

1. much pron. &adj. 许多;大量;多少

2. sock n. 短袜

3. twelve num. 十二

4. thirteen num. 十三

5. sweater n. 毛衣

6. trousers n. 裤子

7. shoe n. 鞋

8. clothes n. (pl.) 衣服;服装

9. store n. 商店

10 big adj. 大的;大号的

11. small adj. 小的;小号的

12. buy v. 购买;买

13. sale n. 特价销售;出售

14. sell v. 出售;销售;卖

15. short adj. 短的;矮的

16. long adj. 长的

17. woman n. (pl. women) 女子

18. need v.  需要

19. look v. 看;看上去

20. very adv. 很;非常

21. price n. 价格


1. a clothes store 一家服装店

2. how much 多少钱

3. a sweater for school 上学穿的毛衣

4. at our great sale 在我们特价销售期间

5. these socks 这些袜子

6. look nice 看起来好看

7. at very good prices 以非常优惠的价格

8. those black trousers 那些黑色的裤子

9. a pair of 一双


1. —I like these shorts. How much are they? '我喜欢这些短裤。它们多少钱?'

—They are six dollars. '它们六美元。'

2. Can I help you? 你想要买什么东西吗?/有什么可以为您效劳的吗?

3. What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色的?

4. It looks nice. 它看起来很漂亮。

5. Great! I'll take two pairs. 好的!我买两双。

6. Here you are.给你。

7.You're welcome. 不用谢。

8. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!


9. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. 我们以优惠的价格卖所有的衣服。

10. Come to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store now! 现在就来酷先生服装店吗!

11. I'm sorry. We don't sell bags. 对不起,我偿不卖包。

四、 巩固练习

I 根据首字母提示完成单词。

1. My bedroom is v______ nice . I like it .

2.You can buy some apples in the fruit s_______ .

3. —What's the p_______ of the trousers ?


4. We don't have vegetables for lunch . We need to b_____ some .

5. M______ Black is our English teacher . He is 45.

II 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. These toys are on _______ (sell) in the store.

2. For ______ (boy) , we have blue trousers and shorts.

3. We buy these shoes and socks at very good _____ _(price )

4. I want ______ (buy) a T-shirt for my brother .

5. This store only sells ______ (clothes )


A: Can I help you?

A. It looks nice.

B. What color do you need?

C. I am looking for a skirt for school.

D. I'll take two pairs.

E. I'll take it.

F. Size S.

B: Yes, please. 1. .

A: OK. What size(尺码)do you want?

B: 2. .

A: How about this one?

B: 3. How much is it?

A: Nine dollars.

B: 4. And how much are those yellow shoes?

A: Twenty dollars for one pair and thirty-five dollars for two pairs.

B: Great! 5. .

IV. 完形填空

I am Sally. Mr. Miller's Store is 1 , but it has lots of nice clothes. It 2 the clothes at a great sale this week. I can buy some for my family at very good 3 . Look! These shorts are only $15. My father can wear them to 4 sports. My grandma's favorite(最喜爱的) color is green, so I want to buy a 5 sweater for her. The socks are only $8 for three 6 . My mother needs socks, so I want to buy 7 for my mother. Look! The skirts 8 red are nice. 9 are they? Oh! Only $18! I like red. so I'll 10 a red one.

( )1. A. small B. great C. tidy D. big

( )2. A. buys B. sells C. looks D. loves

( )3. A. numbers B. colors C. dollars D. prices

( )4. A. play B. help C. know D. need

( )5. A. blue B. yellow C. green D. red

( )6. A. rooms B. pairs C. cups D. sets

( )7. A. one B. pair C. it D. some

( )8. A. to B. on C. in D. at

( )9. A. What B. How much C. Where D. What color

( )10. A. take B. watch C. ask D. find


I 1. very 2. store 3. price 4. buy 5. Mr.

II 1. sale 2. boys 3. prices 4. to buy 5. clothes


IV. 1—5 ABDAC 6—10 BDCBA

