书面表达 | 高中英语好词好句好段整理

1.Hearing that you are to have a journey back to your country during the summer vacation and desire to know what to choose as a present which can represent Chinese culture for your mother, I’m writing to express my regards to your mom and in response to your inquiry.
2.Previously informed that you’ll return to your country during the summer vacation, I’m writing with the aim of offering some suggestions in regards to your inquiry about an appropriate present representing Chinese culture to your mother.
3.News reaches me that you plan to go back to your motherland during the summer vacation, and intend to present your mother a gift representing Chinese culture. I feel honored to make some recommendations as follows.
4.Overwhelmed with delight and joy, I am writing to offer some advice in answer to your inquiry to help you pick up a gift featuring Chinese culture for your mom.
5.In reference to the presents, which can feature the most special and wonderful culture in China, Chinese Qipao and Chinese knots can never be ignored. These two kinds of traditional Chinese crafts existing for a long history, are always the speakers telling Chinese stories to every generation.
6.Qipao, traditional Chinese clothes, is greatly welcomed among Chinese women in that it fully shows a woman’s charming figure. Besides,its a symbol of beauty and elegance. Given that your mother is beautiful and fond of fascinating clothes, it’s a wise choice.
7.As a representative of traditional Chinese custom, Qipao is always highly praised for its delicate cutting, its splendid employment of color and its perfectly selected name which signifies “Qi Kai De Sheng”, the same meaning as “winning” and “victory” in Chinese.
8.Qipao, with its root in traditional Chinese culture and absorbing modern elements, with its various styles and fancy looking, has gained popularity among the elderly and the young domestically and internationally.
9.Admittedly, China, possessing a profound history, has a large number of treasures with their deep roots in Chinese culture, among which I prefer Qipao and Chinese knot for your alternatives most. Initiallywhat should be highly recommended is Qipao, which combines beauty and historic meaning at the same time. Its fascinating appearance and softness also contribute to the preference.
10.Theres no denying that Qipao is the best choice of all. It is widely acknowledged that a woman wearing Qipao is elegant, educated and well-behaved. With delicate and fancy designs, Qipao is honored to be a sign of Chinese clothes reforming from traditional to modern pattern.
11.Chinese knot can be a wise alternative, too. Characterized by a complex procedure and an appealing red outlook, Chinese knots are widely acknowledged as a symbol of Chinese culture and gain ground all over the world. Chinese people use Chinese knots as decorations, owning a meaning of the arrival of happiness and good luck.
12.As for Chinese knots, such an ordinary thing as it is, it’s meaningful, because of a sense of togetherness it boards and a wish of family union it expresses, both of which are highly recommended.
13.Meanwhile, the Chinese knot carries some good wishes. Its red color is regarded as a symbol of happiness, the form of knot indicating solidarity. Chinese people prefer to hang up the Chinese knot in their houses hoping, that their family can be filled with harmony and joy.
14.Apart from this, the Chinese knot is bound to gain your favor. The wishes of union and togetherness are deeply conveyed through thousands of red threads knitted neatly.


News reaches me that you plan to go back to your motherland during the summer vacation, with the intention of giving your mother a gift featuring Chinese culture. I feel honored to offer you some recommendations as follows.
What comes first is Qipao, a kind of Chinese female clothes, which features both the beauty and figure of anyone who dressed herself with it. Also, the Chinese knot, a decoration you can see almost everywhere, especially on festival occasions, is worthy of being regarded as an appropriate alternative, which means union. It is inviting and meaningful. I assume your mother will adore it.
Last but not least, I sincerely anticipate what you choose will take her fancy. It is my sincere hope that you will adopt my recommendations. Best wishes for your family reunion!


Hearing that you are to have a journey back to your country during the summer vacation and desire to know what to choose as a present which can represent Chinese culture for your mom, I’m writing to express my regards to your mom and in response to your inquiry.
China boasting a long and profound history and covering a vast land, various cultures have been stimulated, which shows the wisdom of Chinese people. What I recommend to you to choose as an initial gift is Qipao. Given that women commonly take a fancy to being dressed beautifully, Qipao should be a good choice without doubt, which helps show your mom’s good figure and spirit.
The Chinese knot can be a wise alternative, too. Characterized by a complex procedure and an appealing red outlook, Chinese knots are widely acknowledged as a symbol of Chinese culture and gain ground all over the world. Chinese people use Chinese knots as decorations, owning a meaning of the arrival of happiness and good luck.
Remember me to your mom! I’d appreciate it if you could take my advice into consideration. Hope you have a pleasant journey!


