

Photo by Hermioe MIAO at HK.

 序 言 Preface 


This article is adapted from Tim Hawkins' speech at 2017 Commencement ceremony for the A2 graduates. From my perspective, this also works for anyone who is studying in international schools. With Tim's permission, GEO posted this article for anyone interested. Sherry and I tried our best  to translate, but we may still misunderstand some idea, feel free to point out.

 演 讲 稿 Speech draft

1/ Introduction, think independently, style, active learning.

1/ 引言:独立思考、学校风格、主动学习

1.1/I am sure we have made a start in helping you, our graduates, to think independently. And I thank the parents, for supporting us in that endeavour, it is sometimes unusual in China. Of course students here are fortunate to have parents who recognise the value of that.


1.2.1/When choosing teachers for here, not only do we look for teaching skills and subject masterybut also judge whether the candidate is a team player and a hard worker. That teacher choice is to support our style, which has always been to treat students as individuals.


1.2.2 We try not to be over-prescriptive. For example our course setting structure starts with studentrequests, unlike most schools who give students limited combination choices. We choose our balance between learning specifically for exams and encouragement of individual initiative and enquiry.


1.3/Regrettably, and actuallywell predicted by some authors early in the last century,  there has been a progressive tendency overthe last forty years or so in the West, particularly the US, to use educationas part of government propaganda.


1.4.1/I recall as an example of the style at Cambridge, while I was an undergraduate, asking my tutor to clarify an inconsistency between what a professor and a lecturer were telling us. One said that the Cooling towers in power stations were empty, the other that they contained a wooden structure to aid condensation.


1.4.2/He said, “I don’t know, I am control engineer - this is a university, not a technical college, those teaching you are learning the subjects themselves as they go along. Go with the professor if you have to a make a choice now.”


1.5/The point is, learning by doing, observing, enquiring and thinking for yourself will prepare you better than being told how to do everything and how to behave. There is a return to some appreciation of the point now, with use of the term-- Active Learning. The style of an education institution is about the whole life of that institution, not just the classroom teaching.


1.6.1/Maybe you can best think of this matter as like a mathematical optimisation. Even if the way you are told toapproach problems or to behave happens to be right now, just always doing that won’t help much when you are faced with new circumstances.


1.6.2/or the opportunity to make the wrongmove at the right time, or the professional foul if you prefer to call it that. Active Evil is better than Passive Good, to quote William Blake, and is much of the reason why both Trump and Brexit happened.

1.6.2/又比如当你遇到一个机遇时,你在正确的时候做了错误的行为破坏了规则,就像是竞技运动中的蓄意犯规。William Blake所说的主动做恶事比被动成为好人也大致是这样的意思,这或许也就是为什么特朗普会上台,为什么英国会脱欧。

2/ Self awareness, be analytical.

2/ 学会分析,有自知之明

2.1/Self awareness is very important. It took me too long to understand my strengths and weaknesses. Andfind out that some of my main characteristics,can sometimes be great strengths and sometimes decisive weaknesses. The quicker you can get a good self awareness the better, tough you have to keep it up date – it isrelative, and everything changes.


2.2/I am sure all of our graduates have made a good start in developing selfawareness and finding their best approach to learning. And also what they call EQ now, essential to leadership, knowledge of others specific capabilities and emotions. Lead everyone the same way and you are almost certain to fail.


2.3.1/Your mathematical ability and pragmatism are great strengths. When you are making choices, quantify – guess when you have to, keep guessing and you will get good at it –don’t just use woolly, general arguments.


2.3.2/ Think of all the choice options you can make – not justthe conventional or routine ones. Use a “professional foul” when it is right to do so. I have on several occasions.Sometimes it worked really well, occasionally it went very badly wrong.


2.4/Don’t take a simplistic view based on what someone told you, or what a book or the internet says is right. “Who said” is a common way of establishing an argument, but you are all intelligent enough to do much better.


2.5.1/Also, I can say it is not accurate to claim you never regret bold,positive actions you take. Once or twice when I’ve done it, in retrospect it would have been better to be passive. Equally if you need to change something, keep in mind it usually won’t change favourably if you do nothing!


2.5.2/Time management is important. It always helps to work well ahead and efficiently. Don’t leave things until the lastminute. Don’t even wait until you have all the information, just adjust when you get it.


2.5.3/Your sub-conciousness will do much more ofthe work for you if you start things early. If you don’t know what to do in difficult circumsatnces,it isn’t usually right to do nothing.


2.6/One of my favourite management stories is how a group of soldiers found their way off a verydifficult and dangerous mountain using a map they came across. And only later did they discover that it was a map of somewhere else completely.


3/ Choices, career

3/ 选择与职业

3.1.1/You’ve got a lot of opportunities. If you find out the university course you have chosen isn’t right for you once you start studying, what are going to do about it? The answer probably shouldn’t be “nothing”. For nearly all business or finance careers, science orengineering are just as good, or often better, than management and finance courses and certainly better than a very focused sort of course such Media Studies or Environmental Studies.


3.1.2/University status is important. Engineering at Oxford is almost as good as Economicsat Cambridge for most careers. And Engineering at Oxford is better than saymanagement at Warwick, though that is good as well. Generally, if you find youare doing the wrong course, change if you lose no time, put up with it and make it work if you can’t change without losing a year or two.


3.2.1/For your long termchoices, take your views on what the world will be like over the next forty years, not what it has been like in the last ten. What’s going to happen in Africa? We all know the Chinese style, unlike India, is totake advantage of opportunities, to be pragmatic and flexible.


