

Underneath the Turkish region of Cappadocia, a system of hidden tunnels and caves went undiscovered for a thousand years until one man decided to renovate his home. 18 stories below the ground level in the Turkish region of Cappadocia is the ancient hidden city Derinkuyu. The city was rediscovered in 1963 when a man knocked down a wall in his basement and stumbled across a hidden room. This triggered an excavation of the area to reveal the hidden city that is a thousand years old and over 280 feet deep. It is thought to have been created during the Byzantine era around 1000 AD to protect the community from wars and natural disasters. It is made up of a network of tunnels connecting what would have been kitchens, stables, churches, wells, and even schools. The Cappadocia region is known for subterranean safe havens and it’s speculated that Kerinkuyu may have connected many of them. The city likely could have hidden 20,000 people, livestock, and food supplies, making it the largest underground city in Cappadocia.
renovate: 重修
stumble across: 偶然发现
Byzantine [baɪˈzntaɪn;ˈbɪzəntaɪn]: adj. 拜占庭式的;东罗马帝国的 n. 拜占庭人,拜占庭派的建筑师
stable: 马厩
well: 井,源泉
subterranean: adj. 地下的;秘密的;隐蔽的 n. 地下工作者
livestock: 牲畜
土耳其地下城是卡帕多西亚(Cappadocia ),位于土耳其中西部,是个美丽的奇怪的地方。地下城堡的房舍按用途规划为卧室,作坊、厨房、武器库、储物室、水井和墓地等。这里有数不清的岩锥,蒙着一层浅淡的黄色,偶尔可见的断面,却如一把利刃赫然削过,留下几道刺目的雪白。