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Rocket Lab新西兰发射场


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East of Eden


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Rocket science


Sth is not rocket science: something is not difficult to do or understand 某事并不难做[高深]

·Designing a website may be a lot of work but it’s not rocket science. 设计一个网站可能很费功夫,但并非难事。

Is New Zealand the world’s best rocket-launching site?


One small, private space firm thinks so


THE Mahia peninsula, on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island, has been a holidaymakers’ haven for decades. It offers sandy beaches, hot springs and scenic trails. And, for those of a technological mindset, it also offers the world’s first private orbital-rocket-launching base.

几十年来,新西兰北岛(New Zealand’s North Island)东海岸的玛西亚(Mahia peniusula)半岛一直是人们的度假天堂。这里有细软的沙滩,怡人的温泉,景色迷人的小路。而且,对那些技术研究人员而言,这里还有全球第一座私人轨道火箭发射基地。


1.The Mahia peninsula: 玛希亚半岛是一座374公顷的保护区是新西兰的东海岸地区仅存的少数几个大面积海岸洼地森林,步行长达3.5公里的环形栈道可观赏到沿途的各种原生植物,需一个半小时。玛希亚海滩是个欢乐的度假圣地,可以钓鱼、冲浪和潜水,还有安全的泳滩与一个九洞高尔夫球场。当地有各种档次的旅馆,是理想的海岸度假胜地。


2.New Zealand'North Island:新西兰北岛是融多姿多彩的风光美景于一身的海岛。 新西兰首都惠灵顿,位于该岛屿南端;最大城市奥克兰,位于其中北部。岛形曲折,多半岛和海湾。沿岸有肥沃平原。中部山岭起伏,多火山,以鲁阿佩胡火山、埃格芒特火山和塔拉韦拉火山最有名。岛上最大湖泊陶波湖,四周有厚层火山物质,形成海拔400-700米的高原。怀卡托河为最大河流。林木繁茂,多湖泊、温泉,风景优美。建有国家公园,为旅游业要地。经济以农牧业为主,次为肉类、乳制品、木材等加工。工业产值占全国总值的四分之三,奥克兰为最大工业中心。其他重要城市还有哈密尔顿、北帕默斯顿等。


Launch Complex 1, as this base is known, sits at the tip of the peninsula and thus on the edge of the South Pacific ocean. Beyond it, the waters stretch uninterrupted by land for thousands of kilometres (see map). Few ships ply the area and few aircraft fly over it. A misfire or rocket stage falling into this wide expanse will thus inconvenience no one. Mahia is farther from the equator than most launch sites (lifting off from an equatorial pad extracts maximum additional velocity from Earth’s spin), but that is also an advantage. The sacrifice of some spin-assisted lift makes it easier to reach certain sorts of useful orbit, such as those that pass over the poles.

该基地就是众所周知的1号综合发射场(Launch Complex 1),它位于玛西亚半岛的顶端上,南太平洋的边缘。迎面是一片绵延数千公里不见陆地的水域(请见地图)。这片水域人烟绝迹,鲜有船只往返于此,也少有飞机经过。发射失败的火箭或者火箭的某一级掉落在这片广阔水域里,不会给任何人带来不便。相较其他大多数发射基地,玛西亚半岛所在的位置距赤道较远(在赤道附近发射,能借助地球自转将飞行速度提升到最大),但这也是其优势所在。不能借势于地球自转,反而使得在此发射的火箭更易进入有特定用途的轨道,诸如跨越两极之类的。


1.a rocket stage: 火箭的一级。多级火箭是由数级火箭组合而成的运载工具。每一级都装有发动机与燃料,目的是为了提高火箭的连续飞行能力与最终速度。从尾部最初一级开始,每级火箭燃料用完后自动脱落,同时下一级火箭发动机开始工作,使飞行器继续加速前进。







The builder and owner of this paradise of rocketry is Rocket Lab, a firm which, though American (its headquarters are in Huntington Beach, California), was founded and is led by a New Zealander. By his own admission, Peter Beck, the Kiwi in question, has been obsessed with rockets since childhood. Now, he is close to turning that obsession into a successful business.

