3分钟学雅思 | 栏目推送说明
3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第25期
∨《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第25期 点击观看
Describe a person who often helps others.
You should say:
Who this person is
How often he helps others
Why he helps others
And how you feel about this person.
There’s a comprehensive show called Forget Me Not Cafe. It tells the story about 5 elderly waitresses with Alzheimer’s disease, and they often forget customer’s orders. In the show, they invite Huang Bo to play as the owner of the restaurant. He’s a really famous actor in China and well-known for his high emotional intelligence. And in the show, he often helps them to try to remember everything, to patiently remind them and give them help.
Some mental disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are clearly caused by an organic disease of the brain, but the cause of most others are either unknown or not yet verified. The director filmed this show to raise public awareness and pay more attention to Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia threatening an aging society.
Researchers are urgently looking for ways to determine who is going to develop such an illness. Since it’s gonna cause so much troubles and pain for the patients and their families. In the show, an old waitress used to be an English teacher, and she spoke few other languages as well. But their perseverance is really inspiring, instead of waiting for death at home, they stepped out and joined society.
1. Alzheimer’s disease 阿尔茨海默症,老年痴呆
2. mental disorders 精神障碍,精神失常
3. verify v. 核实,查证
4. dementia n. 痴呆,失智症