

“Everybody now has career paths that are different than their dads were, everyone needs portable benefits, not just sharing economy workers,” said Steve Case, the entrepreneur, chiming in from the audience. On top of the challenges of finding benefits, these workers also face a lack of ongoing investment in the furthering of their careers from both their employers and the government.

企业家Steve Case从观众席中插话道,“如今,大家都有不同于父辈的职业发展道路,也需要移动福利(灵活可延续的福利),这一点不是共享经济的从业者独有的。”除了为自己争取福利方面的挑战外,这些人同样面临一个问题:雇主和政府对其职业深造的后续投资不足。


Warner advocates for a benefits system that’s more portable, and he also wants workers to have access to education and skill building that can help them move from just-scraping-by to financially comfortable. That, too, could help solve the problem of gaps where jobs are available but there are too few workers with appropriate skills to fit them. Jobs like electricians and various other trade work.


1. 首句为and连接的并列句。

2. 首句的前半句为“主谓”结构,Warner /advocates for/ a benefits system,that’s more portable 为定语从句,修饰a benefits system。整体译为:译为:华纳主张(建立)一种更灵活可移动的福利体系。

3. 首句的后半句为“主谓宾宾补”结构,he/ also wants/ workers/ to have access to education and skill building ; that 引导定语从句,修饰 education and skill building。翻译时,如果定语从句较长,可将定语从句单独成句。因此,该句可译为:他还希望工人们有机会接受教育和技能培训,这能帮助他们实现从勉强糊口到财务状况舒适的跨越。

4. 二句主干为“主谓宾”结构,That/ could help/ solve the problem of gaps; where 引导定语从句修饰限定了gaps的具体内容。

5. Jobs like electricians and various other trade work实际为省略句的形式,其完整形式应该是:These jobs are like electricians and various other trade work


advocate for 主张

benefits n. 福利;奖金

portable adj. 便携的;可转移的

have access to … 可利用到……

skill building 技能培训

scrape by 勉强糊口

financially adv. 财政方面地

gap n. 差距;空缺

available adj. 可利用的;有空的

appropriate adj. 合适的;恰当的


Warner advocates for a benefits system that’s more portable, and he also wants workers to have access to education and skill building that can help them move from just-scraping-by to financially comfortable. That, too, could help solve the problem of gaps where jobs are available but there are too few workers with appropriate skills to fit them. Jobs like electricians and various other trade work.



“Every politician says they want more carpenters and welders and plumbers, but we don’t really put the policy implications behind it,” Warner said. That’s in part because of the bifurcation between America’s so-called blue-collar and white-collar workers—stratification that is reinforced by massive pay and advancement gaps.

