TE||A woman walking






A woman walking



Ninalee Allen Craig died on May 1st

The star of one of the 20th century’s most famous and controversial images was 90

尼纳利·艾伦·克雷格(Ninalee Allen Craig),20世纪最有名,最备受争议的明星之一,于5月1日去世,享年90岁。

THE photograph, by Ruth Orkin, was called “American Girl in Italy, Florence, 1951”. Whenever it surfaced, in restaurants, in students’ rooms, on T-shirts, on tote bags, so did the questions for Ninalee Allen Craig, who walked at its heart through a phalanx of Italian men. They stared and leered; one grabbed his crotch; their calls were almost audible. Wasn’t she afraid? Surely she was upset? Her downcast eyes, that clutch of her shawl, strongly suggested both those things.

美国著名摄影师露丝·奥金(Ruth Orkin)有一幅作品,名为《记1951年:意大利佛罗伦萨街上的美国女孩》。这幅照片或挂在餐厅、教室的墙上,或印在T恤衫和手提包上,随处可见。每当人们看见这幅图就冒出一连串的疑问。照片中央,尼纳利·艾伦·克雷格独行于一票意大利男人中间,形容落落,那些男人色迷迷地看着她,其中一个甚至手摸裆部,人们甚至能听到他们戏虐的喊叫。女孩不会害怕吗?她肯定感到不安了吧?只见图中她眼睛直盯着地面,紧紧抓住她的披肩,显然她确实又害怕又不安。

Then she would laugh her boisterous full laugh and say, not at all. On the contrary, she was imagining she was Dante’s Beatrice. She had studied the “Divine Comedy” with Robert Fitzgerald at Sarah Lawrence in New York, and had fallen in love with that notion of unattainable beauty. Her dollar-a-night hotel was on the Arno, and she had a corny postcard of a Victorian painting by Henry Holiday that showed Beatrice walking by the river, in shining white, ignoring the stricken Dante, who pressed his pounding heart at the sight of her. Who knew whether her very own Dante might not be standing on some corner, while she swept luminously by?

而克雷格看到照片中的自己则会哈哈大笑,说自己并没有感到害怕。相反,她自比为是但丁的贝雅特丽齐(Dante’s Beatrice)。她曾在纽约的萨拉劳伦斯学院(Sarah Lawrence)跟着罗伯特·杰茨菲拉德(Robert Fitzgerald )学习《神曲》,深深地被其中可望不可及的美感所吸引。她住在意大利中部阿尔诺河畔的一家宾馆里,住宿费一美元一晚。她有一张发旧的明信片,印着亨利·霍利迪(Henry Holiday )的一幅维多利亚时期的画作,图上的贝雅特丽齐在河边散步,白衣飘飘,不远处的但丁一看到她,就被她的貌美所征住,怦然心动,手不自觉地捂在了胸口。而这一切,贝雅特丽齐却全然不知,谁会想到此刻但丁正站在旁边一角注视着悠然漫步的她呢?

Besides, even when she was not Beatrice, she was a New York girl having a wonderful time. When she left college she didn’t know where her place in the world was, so the answer seemed to be to explore it. Her mother, who had travelled young to Sicily, encouraged her to tour Europe until the money ran out. So she sailed third-class with a cardboard suitcase, going to France and round Spain on buses, ending up in Italy to look at art and to paint.


At 23, she was quite alone. That was rare for a woman, and intoxicating. Europe was open and empty of tourists, recovering from the war. Almost no papers were needed. In that spirit of adventure she revived her childhood nickname, “Jinx”, which sounded larky and exciting. No one kept tabs on her. She could call at the American Express office to check letters, but there was no need to communicate with home. And just as well, because when her father saw The Photograph, blown up big one day in Grand Central, he was horrified that she had been walking round Italy in that way. The world was hers to conquer.


When she met Ruth, who was doing the same and taking pictures as she went, they agreed to do a photo essay together, a spoof on the perils of girls travelling alone. It was August, the hottest day of the year. In full Jinx mode, she put on her New Look long skirt, a wide belt and an orange Mexican shawl. Her purse was a horse-feed bag which she had picked up in Spain. As they walked through the city she asked the way from a policeman, bargained for straw bags in a market, visited the Amex office. Much of what she did was flirty. She chatted to a young man in a café while putting on her violent red lipstick. Guide book in hand, she gawked at a statue of two naked wrestlers and sat, with a bored look, in front of a statue of Pan with his usual erection. Ignoring him.


