【PSC检查】2021年第三季度ABS PSC检查报告分享

事实证明,港口国监督检查是消除可能影响海上安全和海洋环境的不合格船舶的有效工具。如果船舶的船体、机械、设备或作业安全和环境保护大大低于有关公约所要求的标准,或船员不符合安全配员文件,则视为不合格。船舶、其设备或船员基本上不符合有关公约的要求,或者船长或船员不熟悉与船舶安全或防止污染有关的基本船上程序,这些证据可能是 PSC 检查员进行更详细检查的明确理由。

1.ABS 船队第三季度滞留事实

1.1 滞留理由的最高类别

1.2 图片展示


1.3.被滞留ABS 船舶最多的 3 个国家

在被归类为 ABS 的 10 艘被滞留船舶中,被滞留船舶所在国的位置见下表。如上所述, ABS 协助船东/运营商解决缺陷问题,从而可以解除 PSC 滞留,船舶可以航行。

2.第三季度 ABS 船舶的预防的最高缺陷

2.1 缺陷的最高类别

在 2021 年 7 月 1 日至 2021 年 9 月 30 日期间,有港口国控制干预的 ABS 船舶的缺陷的最高类别列于下表。


2.2 图片


2.3 对 ABS 船舶进行干预最多的国家

在 2021 年 7 月 1 日至 2021 年 9 月 30 日期间,有港口国控制干预的 ABS 船舶的排名前几位的国家列于下表。

3.COV ID - 19 对 PSC 的影响

3.1为 2021 年第三季度进行 1 次巴黎谅解备忘录检查


在此期间,《巴黎谅解备忘录》共滞留了 133 人。这些滞留中只有 2 艘在 ABS 级船上。

3.2 2021 年第三季度 东京谅解备忘录检查


《东京谅解备忘录》在此期间滞留了 100条。这些滞留中只有 7 艘在 ABS 级船上。《东京谅解备忘录》于 2021 年 3 月 1 日通过了关于 COVID - 19 情况的临时指南,以便利港口国当局在困难的情况下以协调一致的方式适用务实的灵活性,并于 2021 月 9 日推出了关于远程 PSC 检查的指南。

3.3 2021年第三季度USCG的滞留







  • 要求海岸警卫队在船上进行全面或简短的检查;或

  • 接受客观证据,如USCG Qualship 21内的船只状况、先前港口国或船旗国的检查、最近的分类调查、图片、录像、船船日志、机械警报报告等,以代替海岸警卫队在船上的出勤,以保证所需的检查;或

  • *将所需的检查或检查推迟至多90天。

2021 年第三季度全球船队 USCG 扣留理由的主要缺陷类别

4. 2021年巴黎和东京备忘录集中大检查



  • 确认该船的船员熟悉评估船舶出发前和航行所有阶段货物作业完成后的实际稳定性状况;

  • 使船员和船主认识到在完成货物作业后和船舶离开之前计算船舶实际稳定性状况的重要性;和

  • 验证船舶是否符合海事组织相关文书下的完整稳定性要求(如适用,损坏稳定性要求)。



5. 2021年 美国海岸警卫队集中大检查

USCG 正在根据 ISM 代码对美国标记的船只进行集中大检查活动,以确保对所有已识别的风险(包括网络风险)实施紧急程序。CIC还适用于自愿遵守ISM守则的船舶,包括那些使用ISM规则作为拖轮安全管理系统的船舶。


6a. 新规- 至2021 年 1 月起生效

a. MSC.460(101) - SOLAS VII IBC Code

A comprehensive set of revisions for the carriage requirements of products in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code was adopted, primarily as a consequence of the revised Chapter 21 on the criteria for assigning carriage requirements for products subject to the IBC Code. Additionally, specific products are now required to undergo prewash procedures under MARPOL Annex II. Chapter 15 was revised to require hydrogen sulfide detection equipment shall be provided on board ships carrying bulk liquids prone to formation. Similar amendments were approved for the BCH Code.

b. MSC.461(101) - SOLAS XI-1/2 ESP Code

Extensive amendments to the 2011 ESP Code provide a complete revision of the text. Numerous editorial amendments were made, and the following substantive amendments: 1) clarify the responsibilities and working arrangements where the 2011 ESP Code requires at least two exclusive surveyors to attend on board at the same time to perform the required survey; 2) provide consistency with IMO goal-based standards, GBS, regime (e.g., number and location of thickness measurements to be taken, acceptance criteria for corrosion and renewal of structure and longitudinal strength evaluation); 3) clarify specific elements that are subject to close-up survey in tanks on one side of the ship; and 4) specify conditions for using hydraulic arm vehicles or aerial lifts for the close-up survey.

