Metro English-313 - 为什么健身后要大量摄入蛋白粉?

Why Your Body Needs Protein After A Workout


When working out, you put your muscles through a lot. The more strenuous the exercise, the more your muscles will likely need to recover over time. While rest and consistency in workouts are a great way to build upon your progress and make your body stronger, you can help things along with a certain diet. Specifically, protein after a workout is a great way to strengthen your body and your muscles. No matter the type of workout you’re doing—something light or something rather active—a meal or snack chocked full of protein is a great choice once you’re done.
 Basics: What is Protein? 
To begin, a quick rundown on what protein is will be helpful. Protein is an imperative part of a healthy diet. Amino acids, which make up proteins, are the building blocks of your body and of life. With this information, it should start to make sense why protein is such an important part of your diet. Though the proteins people eat and the proteins that make up the body are different, they are all made up of some combination of 20 amino acids. Nine of these acids are known as “essential acids” and consist of the following:
  • Phenylalanine  苯丙氨酸

  • Valine  缬氨酸

  • Threonine  苏氨酸

  • Tryptophan  雷公藤素

  • Methionine  蛋氨酸

  • Leucine  亮氨酸

  • Isoleucine  异亮氨酸

  • Lysine  赖氨酸

  • Histidine  组氨酸

Once you eat and digest protein, the amino acids within them are used as the building blocks your body needs to both create and repair tissues in the body. In short, proteins keep your body going and are necessary to building optimal health.


 Benefits of Protein Post-Workout


During your workout, you are actively tearing and breaking apart muscle fibers. This is done to help your muscles grow and get stronger, but it can take a serious toll on the body over time. As discussed, protein is good for building up tissues and fibers, making them stronger and increasing elasticity over time. Due to this, eating protein after a workout actually increases the impact of exercise while also helping to repair muscles, maintain them, and push them to grow. Those who are exercising regularly but find they aren’t building any muscle can chalk this up to a low-protein diet.


The body is also continually breaking down proteins just as part of everyday bodily functions. With this in mind, including a good amount of protein in your diet should always be a necessity.


strenuous  紧张的

elasticity  弹性

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