3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第1期
珊瑚橘成为了2019年度色,除了时尚,它还更贴近自然,明亮而充满了朝气,象征了无限活力,比红色温柔,也比橙色恬静。本期的三分钟学雅思,我们就来一起学习如何结合这道最新的雅思口语话题“Describe something you made that you gave to others. ”来一起学习如何描述珊瑚橘吧!
∨《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第1期 点击观看
Describe something you made that you gave to others.
You should say:
What it was
What it was like
Who you gave it to
And how you felt about it.
Well, you know, I’m what they called hand fumbled and I always fail to do handiwork. But I actually found a DIY pottery store the other day which allows customers to fuse your own ceramic craft under their professional guidance.
Ceramics is actually the general art of heating common clay to create an ornamental object. It wasn’t that easy to master the technique since it is required to shape it into a whole. So anyway I got it done after thousands of times of trying it, and eventually I decided to paint it with coral color. It is bright and vibrant, the color of gentleness and tranquility, I gave it to my mom and we displayed it on the cabinet. It’s the perfect decoration that’s gonna lighten up my home, and that made me realized that giving is always more delightful than receiving.
1. fumble v. 笨拙地处理,笨拙地行动
2. pottery n. 陶器
3. ceramic craft 陶艺
4. fuse v. 融化,熔融
5. bright and vibrant 明亮的,充满活力的
6. gentleness and tranquility温柔恬静