画家 Trudy Good精美素描人体,美不胜收!

Trudy Good,1967年出生在汉普郡,年轻时候的她浪漫、美丽,喜爱具象画家如伦勃朗,里希特,萨金特,德加,贾科梅蒂和培根。在正规的艺术院校学习一年后,她选择了离开,走她自己的路,不受当时的公众艺术的影响。为了把自己的艺术情感尽情的展示出来,她开始了长达十年之久的独立学习的历程。形成了有自己特色的艺术表现方法。


素描,竟然也能画得如此性感?画家 Trudy Good 这组画就是这么画的!!!


构成一件艺术创作的形式元素包括形状、色彩、笔触、线条、质感、量感、时间、空间等,而这些元素不可能单独存在。而Trudy Good 却能妥善的运用形式要素,且恰如其分地发挥艺术创作的魅力。


The rose opens a smiling face, the flower looks like a small Wine Cup, the petal slightly becomes the spiral type to open, but also could not see inside the pistil.

When the roses were not in bloom, Bud wore a green coat. After a few days, the bud broke the top of the coat, exposing the petals.

Rose is very noble, in the summer or winter, there will be a rose, not afraid of the cold and heat, is equivalent to a loyal duty, not afraid of difficulties guardian.


Looks like a rose, but not as beautiful as a rose, but, as long as there is enough sunshine and air, every month is its blooming season. Not like roses, only for summer release of passion.

The roses vary in form, thousands upon thousands, and are very beautiful. The unopened flowers were full to bursting with life. A rose with only two or three petals is like a bow on a girl's head; it has a shy face like a girl's.

Full-blown roses, like a young girl, as proud and beautiful. A breeze blows, but the roses dance, as if they are showing off their beauty.

