DHL官方通知骗局 | Scam in The Name of DHL Official Notification
前段时间,Mike提到过各种各样的钓鱼邮件的诈骗 钓鱼邮件骗局 Phishing Email Scams
Some time ago, I'd mentioned various Phishing Emails Scams.
Fraudsters send fake emails to drive you to the fake websites similar to the platforms you use daily for getting your emails and passwords.
For example, they pretend to be social platforms you use,pushing messages with fake links.
For example, they pretend to be the mail service companies, pushing messages with fake links.
For example, they pretend to be the file-transfer websites or courier companies with fake tracking links.
For example, they pretend to be the existing customers, sending you the fake bank slips or links.
For example, they pretend to be the shipping agent, sending you fake draft B/L with viruses for your confirmation.
Now, many of them pretend to be the DHL, sending you emails and telephone messages, or even giving you a ring, to cheat your password of emails or even your money.
有的时候,他们设定的甚至不是钓鱼网站,而是一些 IPA, APK or EXE. 格式的程序病毒。
Sometimes, they use program virus in IPA, APK or EXE, instead of phishing websites.
有的时候你可以看到邮件或者短信内容中提到的邮箱后缀确实是, 其实很多都已经退役了,不再使用;
Scammers will sometimes leave email addresses with in the details of e-mails or messages, which may actually have been decommissioned long time ago.
Or, the e-mail address exists, but they do believe that you will give a response directly to the current sender, instead of the one they mentioned in the detailed content.
Therefore,it won't bring their scams any troubles even if you go check the validity of that e-mail.
So, how should we cope with such matters?
把发件箱或手机号放到谷歌里去搜索, 看看有没有人曾经举报过诈骗;
Go search the e-mail address or cell phone number with Google to see if anybody had just reported them as scammers before.
by MIKE外贸说
Go check whether the Tracking No. mentioned in the e-mail or text message belong to the parcels you sent recently
by MIKE外贸说
Call your courier and check details with them.
by MIKE外贸说
Go find the official website of DHL and call them with the number listed on the website.
Do not use any contact information mentioned in the e-mail or text message
by MIKE外贸说
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