


Minor Heat


Slight Heat


The traditional Chinese calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. Xiǎoshǔ (pīnyīn), literally "Minor Heat" in English, is the 11th solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 105° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 120°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 105°, which in the Gregorian calendar is around July 7. This year, it falls on July 7.
传统农历将一年划分为24个节气。小暑,拼音为Xiǎoshǔ,英文为Minor Heat,是一年中第11个节气。它始于太阳到达黄经105°,结束于太阳到达黄经120°。它更常指的是太阳正处于黄经105°的日子,在公历中,通常在7月7日左右。今年是在7月7日。
Each solar term can be divided into 3 pentads. They are: first pentad, second pentad and last pentad. Pentads in Xiaoshu include:
First pentad 初候: 
Warm wind comes
Second pentad 次候
Cricket lives in the wall
Last pentad 末候
Eagle begins to learn hunting
Minor Heat signifies the hottest period is coming but the extreme hot point has yet to arrive.
It is a  season of storms, thunder and hail, and in some years there might be droughts. One of the prevailing farming activities during Minor Heat is staying on top of flood control and drought relief.
It is the season for fresh fruit, including all kinds of melons.  When summer heat hits, people lose their appetites. Sweet fruits, expecially watermelons, definitely become a seasonal favorite.
It is also a season for the lotus. The lotus flower fully blossoms, while its roots are fresh and tender. Poetic Chinese not only appreciate the beauty of the lotus, but also make its root into delicious dishes. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lotus root can clear the lungs and relieve heat, so dishes cooked with lotus roots are highly recommended by doctors.
In the past, having fresh grains was one of the main traditions among the folks in China. People ground the new rice and wheat into flour and make various kinds of cakes and noodles, which can be shared by neighbors and villagers to express their wish for a good harvest. The pronunciation of having fresh grains in Chinese resembles the sound of surviving hardship, which means going through hardship.
During the Minor Heat period, with the longest amount of sunlight and the strongest sunlight radiation, many families hang their clothes and bedding out in the sun to prevent mildew.
Start of Spring 立春
Rain Water 雨水
Awakening of Insects 惊蛰
Vernal Equinox 春分
Clear and Bright 清明
Grain Rain 谷雨
Start of Summer 立夏
Grain Full 小满
Grain in Ear 芒种
Summer Solstice 夏至
Minor Heat 小暑
Major Heat 大暑
Start of Autumn 立秋
Limit of Heat 处暑
White Dew 白露
Autumnal Equinox 秋分
Cold Dew 寒露
Frost Descent 霜降
Start of Winter 立冬
Minor Snow 小雪
Major Snow 大雪
Winter Solstice 冬至
Minor Cold 小寒
Major Cold 大寒
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