In most of these pictures men were staring at her. At six feet tall, beautiful, foreign and walking alone, she was clearly an object of curiosity. And so she was when they turned at 10.30 into the Piazza della Repubblica, where there was a sea of men, and Ruth told her to walk through. She did so twice. Two shots, 35 seconds. After that, she climbed onto the back seat of the Lambretta whose rider had drawn up to admire her, and went for a ride.

这组专题中大部分照片上的男人都在盯着她看。身高6英尺(182cm),明艳照人,充满异域风情又独自旅行,这样的她,无疑引起了人们极大的好奇。就这样,那天上午10点半,她们来到了共和广场(Piazza della Repubblica),街边闲汉聚集,人山人海, 露丝叫她从那群男人中穿过时,她就是那个样子。她来回走了两次。露丝在35秒里拍了两张。拍完之后,她就爬上一辆摩托车的后座,迷恋她的车手带着她去兜风了。

Nothing was posed, she insisted. The men were just there, hanging round the Caffè Gilli because they had no jobs. She was furious when the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in an exhibition, described it as “staged”. Her second walk had increased the reaction, but that did not make it inauthentic. It was the real McCoy.

她坚称从未摆拍过。那帮闲汉就在Caffè Gilli周围闲逛,因为他们没有工作。大都会美术馆在一个展览中将她的作品形容为“上演”时,她怒了。 她的第二次拍摄确实增强了反应,但这并不影响作品的真实性,绝对童叟无欺。

This was not, however, the ground on which she had to defend the picture for the rest of her life. As she moved through two marriages, and from America to Italy to Canada, where she settled in Toronto, it was the sexual message that bothered people. In 1952, when it first appeared in Cosmopolitan magazine with a piece advising single women that “ogling  the ladies is a popular, harmless and flattering pastime...in many foreign countries”, the crotch-grabber was cropped out . Time-Life books airbrushed his hand out in 1961. She couldn’t think why. She was used to Italian men doing it, almost as a good-luck sign; a sort of reassurance, that the family jewels were intact.  As if she cared.

然而,“摆拍与否”并不构成她必须余生捍卫这幅作品的理由。她经历了两次婚姻,从美国到意大利到加拿大,最终定居于多伦多。一路走来,那副作品中的性暗示才是困扰着人们的源头。1952年,当作品首次出现在Cosmopolitan杂志上时,掏裤裆的那个男人完全被P掉了。作品旁还附着一篇建议单身女性的文章,文中称:“在许多国家,勾搭是一种流行的,无害的,奉承的消遣活动”。 1961年,“Time-Life”的书里,有人重新给掏裤裆的那个男人画了一只手。她感到莫名其妙,她习惯了意大利男人这样的做法,他们认为“掏裤裆”表示好运,也被男人用来表明自己那话儿完好无损,强健有力。虽然她自己压根儿都不在乎。

When the censoring ended, feminist commentary began. Time after time the Photograph was used for stories of women’s harassment and victimhood. #MeToo made it worse. Though she supported the movement and thought it was a wake-up call, as ardent in her late 80s as she would have been in her Jinx years, it also made many more people see something sinister and awful in that image of her younger self. In 2017 she was heartbroken to hear that a restaurateur in Philadelphia had taken the picture down after two dozen customers complained.

当作品中的“掏裆男人”不再被删除时,女权主义的评论就开始了。一次又一次,这张照片被用来讲述女性被骚扰和受害的故事。“ MeToo运动”让事情变得更糟。尽管八十岁高龄的她仍像年轻时一样充满激情,支持这一运动,并认为这是一记警钟。但这也让更多的人看到了她年轻时那张照片里的邪恶和可怕的东西。在2017年,当有24名顾客投诉后,费城的一位餐馆老板把照片换了下来,她非常伤心。

How to persuade them that she had not been scared, that she felt thrilled and strong? In the first contact print, she looked frightened. Ruth told her to walk the second time “as if it’s killing you, but you’re going to make it”. She explained that her shawl had been her shield, sheathing her body, and that the last thing she wanted to do was to look the men in the eye and smile. Yet the more other, younger women called this harassment, the louder she denied it. When a man whistled at you, or called out “Che bella!”, you were appreciated. You walked taller. In that moment, you owned the street. She still kept the bag and shawl from that day, as well as the postcard in which Dante stood, staring, in Beatrice’s path. How could Beatrice ever be vulnerable?

