
When plant breeders want to improve crops, they turn to the diversity stored in gene banks around the world.


But many of these critical storehouses, which hold seeds and other plant tissues, are in poor condition as a result of funding shortages.


Now, the Crop Trust, a nonprofit based in Bonn, Germany, is aiming to help crop gene banks find firmer footing by providing a steadier source of cash.

如今,位于德国波恩的非营利组织作物信托(Crop Trust)正致力于通过提供更稳定的资金来源,帮助作物基因库找到更稳固的立足点。

And today it announced its first award, a 5-year, renewable grant of $1.4 million annually, to the gene bank of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, Philippines.


“These crop collections are too important to the world to be left to uncertainty,” says Marie Haga, executive director of the Crop Trust, which was founded in 2004.

成立于2004年的作物信托基金(crop Trust)的执行董事玛丽·哈加(Marie Haga)表示:“这些农作物藏品对世界来说太重要了,不应该听任其变化无常。”

“They can’t depend on budgets that go up and down.”


The trust is best known for its work on the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a storage facility dug into an Arctic mountain in Norway.

该基金会因其在斯瓦尔巴特群岛全球种子库(Svalbard Global Seed Vault)的工作而闻名。斯瓦尔巴特群岛全球种子库是在挪威的一座北极山中挖掘的一个储藏设施。

It contains nearly 1 million samples of crop seeds gathered from gene banks over the world, kept in case disaster strikes.


But the organization also has been quietly working to improve the ability of gene banks to conserve and distribute seeds, and helping the banks meet standards that qualify them for long-term funding from an endowment established by the trust.


Haga hopes the Crop Trust will eventually be able to support national and regional gene banks as well as the prominent international centers.


Fundraising for long-term seed conservation has gotten more difficult, she says, and it’s always been harder to raise funds for agricultural diversity than charismatic wild animals.


“We need to protect all natural biodiversity,” she says, “but let’s not forget that plants actually feed us.”





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