3.2.2/Those are major reasons for growth andsuccess, as actually they were six hundred years ago in Birmingham, the city Icome from. (which unlike other manufacturing cities in England was not controlled by trade guilds) China will continue to grow inmany capabilities - scientific, commercial, and diplomatic, giving you lots of opportunities to get the best fit for your individual skills and knowledge.


3.3/I think Banking must decline – governments will not be able to defend it against people’s loathing for much longer and by the time you graduate it obviously won’t be a sensible choice. As for start-ups and entrepreneurial activity, just remember the stories are only hear about the success stories and not about the far greater number of people who did exactly the same as successful people andweren’t lucky.


3.4.1/It is human nature everywhere to assume one particular path for the future and then makingchoices specifically according to that path, as if wishing for something can make it come true. Of course you have to set targets. Choose what you believe is the best you can do and then do everything youcan to achieve it. That is also important life experience.


3.4.2/But it is also essential to add some wisdom into the activity. Is the choice really the best for thepermanentlyuncertain and changing world?And if things don't turn out exactly as expected, which could be for many reasons, what sensibleoptions will remain available.


3.5/When people give you career advice, it is a bitlike the question those of us reading the subject that I chose at Cambridge gotasked the most “Are you an Engineer?” “Yes”, you say imagining someone has a genuine interest, and then they say “Could you please repair my bike?”


3.6.1/One thing it is worth finding out, by interning or visitingor asking your parents and their friends how things really happen. Take anexample, debating skills. These are useful as basic building blocks, ways ofincreasing your self confidence. But do not imagine that anything like a formaldebate regularly takes place in most organisations.


3.6.2/In most businesses,choices are made by a combination of good analysis, one to one persuasion often based on self-interest, and low cunning – the holidayschedule is one of the most important documents in any business – find out whenpeople holding opposite views aren’t in the office!


3.7.1/Some modern trendsare regrettable. Won’t make businessas much fun as it used to be. These days there is much more detailed control fromtop managers in commercial organisations than there was 30 years ago. Scope for delegated decision making hasbeen reduced significantly. A result,of course of the enourmous improvement in communication technology.


3.7.2/One example is the now often quoted response “that question is far above my pay grade” – suggesting thatbroader understanding and thinking is only for senior managers. I feel more comfortable with earlier ideas about the intelligence capacity of the wholeorganisation – perhaps even the old military exaggeration of the point “everyfoot soldier carries a general’s baton in his pack.


3.8/My advice about how todeal with being much more controlled in detail by senior managers? You have get even cleverer, better at being situational, be flexible, learn the culture, but go against it when you should.


3.9/Prejudice is useful whenyou are making choices – it’s got a bad name. I remember as a young marketing manager I had to travel to various European countries frequently. When I started, I thought, I won’t expect the national stereo-types to be true, I will treat everyone equally – how niaive – within a month I found out that all the national stereo-types were right – at least to 85%. Decisions based on prejudice are quick, cheap and right most of the time.


3.10/And don’t overestimate howmuch time you have, it only seems like only a few months ago, I won’t say 5 minutes,when I was where you are.


4/ Don’t stick together

4/ 大学里别只和同胞黏在一起

4.1.1/When you are at university, do try to make non-Chinese friends. Force yourself a bit, if you are lacking self confidence. All universities are worried about this point. It might not be easy.


4.1.2/After a term studying Maths in PeterhouseCambridge, one student (Gloria) visited us and I asked whether she had madenon-Chinese friends. She said no, I advised her to try, and I got an update aterm later. She said she had done it, had an Italian boy friend, but had beenreprimanded by other Chinese in Peterhouse of letting the Chinese group down bymaking friends outside! As in all things, you have choice!


4.2/How you present yourself to faculty members is asimilar issue. There remains the long standing worry that a rote learning approach has been followed in China and that does not prepare students well for the Oxford, Cambridge andother top university courses. Which courses are actually sometimes about what is not stated, as well as what is.


5/ Culture,Euphemism. Don’t worry about losing face.

5/ 文化很不同?别担心丢脸

5.1/It might mean you sometimes lose face. Try to laugh about it. If weare very concerned about losing face, about making a mistake – and in China a lot of us are – we will be reluctant to move outside our own comfort zone.


5.1.2/ In order to try to do more than is expected, try something new, make a suggestion, or argue over a difficult question. Losing face and dealing with it well will help you develop more options and help your relationships with the faculty and non-Chinese students.


5.2/But, be careful with a few specific questions which are ok in China, but not the West.Don’t ask old men their ages or anybody what they earn!


5.3/Get aware of how strong the general attitude and behavior conditioning is in many Western countries. And it is different between the US and UK, mainly coming from the fact that the US was formed from a mixture of mostly European cultures, not just British. Watch out for euphemisms in Britain “tired and emotional” means drunk.

5.3/同时你还要意识到许多西方国家的整体态度和行为习惯是怎么样的。比如英国和美国其实很不一样,美国作为一个移民国家,文化中有许多欧洲文化的影子,不只是英国而已。说到委婉用语,有一个经典的例子,“很累很情绪化”听起来是”tired and emotional”的意思,但其实这是喝醉了的委婉用语。

6/ Finish


6.1/Show respect for everyone, listen, politely and critically to everyone, don’t tell people what they think or why they dothings, you don’t know that. But believe nobody, including me if you like.


6.2/And the very best of luckto all of you, a bit of luck usually can’t hurt.


