

【例句】The next steps are to understand the mechanisms through which languageshelp us construct the incredibly complex knowledge systems we have.


【同根词】accomplice; application; apply; complex; complexion; complicate; complication; complicity; deploy; display; duplex; duplicate; duplicity; employ; explicate; explicit; exploit; flax; implex; implicate; implication; implicit; imply; multiply; perplex; perplexity; plait; plash (v.2) "to interlace;" pleat; -plex; plexus; pliable; pliant; plie; plight (n.1) "condition or state;" ply (v.1) "work with, use;" ply (v.2) "to bend; ply (n.) "a layer, fold;" replica; replicate; replication; reply; simplex; splay; triplicate.


【例句】He told me that if I were willing, the airline would pay me a handsome sum to compensate for the inconvenience.他说如果我愿意的话,航空公司会对其对我造成的不便作出一笔数目可观的赔偿。

【同根词】append; appendix; avoirdupois; compendium; compensate; compensation; counterpoise; depend; dispense; equipoise; expend; expense; expensive; hydroponics; impend; painter (n.2) "rope or chain that holds an anchor to a ship's side;" pansy; penchant; pend; pendant; pendentive; pending; pendular; pendulous; pendulum; pension; pensive; penthouse; perpendicular; peso; poise; ponder; ponderous; pound (n.1) "measure of weight;" prepend; prepense; preponderate; propensity; recompense; span (n.1) "distance between two objects;" span (n.2) "two animals driven together;" spangle; spanner; spider; spin; spindle; spinner; spinster; stipend; suspend; suspension.


【例句】In return, US Sugar will hand over the land, with the right to lease most of it backfor seven years.


【同根词】algolagnia; catalectic; laches; languid; languish; lax; lease; lessor; lush; relax; release; relish; slack (adj.); sleep.


【例句】If we focus only on the materials normally known as steels, a simplified diagramis often used.





