通过 Java 技术手段,获取女朋友定位地址...

作者丨 肥仔哥哥1930

今早,看到CSDN里推荐的Python获取女朋友发来加班拍照定位地址是酒店的段子,本来准备验证下,顺便练练手的,最后,安装执行pip install json报没有指定版本号。


    <dependency>    <groupId>com.drewnoakes</groupId>    <artifactId>metadata-extractor</artifactId>    <version>2.16.0</version></dependency>




      package com.easylinkin.bm.extractor;import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;import com.drew.imaging.ImageMetadataReader;import com.drew.imaging.ImageProcessingException;import com.drew.metadata.Directory;import com.drew.metadata.Metadata;import com.drew.metadata.Tag;import com.easylinkin.bm.util.HttpUtils;import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;/** * @author zhengwen **/@Slf4jpublic class ImgTestCode {    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        File file = new File('C:\\Users\\zhengwen\\Desktop\\test\\IMG_20210820_093958.jpg');        readImageInfo(file);    }    /**     * 提取照片里面的信息     *     * @param file 照片文件     * @throws ImageProcessingException     * @throws Exception     */    private static void readImageInfo(File file) throws ImageProcessingException, Exception {        Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(file);        System.out.println('---打印全部详情---');        for (Directory directory : metadata.getDirectories()) {            for (Tag tag : directory.getTags()) {                System.out.format('[%s] - %s = %s\n',                        directory.getName(), tag.getTagName(), tag.getDescription());            }            if (directory.hasErrors()) {                for (String error : directory.getErrors()) {                    System.err.format('ERROR: %s', error);                }            }        }        System.out.println('--打印常用信息---');        Double lat = null;        Double lng = null;        for (Directory directory : metadata.getDirectories()) {            for (Tag tag : directory.getTags()) {                String tagName = tag.getTagName();  //标签名                String desc = tag.getDescription(); //标签信息                if (tagName.equals('Image Height')) {                    System.err.println('图片高度: ' + desc);                } else if (tagName.equals('Image Width')) {                    System.err.println('图片宽度: ' + desc);                } else if (tagName.equals('Date/Time Original')) {                    System.err.println('拍摄时间: ' + desc);                } else if (tagName.equals('GPS Latitude')) {                    System.err.println('纬度 : ' + desc);                    System.err.println('纬度(度分秒格式) : ' + pointToLatlong(desc));                    lat = latLng2Decimal(desc);                } else if (tagName.equals('GPS Longitude')) {                    System.err.println('经度: ' + desc);                    System.err.println('经度(度分秒格式): ' + pointToLatlong(desc));                    lng = latLng2Decimal(desc);                }            }        }        System.err.println('--经纬度转地址--');        //经纬度转地主使用百度api        convertGpsToLoaction(lat, lng);    }    /**     * 经纬度格式  转换为  度分秒格式 ,如果需要的话可以调用该方法进行转换     *     * @param point 坐标点     * @return     */    public static String pointToLatlong(String point) {        Double du = Double.parseDouble(point.substring(0, point.indexOf('°')).trim());        Double fen = Double.parseDouble(point.substring(point.indexOf('°') + 1, point.indexOf(''')).trim());        Double miao = Double.parseDouble(point.substring(point.indexOf(''') + 1, point.indexOf('\'')).trim());        Double duStr = du + fen / 60 + miao / 60 / 60;        return duStr.toString();    }    /***     * 经纬度坐标格式转换(* °转十进制格式)     * @param gps     */    public static double latLng2Decimal(String gps) {        String a = gps.split('°')[0].replace(' ', '');        String b = gps.split('°')[1].split(''')[0].replace(' ', '');        String c = gps.split('°')[1].split(''')[1].replace(' ', '').replace('\'', '');        double gps_dou = Double.parseDouble(a) + Double.parseDouble(b) / 60 + Double.parseDouble(c) / 60 / 60;        return gps_dou;    }    /**     * api_key:注册的百度api的key     * coords:经纬度坐标     * http://api.map.baidu.com/reverse_geocoding/v3/?ak='+api_key+'&output=json&coordtype=wgs84ll&location='+coords     * <p>     * 经纬度转地址信息     *     * @param gps_latitude  维度     * @param gps_longitude 精度     */    private static void convertGpsToLoaction(double gps_latitude, double gps_longitude) throws IOException {        String apiKey = 'YNxcSCAphFvuPD4LwcgWXwC3SEZZc7Ra';        String res = '';        String