雅思口语 Part1&3 like类题型高分示范
现在like,dilike 类型的题目有关于你喜欢吗,也有关于他人喜欢吗,像是:
Do people in your country like...?
Do children like...?
Do different people like different ....?
建议用It depends 的方法来回答,但是不能总是重复It depends 这个表达,可以说:different strokes for different folks 萝卜青菜各有所爱;人各有好
Do children like outdoor activities?
I think it's a case of different strokes for different folks. Some children are fond of outdoor pursuits, such as track and field sports, whereas others prefer sedentary activities like playing computer games. 我想这个因人而异。有些小孩喜欢一些户外活动,像是田径运动什么的;而有些人喜欢电脑游戏之类的静态活动。
Do people in your country like the same food?
I think some people are as different as night and day. On one hand some people prefer traditional food, such as rice and noddles, whereas others are into ethnic cuisine, like tacos---which are from Mexico-- and curry, which of course is famous in India. 我觉得在这个方面人们之间有天壤之别。有些人喜欢吃像米饭,面条之类的传统食物;有些人则喜欢吃民族美食,像墨西哥的炸玉米饼,印度的咖喱。
Is there anything you dislike about shopping?
Actually, my pet peeve is when I'm lined up to pay and people jump the queue! 其实我特别讨厌在排队付款时有人插队。
What was your favourite TV programme when you were a child? (在考察过去式,在回答的时候,可以用一些过渡性的词汇,如infant 婴儿,toddler初学走路的孩子,teenager少年, adolescence青春期)
Well, when I was an infant, I really enjoyed Teletubbies. When I was a toddler, my favourite was Sesame Street, and then,---as I grew older---I started to watch sit-coms and action shows. In my adolescence, my favourites were reality shows and some local dramas. 幼儿时期,我比较喜欢看天线宝宝。学走路那会儿我比较喜欢看芝麻街。再大一些,我开始看情景喜剧和动作剧了。青春期那阵,我特别爱看真人秀和地方戏剧。