities: Professionalisation, proletarianisation or polarisation Hamnett, Chris URBAN STUDIES 2020 3
Is Chinese urbanisation unique? Hamnett, Chris URBAN STUDIES 2020 3
Help whom and help what? Intergenerational co-residence and the gender differences in time use among dual-earner households in Beijing, China Ta, Na; Liu, Zhilin; Chai, Yanwei URBAN STUDIES 2019 3
Dwelling unit choice in a condominium complex: Analysis of willingness to pay and preference heterogeneity Jiang, Hai; Chen, Shuiping URBAN STUDIES 2016 3
The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space Kong, Lily; Woods, Orlando; Zhu, Hong URBAN STUDIES 2020 2
Spatial selectivity and intercity cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong Zhong, Yun; Su, Xiaobo URBAN STUDIES 2019 2
More promotion-focused, more happy? Regulatory focus, post-purchase evaluations and regret in the real estate market Chen, Jiangtao; Hui, Eddie; Wang, Zhongming URBAN STUDIES 2017 2
Impacts of a multi-scale built environment and its corresponding moderating effects on commute duration in China Sun, Bindong; Yin, Chun URBAN STUDIES 2019 2
Housing wealth and household consumption in urban China He, Zekai; Ye, Jingjing; Shi, Xiuzhen URBAN STUDIES 2020 2
Government fragmentation and economic growth in China's cities Zhang, Tinglin; Sun, Bindong; Cai, Yinyin; Wang, Rui URBAN STUDIES 2019 2
Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China Zhang, Shaoying; McGhee, Derek URBAN STUDIES 2020 2
Do agglomeration economies affect the local comovement of stock returns? Evidence from China Firth, Michael; Fu, Shihe; Shan, Liwei URBAN STUDIES 2017 2
Distributive politics in China: Regional favouritism and expansion of construction land Lu, Shenghua; Wang, Hui URBAN STUDIES 2020 2
A theoretical framework of the governance institutions of low-income housing in China Deng, Feng URBAN STUDIES 2018 2
Welfare migration or migrant selection? Social insurance participation and rural migrants' intentions to seek permanent urban settlement in China Xie, Shenghua; Chen, Juan; Ritakallio, Veli-Matti; Leng, Xiangming URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
Understanding the role of life events on residential mobility for low-income, subsidised households Wang, Ruoniu; Walter, Rebecca; Arafat, Abdulnaser; Song, Jie URBAN STUDIES 2019 1
The variegated role of the state in different gated neighbourhoods in China Lu, Tingting; Zhang, Fangzhu; Wu, Fulong URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
The spatial varying relationship between services of the train network and residential property values in Melbourne, Australia Li, Qianyao; Wang, Junwu; Callanan, Judith; Lu, Binbin; Guo, Zeng URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
State rescaling and large-scale urban development projects in China: The case of Lingang New Town, Shanghai Li, Jie; Chiu, Rebecca Lai Har URBAN STUDIES 2019 1
Regional housing price dependency in the UK: A dynamic network approach Zhang, Dayong; Ji, Qiang; Zhao, Wan-Li; Horsewood, Nicholas J. URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
Developing urban growth and urban quality: Entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment projects in Copenhagen and Hamburg Bruns-Berentelg, Juergen; Noring, Luise; Grydehoj, Adam URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
A longitudinal study of changes in intra-metropolitan employment concentration in Beijing: Decentralisation, reconcentration and polycentrification Sun, Tieshan URBAN STUDIES 2019 1
'The tiger's leap': The role of history in legitimating the authority of modern Chinese planners Feng, Xin; Chapman, Kiera URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
'Peasants are peasants': Prejudice against displaced villagers in newly-built urban neighbourhoods in China Du, Huimin; Song, Jing; Li, Si-ming URBAN STUDIES 2020 1
Upward or downward comparison? Migrants' socioeconomic status and subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities Liu, Yuqi; Liu, YE; Lin, Yanliu URBAN STUDIES 2020 0
Transfer-based decentralisation, economic growth and spatial inequality: Evidence from China's 2002-2003 tax sharing reform Fan, Fan; Li, Ming; Tao, Ran; Yang, Dali URBAN STUDIES 2019 0
Training, skill-upgrading and settlement intention of migrants: Evidence from China Wang, Qing; Ren, Ting; Liu, TI URBAN STUDIES 2019 0
The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen Tong, De; Wu, Yaying; Maclachlan, Ian; Zhu, Jieming URBAN STUDIES 2021 0
The impact of state-owned enterprises on the employment growth of manufacturing in Chinese cities: Evidence from economic census microdata Zheng, Liang URBAN STUDIES 2020 0
The impact of immediate urban environments on people's momentary happiness Su, Lingling; Zhou, Suhong; Kwan, Mei-Po; Chai, Yanwei; Zhang, Xue URBAN STUDIES 2021 0
Proximity and the evolving knowledge polycentricity of megalopolitan science: Evidence from China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 1990-2016 Ma, Haitao; Li, Yingcheng; Huang, Xiaodong URBAN STUDIES 2020 0
Manufacturing urbanism: Improvising the urban-industrial nexus through Chinese economic zones in Africa Goodfellow, Tom; Huang, Zhengli URBAN STUDIES 2021 0
Government debt, land financing and distributive justice in China Cai, Meina; Fan, Jianyong; Ye, Chunhui; Zhang, QI URBAN STUDIES 2020 0
Becoming 'pet slaves' in urban China: Transspecies urban theory, single professional women and their companion animals Tan, Chris K. K.; Liu, Tingting; Gao, Xiaojun URBAN STUDIES 2021 0
A method for estimating localised space-use pattern and its applications in integrated land-use transport modelling Zhong, Ming; Yu, Bilin; Liu, Shaobo; Hunt, John Douglas; Wang, Huini URBAN STUDIES 2018 0
