雅思口语| 来自老友记的8分地道表达(7)

hard-hitting直言不讳的;单刀直入的=not afraid to talk about or criticize sb/sth in an honest and very direct way
Yeah, they print jokes, interviews, hard-hitting journalism.他们有笑话   专访   一针见血的新闻报导
crack up 大笑
I know I cracked up, but I'm not even sure I got it.我是有大笑,可是我还是看不太懂
lean a little bit more toward sb. 稍微倾向某人
be high maintenance
The reason I was leaning a little bit more toward Rachel than you is just, you know, you're high maintenance.我之所以稍微倾向瑞秋是因为你有点难搞。
go in the other direction 反过来
It's supposed to go in the other direction. 一般应该反过来才对啊
save this seat for someone 帮别人占位子
I believed you were saving this seat for someone.我以为你在帮别人占位子。
sway sb. 让某人摇摆
Don't try to sway her.不要想左右她
you go first 你先说
Chandler, you go first. 钱德 ,你先说。

