

Fractures around the trunk are often complicated by injuries to underlying viscera, the most important being penetration of the lung with life-threatening pneumothorax following rib fractures and rupture of the bladder or urethra in pelvic fractures. These injuries require emergency treatment.


The fractures most often associated with damage to a major artery are those around the knee and elbow, and those of the humeral and femoral shafts. The artery may be cut, torn, compressed or contused, either by the initial injury or subsequently by jagged bone fragments. Even if its outward appearance is normal, the intima may be detached and the vessel blocked by thrombus, or a segment of artery may be in spasm. The effects vary from transient diminution of blood flow to profound ischaemia, tissue death and peripheral gangrene.

Clinical features

The patient may complain of paraesthesia or numbness in the toes or the fingers. The injured limb is cold and pale, or slightly cyanosed, and the pulse is weak or absent. X-rays will probably show one of the ‘highrisk’ fractures listed above. If a vascular injury is suspected an angiogram should be performed immediately; if it is positive, emergency treatment must be started without further delay.


All bandages and splints should be removed. The fracture is re-x-rayed and, if the position of the bones suggests that the artery is being compressed or kinked, prompt reduction is necessary. The circulation is then reassessed repeatedly over the next half hour. If there is no improvement, the vessels must be explored by operation– preferably with the benefit of preoperative or peroperative angiography. A cut vessel can be sutured, or a segment may be replaced by a vein graft; if it is thrombosed, endarterectomy may restore the blood flow. If vessel repair is undertaken, stable fixation is a must and where it is practicable, the fracture should be fixed internally.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P687-688


VISCERAL /ˈvɪsərəl/adj. 内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的

trunk /trʌŋk/n. 树干;躯干;

viscera /ˈvɪsərə/n. 内脏;内容(viscus的复数)

penetration/ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn/n. 渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力

pneumothorax  /,njʊmə'θɔræks/n. [内科] 气胸

rupture  /ˈrʌptʃər/n. 破裂;决裂;疝气vt. 使破裂;断绝;发生疝vi. 破裂;发疝气

urethra  /jʊˈriːθrə/n. [解剖] 尿道

contuse /kən'tjʊz/vt. 挫伤;撞伤;捣碎

jagged /ˈdʒæɡɪd/adj. 锯齿状的;参差不齐的v. 使成缺口;使成锯齿状(jag的过去式)

outward appearance 外观;外表

intima /'ɪntɪmə/n. [解剖] 内膜

detach /dɪˈtætʃ/vt. 分离;脱落;派遣;使超然

thrombus /'θrɑmbəs/n. [病理] 血栓

spasm /ˈspæzəm/n. [临床] 痉挛;抽搐;一阵发作

transient/ˈtrænʃnt/n. 瞬变现象;过往旅客;候鸟adj. 短暂的;路过的

diminution /ˌdɪmɪˈnuːʃn/n. 减少,降低;缩小

profound /prəˈfaʊnd/adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的

ischaemia /is'ki:miə/n. 局部贫血;缺血

peripheral  /pəˈrɪfərəl/adj. 外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的n. 外部设备

gangrene/ˈɡæŋɡriːn/n. [外科] 坏疽

paraesthesia /,pærɪs'θiʒə/n. 感觉异常;触觉异常

numbness /ˈnʌmnəs/n. 麻木;麻痹

cyanosed/'saiənəust/adj. 发绀的;绀色的

angiogram /'ændʒiə,ɡræm/n. [特医] 血管造影片

kink/kɪŋk/n. 扭结;奇想;蜷缩vt. 使扭结vi. 扭结

prompt  /prɑːmpt/n. 提示,提词;鼓励;催促;v. 提示,鼓励;促进;激起;导致;(给演员)提白adj. 敏捷的,迅速的;立刻的

be explored by operation 手术探查

preferably /ˈprefrəbli/adv. 更合意地,最好是

preoperative or peroperative angiography.术前或术后血管造影。

a vein graft;血管移植物

endarterectomy /,ɛndɑrtə'rɛktəmi/

n. 动脉内膜切除术

restore/rɪˈstɔːr/vi. 恢复;还原vt. 恢复;修复;归还