url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/reverse_geocoding/v3/?ak=' + apiKey + '&output=json&coordtype=wgs84ll&location=' + (gps_latitude + ',' + gps_longitude);        System.err.println('【url】' + url);        res = HttpUtils.httpGet(url);        JSONObject object = JSONObject.parseObject(res);        if (object.containsKey('result')) {            JSONObject result = object.getJSONObject('result');            if (result.containsKey('addressComponent')) {                JSONObject address = object.getJSONObject('result').getJSONObject('addressComponent');                System.err.println('拍摄地点:' + address.get('country') + ' ' + address.get('province') + ' ' + address.get('city') + ' ' + address.get('district') + ' '                        + address.get('street') + ' ' + result.get('formatted_address') + ' ' + result.get('business'));            }        }    }}
        com.easylinkin.bm.extractor.ImgTestCode---打印全部详情---[JPEG] - Compression Type = Baseline[JPEG] - Data Precision = 8 bits[JPEG] - Image Height = 4032 pixels[JPEG] - Image Width = 3024 pixels[JPEG] - Number of Components = 3[JPEG] - Component 1 = Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 2 horiz/2 vert[JPEG] - Component 2 = Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert[JPEG] - Component 3 = Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert[Exif IFD0] - Date/Time = 2021:08:20 09:39:58[Exif IFD0] - Model = YOTA Y3[Exif IFD0] - YCbCr Positioning = Center of pixel array[Exif IFD0] - Resolution Unit = Inch[Exif IFD0] - Y Resolution = 72 dots per inch[Exif IFD0] - X Resolution = 72 dots per inch[Exif IFD0] - Make = YOTA[GPS] - GPS Date Stamp = 2021:08:20[GPS] - GPS Altitude Ref = Below sea level[GPS] - GPS Longitude Ref = E[GPS] - GPS Longitude = 114° 24' 9.61'[GPS] - GPS Processing Method = ASCII[GPS] - GPS Latitude Ref = N[GPS] - GPS Time-Stamp = 01:39:46.000 UTC[GPS] - GPS Altitude = 21 metres[GPS] - GPS Latitude = 30° 28' 40.67'[Exif SubIFD] - Color Space = sRGB[Exif SubIFD] - F-Number = f/1.9[Exif SubIFD] - Date/Time Digitized = 2021:08:20 09:39:58[Exif SubIFD] - Focal Length = 3.9 mm[Exif SubIFD] - Aperture Value = f/1.9[Exif SubIFD] - Exposure Mode = Auto exposure[Exif SubIFD] - Sub-Sec Time Digitized = 819350[Exif SubIFD] - Exif Image Height = 4032 pixels[Exif SubIFD] - Focal Length 35 = 23 mm[Exif SubIFD] - Scene Capture Type = Standard[Exif SubIFD] - Sub-Sec Time Original = 819350[Exif SubIFD] - Exposure Program = Unknown (0)[Exif SubIFD] - White Balance Mode = Auto white balance[Exif SubIFD] - Exif Image Width = 3024 pixels[Exif SubIFD] - Sub-Sec Time = 819350[Exif SubIFD] - Shutter Speed Value = 1/1022 sec[Exif SubIFD] - Metering Mode = Center weighted average[Exif SubIFD] - Date/Time Original = 2021:08:20 09:39:58[Exif SubIFD] - Components Configuration = YCbCr[Exif SubIFD] - Exif Version = 2.20[Exif SubIFD] - Flash = Flash did not fire[Exif SubIFD] - Brightness Value = 0.0[Exif SubIFD] - ISO Speed Ratings = 103[Exif SubIFD] - Sensing Method = One-chip color area sensor[Exif SubIFD] - FlashPix Version = 1.00[Exif SubIFD] - Exposure Time = 1/1023 sec[Interoperability] - Interoperability Index = Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98)[Interoperability] - Interoperability Version = 1.00[Exif Thumbnail] - Y Resolution = 72 dots per inch[Exif Thumbnail] - Thumbnail Length = 21538 bytes[Exif Thumbnail] - Thumbnail Offset = 959 bytes[Exif Thumbnail] - Compression = JPEG (old-style)[Exif Thumbnail] - Resolution Unit = Inch[Exif Thumbnail] - X Resolution = 72 dots per inch[Huffman] - Number of Tables = 4 Huffman tables[File Type] - Detected File Type Name = JPEG[File Type] - Detected File Type Long Name = Joint Photographic Experts Group[File Type] - Detected MIME Type = image/jpeg[File Type] - Expected File Name Extension = jpg[File] - File Name = IMG_20210820_093958.jpg[File] - File Size = 5215044 bytes[File] - File Modified Date = 星期五 八月 20 09:39:59 +08:00 2021--打印常用信息---初始化HttpClientTest~~~开始图片高度: 4032 pixels图片宽度: 3024 pixels经度: 114° 24' 9.61'经度(度分秒格式): 114.40266944444446纬度 : 30° 28' 40.67'纬度(度分秒格式) : 30.477963888888887拍摄时间: 2021:08:20 09:39:58--经纬度转地址--【url】http://api.map.baidu.com/reverse_geocoding/v3/?ak=YNxcSCAphFvuPD4LwcgWXwC3SEZZc7Ra&output=json&coordtype=wgs84ll&location=30.477963888888887,114.40266944444446初始化HttpClientTest~~~结束拍摄地点:中国 湖北省 武汉市 洪山区 软件园路 湖北省武汉市洪山区软件园路9 关山,光谷天地




        版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「肥仔哥哥1930」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

