
Every morning before the sun rises, 75-year-old Carlos Sánchez says a prayer in his one-room hut, grabs a pair of binoculars and slowly climbs up into a lonely treehouse that leans precariously over the edge of a mountain.


From his perch high above the misty folds of the Ecuadorian Andes, Sánchez peers across the emerald valley’s patchwork fields towards the towering 5,023m-tall crater of Tungurahua, a wildly active stratovolcano whose name means 'throat of fire’ in the local Quechua language.


He then scans the deep ravines and twisting chasms that shoot dangerously down Tungurahua’s slopes towards his family’s hometown of Baños, until they disappear into the clouds below.


“Right now she’s taking a rest,” Sánchez said, turning away from the crag and carefully bending his bad knee down the steps.


“Better feed the chickens before the whole world arrives.”


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But in the last few years, something strange has started happening: people from all over the planet are coming to what was once a quiet cow pasture to find Sánchez’s monitoring station – all because he decided to dangle a wooden swing from his treehouse in hopes that his grandchildren would come visit.


They did.


Soon, a few strangers began showing up to ask if they could go for a ride, too.


Then in 2014, two members of a visiting group of tourists were taking turns on Sánchez’s swing when Tungurahua suddenly erupted.


The pair bolted down the mountain, but not before one snapped a photo of the other gazing up at a surging 8,000m-tall ash plume while appearing to swing over an abyss at the edge of the Earth.


The image received international recognition in a National Geographic photo competition and quickly spread around the world.


Now, hundreds of people every day are following the trail at the edge of Baños, hiking 2.5 hours up the sharp side of a mountain and pushing each other off a 30m ledge at what has become known as La Casa del Arbol (The Treehouse).

现在,每天都有上百人沿着巴诺斯边缘的小径徒步2.5个小时爬上山的陡坡,然后现在被称为La Casa del Arbol(树屋)的地方相互给对方推台高30米的秋千。

“The swing just started as a simple idea to help bring my family together on the weekends,” Sánchez said, looking out from his chicken coop as the day’s first throng of tourists arrived. “But sometimes things explode unexpectedly.”


That’s what happened in October 1999.


After an 81-year nap, Tungurahua roared to life with a series of violent eruptions.


As hot gas, ash and rocks rained down on nearby villages, the president of Ecuador ordered Sánchez’s family and the 16,000 other residents of Baños to evacuate, giving them just four hours to collect what they could and not telling them when or if they could return to their homes.


Against the government’s mandate, Sánchez drove back to Baños on 20 December to discover a ghost town.


The buildings were abandoned, the streets were coated with ash, but his home and town were miraculously spared from any damage.


Unsure if his animals had survived in the mountains, Sánchez slowly drove up the dizzying road towards his pasture.


When he arrived, he saw that his cows were grazing peacefully and his neighbours’ farms were unharmed.


He knelt down, crossed himself and promised the Virgin Mary (the patron saint of Baños) that he would remain there to watch the volcano and help protect the people living in the valley until the eruptions ended.


“Eighteen years later, she’s still active,” Sánchez said. “So I’m still here.”


As another swarm of strangers descended on his property, Sánchez walked away from the crowds to the edge of the mountain, looked down over the valley and removed his hard hat.


“This is the spot where I knelt, swearing to help others leave in time even if it meant that there was no time for me,” Sánchez said, struggling to lower his knee 18 years later. “A promise between people is serious, but an oath with God is sacred.”






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