这座火箭乐园的建造者和所有者——美国私人火箭公司(Rocket Lab),总部设在加利福尼亚的亨廷顿海滩(Huntington Beach),它虽是一家美国公司,但其创始人及首席执行官却是一名新西兰人——彼得·贝克(Peter Beck)。这位备受质疑的新西兰人,亲自坦承,从儿时起就痴迷火箭。如今,他的痴迷成为了他的事业,并且即将大获成功了。


Rocket Lab: 美国私人火箭公司,成立于2006年,该公司创始人兼首席执行官为彼得·贝克。总部设在美国加利福尼亚州,并在新西兰拥有一个子公司和发射场。Rocket Lab是一家研发小型运载火箭的初创航空航天公司。致力于自主新型火箭发动机的研发,这种发动机区别于传统的燃气循环发动机,利用新型电泵提供燃料循环,且主要部件由非常先进的真空3D电子束打印技术制成。2017年3月,该公司获得了由风险投资公司Data Collective领投的7500万D轮融资,至此Rocket Lab的D轮融资总金额达到1.48亿美金,公司估值超过10亿美金。2017年5月25日该公司在新西兰东海岸,成功发射了世界首枚3D打印的电池动力火箭“Electron”(电子)。

Rocket Lab’s launch vehicle, a multi-stager called “Electron”, underwent its first test in May 2017. Its second happened on January 21st, 16 days before the more widely publicised launch of a much bigger experimental vehicle, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy. Unlike the Falcon Heavy, though, which carried an old sports car into space as a joke, the Rocket Lab test had a real payload, in the form of three small, commercial satellites. (It also carried a reflective, geodesic sphere dubbed the Humanity Star, which was visible to the naked eye when it passed over at night until it re-entered the atmosphere in March.) That second test having gone well, Mr Beck now deems the time for testing over. Electron’s third outing, scheduled for sometime in the fortnight starting April 20th, will be a fully commercial flight.

美国私人火箭公司于2017年5月对一枚名为“Electron”的多级火箭进行试验发射。并在2018年1月21号进行了第二次试射,这比SpaceX发射猎鹰重型火箭的时间还早16天,当然猎鹰重型火箭的发射更为轰动,体量也更大。然而,不像猎鹰重型玩笑般的携带一辆旧跑车上太空,美国私人火箭公司测试的是一个真正的有效荷载,三颗小型商用卫星。(它也搭载了一个被称为“人类之星”的反射的,测地线球体 ,到它3月份再次进入大气层时,人们能以肉眼看到它划过夜空。)第二次试射进展顺利, 贝克先生认为是时候进行下一轮测试了。计划在4月20号之后的两周内进行电子火箭的第三次发射,这将是一次纯粹商业性质的飞行。


On its launch pad an Electron stands 17 metres tall and has a diameter of 1.2 metres.The engines that power it are named after New Zealand’s most famous physicist, Lord Rutherford, who discovered the atomic nucleus and much else.The first stage has nine Rutherford engines. The second has but one. These lift into orbit a third, “kick” stage that carries the payload. The kick stage is fitted with a different sort of rocket engine, Curie, which can be started, shut down and restarted as needed. That lets it manoeuvre the kick stage and thus dispatch different parts of the payload into different orbits.

电子火箭竖立在发射台上,高17米,半径1.2米。它的动力引擎以原子科学奠基人、新西兰最著名的物理学家恩内斯特.卢瑟福(Lord Rutherford)之名命名。火箭第一级备有九个Rutherford 引擎, 而第二级只有一个。这些引擎为进入第三个轨道提供动力,并将搭载有效地分级“踢”掉。在这一级配有另一种不同类型的火箭引擎“居里”(Curie),能根据需要启动、停止或重启。这样就能控制要掉落的分级,并因此调遣不同部分的“有效荷载”进入不同的轨道绕行。

All systems go


Both Rutherford and Curie are made from components that have been 3D-printed from sintered metallic powder, rather than being cast and machined in the conventional way. This speeds things up. Rocket Lab’s facility in California can produce a new engine from scratch in just a few days. The engines also use electric turbopumps, rather than the more conventional option of gas turbines, to push propellant into their combustion chambers. This eliminates the complex plumbing required to make a gas turbine work. The rocket itself is made of a carbon-fibre composite that is much lighter than the metal usually employed for rocket bodies. This reduces the launch mass, saving fuel.


