立个flag, 先听写电影100天再说
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈, 所以最近开始每天早上做1分钟电影听写.
我坚持听写电影1个月了, 我对自己的坚持的能力总算有了一点小小的信心, 终于敢立个flag了. 我决定继续每天早上听写1分钟电影, 先听写100天再说! 请大家为我加油!
However, my trouble was(my troubles were) far from over.
The minute I walked into Ms. Yorson’s(Miss Yelson’s) classroom.
Bryce, you’re here.
It was clear. School would not be a sanctuary.
Hey, Bryce, where’s your girlfriend?
I was branded for life.
Hey, Bryce, why don’t you ask her to marry you?
Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
My first year in town was a disaster,
though the next three weren’t much better.
But finally, in the 6th grade, I took action.
I hatched the plan.
1 这篇略难, 听写+对答案花了20分钟.
2 my troubles were这里的单复数纯属是我大意失荆州!
3 Miss Yelson这句对我而言属于那种对过答案之后, 我仍然耳朵听着觉得可以是Ms. Yorson也可以是Miss Yelson. 嗯, 我过段时间再听试试.
4 我喜欢怦然心动的一个原因是看小孩子用一些很大的词, 感觉很有趣. 比如这里的would not be a sanctuary, 还有之前那句half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort. 你喜欢这部电影的原因是什么?