如何说服他们,她当时没有感到害怕,而是十分兴奋和坚强。在最初的照片中,她看起来很害怕。露丝告诉她再拍一遍时,要表现得“生活好像要杀了你,但你无所畏惧。”克雷格解释说,她的披肩就是盾牌,把身体裹起来,她坚决不想看着那些男人的眼睛并微笑。然而,越多的年轻女性称这是种骚扰,她否认的声音就越大。当一个男人向你吹口哨,或者叫“Che bella(意大利语,美妞)”时, 那是一种欣赏。你要昂首挺胸得走,那一刻,你拥有整条街。她仍然保留着那天用到的包和披肩,还有那张但丁站在那里凝视着比阿特丽斯路的明信片。比阿特丽斯从不脆弱,难道不是吗?


1.Dante’s Beatrice

贝雅特丽齐是《神曲》中的重要出场人物之一,甚至可以说但丁是为了贝雅特丽齐而写的神曲,在但丁的一生中,她有着十分重要的意义。传说在但丁九岁的时候,见到一位小姑娘。小姑娘的名字就叫贝雅特丽齐。他第一次见到贝雅特丽齐,心中就油然地萌发出一种异样的情感,一种爱慕之情。后来,但丁在他的诗集《新生》中曾描写他九岁时见到贝雅特丽齐时的感情:“这个时候,藏在生命中最深处的生命之精灵,开始激烈地颤动起来,就连很微弱的脉搏里也感觉了震动。” 然而诗人对这位女子的爱并非是世俗的爱,而是一种纯粹的精神上的,就像基督徒对圣母的虔诚的爱一样。八年以后,但丁又一次在佛罗伦萨街头(具体说是在阿尔诺河的一座桥边)见到了贝雅特丽齐。他的心再次剧烈地跳动,感情再次受到猛烈地冲击。但丁第二次见到贝雅特丽齐时。她穿着浅色的长裙,深褐色的衬衣,手上拿着一枝美丽的玫瑰花。但丁惊呆了,不知怎样开口,她给他留下了一种震撼心灵的印象。《神曲》中不断提到的这位圣女,她曾经是但丁的恋人。但丁对她的爱是一种精神上的爱情。

2. spoof |spu:f| (N-COUNT)

(关于严肃事件的)玩笑,讽刺性文章(或电视节目等) A spoof is something such as an article or television programme that seems to be about a serious matter but is actually a joke. 栗子:a spoof on Hollywood life. 那好莱坞生活开玩笑的作品。摘自《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》


运通卡 AmericanExpress 的英文缩写



5. 衍生阅读,知乎上有一篇介绍露丝、妮娜利照片专题的文章,可以作这篇文章的注解用。https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/26029672

6. Real McCoy

McCoy 在俚语里是真货的意思。Real McCoy 是个片语。此片语指称的是美国拳王Kid McCoy(真实的名字是Norman Selby).  据说某一天在酒吧里,有个家伙吹嘘说他可以打败拳王Mccoy,不巧,McCoy  正好在场,他走过去三下两下就把那个家伙打倒了,等到这个倒霉的家伙清醒后,赶紧求饶说:“好了!,你的确是勇猛的McCoy,". 由于McCoy是风靡一时的拳王,自然也有其它关于这个片语的不同说法。例如有些不知名的拳击手为吸引观众,到小镇巡回比赛时都会撒谎说自己是McCoy,结果到处都是 Kid McCoy 的分身。最后他本人只好昭告天下他的真实姓名是Kid the real Mccoy!!. 因此,当我们要强调“如假包换的真货”时就会说起real McCoy

7.Metropolitan Museum of Art



Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友











欣赏or 骚扰

一个男人向一位女性吹口哨, 是一种欣赏还是骚扰呢?不同的人对此理解不一样,当然绝大多数的女性会认为这是一种骚扰。很多人对吹口哨反感,因为觉得吹口哨显得很轻佻,特别是男孩对女孩吹口哨,男孩觉得这样很酷,女孩会觉得被轻视。


什么样的行为算是骚扰呢?这是一个很有弹性、因人而异的标准,其表现形式尚无统一的界定。当一个男人向一位女性吹口哨,或者叫“美女”时, 这是一种欣赏还是骚扰,取决于当时的情况以及自己的心态。坚强自信的女人会认为是在欣赏自己,所以她昂首挺胸得走,那一刻,她拥有整条街。



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