


2,Oil majorinspection

3.Prepare shipdocking

4.Experienceabout ship grounding

5.Experienceabout ME overhauling,

6.How to usehydraulic tool

7. What you knowabout ME pneumatic control system,

8. Marpol,H2Scontent of F.O when ship being to China

9. The expireceabout I.GG,and how to startthe IGG. Wat;s the reason about an notstart the IGG

10. Theexperience about gelaxy ship A/E breakdown due to connecting rod bolt loose

11.What is thereason about M/E one cylinder exhaust temperature low

12.how to startthe oily water separator ,and what have on the oily water separator top cover,what are these function .

13.the pscinspection

14,what is theimport item of maintenance the framo system .

15.what thereason of the framo system have the sound, and how to do

16.how to checkthe cargo tank framo p/p impeller tension

17.talk aboutthe ship fuel oil system

18.how to recordthe oil record book

19,how manykinds of ship have the lub oil ,normallyhow much storage on board

20, talk aboutthe hot work

21.2E responsibility

22.Prepare ship docking

23.Experience about ME overhauling,

24.Talk about hydraulic tool andhow to use.

25. How to start the IGG. Whatis the reason about an not start the IGG

26.What is the reason about M/Eall cylinder exhaust temperature high.

27. After overhaul A/E how tore-condition it.


1.the inspection of oil majoy will takeplace when a vessel is alongside in port or loading cargo.

2.the basic of oil majoy inspection issire( ship inspection report programme),created by OCIMF(oil companyinternational marine forum),so usually we call oil majoy inspection with sireinspection

3.the content of sire including(SOLAS,MAPPROL 73/78.STCW,ISM,ISPS AND SO ON)

4. the content of inspection divide into 2parts :

First: involve andcertification at engine department :

1) engine log book

2) part1 of oily record book

3) C/E standing order & night order

4) all class approved manual like : ODME,IGG, and so on

5) PMS,

6) the operating record for IGG cargo pump,and ballast pump .

7) E/R lifting device test & inspectionrecord

8) operating procedure formachinery,emergency equipment and anti –pollution equipment to be post at nearby area

9) hot work permit and & enclose spaceentry permit.

10) bunker plan checklist ,bunker deliverynote , departure &arrival checklist

11) maintenance & regularly test recordfor M/E .G/E,BLR, IGG .emergency equipment such as: em`cy fire pump .life boat,fire fighting equipment ,anti- pollution equipment ,alarm system and so on.

12) L.O & F.O analysis report.

Secondly:test for all em`cy equipment ,fire fighting equipment,anti-pollution equipment and so on . such like:

1) test em`cy generator ,cm`cy fire pump,em`cy air compressor , em`cy steering ,quickly-close v/v, em`cy fire damper.

2) test for life boat & rescue boatengine

3) fire detection system & alarm , firefighting equipment and system test.

4) E/R bilge high alarm test ,pump roombilge high level alarm,

5) test running &alarm foe incinerator.ows 15ppm alarm.

6) test fuel oil leakage alarm for M/E andA/E, oil mist detector alarm test.

7) IGG system alarm test and O2 analisycalibration

8) the machines & equipment involved incargo operation such as: cargo pump, stripping pump are no ant water &oilleakage,and alarm &sensor system at working condition

9) E/R is very clean condition ,no anywater or oil leakage ,no any oil rag
10) boiler frame out & water level hgh &low alarm test



1. hydraulic pump ,high pressure hose ,distribution piece, hydraulic jack, support sleeve , adjusting rod


1.Before tension should be check tensionpressure in manual book , clean the bolt and greased ,screw main nut on thebolt.

2. put the support sleeve on the bolt andalign it in centri, screw the hyd`jack until fit on the sleeve ,the piston ofhyd` jack must be at “0” position ,

3. make sure all hydraulic connection iscorrectly ,start pressurization for tension procedure.

4. when pressure is achieved ,stoppressurization ,the bolt force to extended ,so that ,the main nut is liftedfrom flange ,and then screw it back tothe flange for tight . after that ,release the pressure ,tension is finished .

loosening procedure

1.some procedure same tension procedure ,when screw the hyd`jack on sleeve ,and then make turn back half to one turn,for bolt spring back during loosening procedure .otherwise the jack will stuck onthe flange .(one important thing is adjust the clearance never exceed thestroke of the hyd`jack )

2.start pressurization for looseningprocedure ,when pressure achieved before we set , ,loose the main nut ,


1) To help chief engineer ,receive , order,lead and supervise . ensure that operation and maintenance machinery andequipments under the responsibility of engine department are carry outefficiently. Ensure personnel in engine department thoroughly understand theorders ,rules and notifications .

2) To operator and maintain the main engineand associated auxiliaries .

3) Personally supervise /maintenance/repairworks for all plate type of heat exchangers

4) To perform necessary duties when ship isanchored ,such as navigation watch keeping and anchor watch keeping .

5)To work as designated duly engineer officer for manned engine room

6) To carry out work plans andrationalization plans required for understanding the present condition of themachinery and equipment under the responsibility of engine department

7)Upon detecting a deficiency in machineryand equipment under his responsibility ,to report immediately to chief engineer

8) To manage lubricating oils and overseethe acceptance of the oils

9) To carry out engine trail after ensuringthat chief engineer is present ,during the trails .

10) To help chief engineer conserve the useof ship store under responsibility of engine department .

11) Take six monthly engine departmentinventory ,assess and verify the quantity of stores and spare ,beforerequesting approval form chief engineer,

12) To prepare repair works requests for machineryand equipment belonging to the engine department and submit them to chiefengineer

13) To enter important items of enginedepartment in engine log book

14) To decide work allocation for oiler andwiper

15 )To take charge of work in the enginedepartment and prepare documents necessary of work outside regular workinghours

16) To help the chief engineer managematter related to engine department

17) To help the chief engineer in matter related to shipboard repairs

18) To perform the duties assigned by chief engine

DOCKING SURVEY is a major event in maintenance of vessel ,which require earlyplanning .

Bebefore :

1. we should prepare the repair list inadvance

2. vessel should order some import storeand spare parts during

docking repair

3. requisition remove the sludge andde-slop before docking .

4. arrange and division of work to be carryout by crew or shipyard

5. prepare and standby the special toolsfor docking

We also need to consideration :

1. any outstanding item from last docking

2. any item due within during docking

3. any report on equipment /system failurethat had to be clear in this docking

4. some item of docking survey

5. the docking item (polish propeller .sterntube seal ,E/R piping ,sea valve . ICCP inspection ,)

6.during ship repairing at shipyard ,it isvery import to take safety measurement to prevent people injury ,life lost,fire .

crewing面试问题, ARIFUR


Technical, 中国人面试