Dear Peter,
I am more than pleased to know that you are planning to bring home gifts representing Chinese culture for your mother, and so I am writing to offer my humble suggestions.
My first suggestion is Qipao, a fine and exquisite piece of traditional Chinese clothing with its unique and exceptional design. I am sure your mum will look absolutely stunning and gorgeous in it, combining her western fashion with exotic oriental elegance. Besides Qipao, the Chinese knot also comes highly recommended because it represents unity and attachment in Chinese culture, a proper gift to demonstrate your deep love and strong emotional bond towards your mother. I am sure your mom would love it, once she understands the profound meaning behind the Chinese knot.
It is my sincere hope that your mom will love your presents and I wish you a happy summer vacation!


1.Given that you are conducting research about garbage classification, I’m more than willing to offer some help. And in response to your inquiry, I’m writing to tell you the present situation of garbage classification in my community.
2.Knowing that you are conducting research about garbage classification and have a burning desire to know the present situation of it in our community, I’m writing to offer some relevant information in reply to your inquiry.
Frankly speaking, this new policy wasn’t carried out successfully as expected at the very beginning. Since we may meet with many problems during the practical process, it did take us a period of time to accustom ourselves to garbage classification. As for now, an increasing number of the residents in our community are having a better sense of classifying garbage. What’s more, the efficiency of garbage recycling has been advanced considerably.
3.To be honest, it’s not going as well as expected. The fact that lots of people aren’t equipped with adequate knowledge about garbage classification accounts for the result that the garbage is not classified correctly. What’s worse, so troublesome and exhausting is that it wears people out.
4.In an attempt to provide several facts and statistics to support your research on/regarding garbage classification, I (take pains to) assemble the up-to-date information about the present situation of garbage classification in our community. Frankly speaking, we have already made a rough classification. Though, with a lack of environmental awareness, we haven’t made much progress. Thus, there remains unsolved/unsettled problems and difficulties.
5.First of all, we set up a series of garbage bins, allowing people to sort out different kinds of garbage. Second, we made clear and strict rules about the classification, so every rubbish has an exact place to go. Last but not least, in order to make sure that people follow the rules, anyone who breaks the rules will be fined.
6.From my point of view, garbage classification is definitely an environmentally friendly way to handle the garbage. Turning waste into wealth can save tons of resources. However, the classification in our country is still far from perfect, which means that we citizens should raise the awareness of garbage classification and our government should spare no effort to realize it.
Hopefully, what I mentioned above could help you have a picture of the present situation of garbage classification in mind.
7.From my perspective, garbage classification is a must for urban construction and makes it easier than ever for cleaners to deal with the recycling of garbage. Additionally, it succeeds in getting each of us citizens involved in protecting the environment and perfecting our living conditions.
8.Long gone are the days of stinky(恶臭的) garbage taking up every street corner.


I’m delighted to know that you’ve been occupied with research on garbage classification, which is a meaningful topic. Concerning your inquiry about the present situation in our community, I’d like to provide you with some relevant information.
The practice of garbage classification truly makes a difference to my community. Before we ever started to classify the garbage, residents just mixed the rubbish up before discarding(丢弃) it. As a consequence, the trashcans were always a mess, which made it troublesome for the cleaners to clean up. These days, however, everyone is setting about classifying the garbage, recognizing the importance of recycling. Thanks to garbage classification, my community is turning on a new look.
From my perspective, garbage classification is an effective means of protecting the environment. It significantly simplifies the recycling procedure, saving not only time but energy in managing the garbage. If it weren’t for garbage classification, tons of recyclable resources would have been wasted. Therefore, I hope more people can join us to classify the garbage, since many hands make light work.


Learning that you are conducting research on garbage classification and more information is required, I’m glad to tell you what differences my community has made.
The policy of garbage classification has completely transformed my neighborhood. Just a month ago, we had no concept of how to classify the trash, while at present citizens are equipped with basic knowledge about garbage classification. Besides, a classification center has been set up in my community, where stands several tall containers for the sorted garbage. It is the very first time that all the residents have been so enthusiastic to about classifying garbage.
As far as I’m concerned, the newly carried out policy is just what we have been calling for. Although China is rich in natural resources, the garbage we produce daily is far more than that of the developed countries. Thankfully, the garbage classification is a remarkable step, aiming to recycle resources and realize sustainable development, whose positive effects are beyond description.


How is everything going? In your last letter, you asked me about garbage classification in my community, so I’m writing to tell you some details about it.
The garbage classification activity was launched in our community last month. People are required to sort household garbage into four categories, each of which is supposed to be thrown into certain bins at certain times. Individuals who fail to do so will be fined. Although people were confused with the demanding garbage classification at the beginning, they are much better at sorting garbage now with the help of a special App. To make the garbage classification easier to achieve, more and more restaurants in our community are using environmentally friendly materials to deliver their food. The hotels in the neighbourhood also give priority to offering products made from recyclable materials.
Personally, I’m in full support of garbage classification because it contributes to arousing people’s awareness of protecting the environment. Hopefully my information is of help to you.