c. MSC.462(101) - SOLAS VI/1 IMSBC Code

Amendments to the IMSBC Code are provided in a consolidated version of the Code. The revisions are editorial in nature. Administrations may authorize early application of the amendments on a voluntary basis from January 1, 2020.

d. MSC.463(101) – SOLAS VII BCH Code

Amendments to the BCH Code require hydrogen sulfide detection equipment on board when carrying certain cargoes, and also require specific operational measures related to tank washings of persistent floating products (by reference to regulation of MARPOL Annex II, resolution MEPC.315(74)).

e. MEPC.315(74) - MARPOL II/13 Cargo Residues and Tank Washings of Persistent Floating Products

The discharge of tank washings from tanks carrying products defined as 'persistent floaters' is regulated by amendments to MARPOL II. The amendments apply to specific geographic areas and will require a prewash procedure which discharges the tank washings to a reception facility at the port of unloading. Related amendments have been made to the IBC Code and BCH Code.

f. MEPC.319(74) - MARPOL II BCH Code H2S Detection, Prewash Requirements

Amendments to the BCH Code require hydrogen sulfide detection equipment on board when carrying certain cargoes, and also requires specific operational measures related to tank washings of persistent floating products (by reference to regulation of MARPOL Annex II, resolution MEPC.315(74)).

g. MEPC.318(74) - MARPOL II IBC Code H2S Detection, Prewash Requirements

Amendments to the IBC Code require hydrogen sulfide detection equipment on board when carrying certain cargoes, and also requires specific operational measures related to tank washings of persistent floating products (by reference to regulation of MARPOL Annex II, resolution MEPC.315(74)). Various other amendments were made pertaining to definitions provided in the IBC Code, as well as specific cargo carriage requirements given by a complete revision of Chapters 17, 18 and 19.

h. MSC.434(98) - SOLAS IV GMDSS Performance Standards

Ship earth station which forms part of the GMDSS, if designed to operate in a mobile satellite service recognized on or after January 1, 2021, complies with the relevant requirements of A.1001(25) and conforms to performance standards MSC.434(98).

i. MSC.428(98) - SOLAS IX Cyber Security

Affirms that an approved safety management system should take into account cyber risk management and establish appropriate safeguards in accordance with the objective and functional requirements of the ISM Code. Recognized organization auditors will be verifying implementation at the first annual DOC verification after January 1, 2021.

6b. 新规 - 至2021年6月起生效

a. MEPC.284(70), MEPC.227(64), MEPC.159(55) - MARPOL IV Prevention of Sewage Pollution

Discharge compliance dates are established for the Baltic Sea Special Area (June 1, 2021 for existing passenger ships with one exception - existing passenger ships which proceed directly to ports under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation within the Baltic Sea Special Area (that is, ports east of longitude 28 degrees,10 minutes (28˚ 10’ E) within the special area) and leaving the special area without making any other port calls within the special area shall comply on June 1, 2023. Sewage treatment plants installed on passenger ships intending to discharge sewage effluent in special areas (currently the Baltic Sea) are to be type approved to additionally meet the specified effluent standards, including those specified in Section 4.2 of the 2012 Guidelines.

b. MEPC.275(69) - MARPOL IV Prevention of Sewage Pollution

Discharge compliance dates are established for the Baltic Sea Special Area (June 1, 2021 for existing passenger ships with one exception existing passenger ships which proceed directly to ports under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation within the Baltic Sea Special Area (that is, ports east of longitude 28 degrees,10 minutes (28˚ 10’ E) within the special area) and leaving the special area without making any other port calls within the special area shall comply on June 1, 2023.

c. MEPC.274(69) - MARPOL IV Prevention of Sewage Pollution

The resolution amends Regulation 11.3 of MARPOL Annex IV (previously revised by Resolution MEPC.200(62)) to revise the application criteria for discharge of sewage from passenger ships within a special area, based on the amended definition of “new passenger ship” (i.e., building contract placed or keel laid on or after June 1, 2019, or delivered on or after June 1, 2021).


Paris MoU:www.parismou.org

Tokyo MoU: www.tokyo-mou.org

United States Coast Guard:www.dco.uscg.mil

Mediterranean MoU: http://www.medmou.org/home.aspx

Black Sea MoU: www.bsmou.org Indian

Ocean MoU: www.iomou.org

Caribbean MoU: https://caribbeanmou.org 

Acuerdo de Viña del Mar: https://alvm.prefecturanaval.gob.ar/

Abuja MoU:www.abujamou.org

Riyadh MoU: www.riyadhmou.org