Though 17 metres is pretty lofty (about the height of four stacked double-decker buses), it pales beside, say, the 70 metres of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launcher, the firm’s current commercial offering. The two rockets, however, are aimed at different markets. SpaceX’s main businesses are lifting large, expensive satellites into orbit and carrying provisions to the International Space Station. Rocket Lab has its eyes elsewhere—on the fast-growing market for “CubeSats”, which are small and cheap.

尽管17米已经很高了(差不多是四倍双层巴士那么高),但与Space X 最新发射的商用“猎鹰九号”的70米相比,它就显得黯然失色了。不过,这两枚火箭针对不同的目标市场。SpaceX 主要业务是把昂贵的大型卫星送上轨道,以及补给国际空间站。而美国私人火箭公司(Rocket Lab)瞄准的则是需求增速快,而体积小且造价低廉的立方体卫星/微型卫星(CubeSats)市场。

A CubeSat can be anything a customer wants to launch that will fit inside one of a number of standard cuboids. The CubeSats on board the launch in January were an Earth-imaging satellite and two weather and ship-tracking satellites. Those on the upcoming mission belong to various telecommunications companies.


Large communications satellites of the sort SpaceX deals with are usually boosted into what are known as geosynchronous orbits, 35,786km above the equator. These take 24 hours to complete, so that a satellite in such an orbit will appear to hover over the same point on Earth’s surface. CubeSats, which generally operate in packs, occupy much lower orbits. Often, such orbits are sun-synchronous, meaning that a satellite passes over the same spots on Earth’s surface at the same local times every day, which makes changes below easier to spot. Fleets of CubeSats can thus carry out large-scale monitoring. Sun-synchronous orbits pass almost over Earth’s poles at altitudes of around 500km. Manoeuvring CubeSats into such orbits is Curie’s job.



At the moment, customers who want to use an Electron to launch the most popular design of CubeSat, a 3U (which measures 10cm x 10cm x 30cm and weighs no more than 4kg), can do so for around $240,000 (ie, $60,000 a kilogram). That is a premium price; a trip to low Earth orbit is possible on a Falcon 9 and costs $2,700 a kilogram. But Rocket Lab believes that it offers a premium service. Unlike its competitors’ launchers, into which CubeSats are packed almost as an afterthought if there happens to be space available once the main payload is accounted for, its vehicle is dedicated to CubeSat launches.

目前,想要发射一款最受欢迎的3U立方星(尺寸为10厘米x 10厘米x 30厘米,重量不超过4公斤),客户需要支付约24万美元,(即每公斤60,000美元)。而使用猎鹰号发射到近地轨道成本每千克只需花费2700美元,因此这个价格确实偏高。但是美国私人火箭公司坚信他们的这一项服务更加高级,与竞争对手的发射装置不同(立方星通常都是在主载荷倍计算出来后,如果有多余空间,进行捆绑发射),但美国私人火箭公司则采用了专门的设备实施立方星的发射。

The intention is that the location of Launch Complex 1, combined with the Curie-steered kick stage, will give customers a wide range of orbits to launch into. The complex is licensed to dispatch a rocket every 72 hours for the next 30 years. That proposed launch frequency means satellites can be got away quickly. Mr Beck claims that Rocket Lab’s decision to build Launch Complex 1 is coincidental to his nationality. In his view Mahia really is the best available site. Time will tell if he is right.



Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友



Grace , 女,市场公关,经济学人爱好者

LitFish ,女,药物制剂,Nature追随者





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