日课|英文故事:The Royal Wedding



The Royal Wedding

The handsome Prince Tulip wanted a wife. He looked in the garden for a lady that was good and kind. Finally, he found Daisy. She loved to water flowers. She fed birds from her hands. She played the harp for spiders and ants.

“Will you marry me?” Prince Tulip asked Daisy.

“Yes,” she said. They chose a wedding day and met beneath the roses. The flowers dropped petals upon their heads. Birds brought them nuts and berries. Just as Prince Tulip was about to kiss his bride, she held up her hand. “Stop!” she cried. “We don’t have a ring.”

The spiders whispered to each other. They spun a ring of fine, strong silk. Then, the ants carried it to Prince Tulip. He slipped the ring on Daisy’s finger. From then on, when it rained, Daisy’s ring sparkled like diamonds.






  1. royal 皇家的;王室的

  2. wedding 婚礼;结婚庆典

  3. handsome  (of men 男子) 英俊的;漂亮的

  4. tulip  郁金香

  5. fed  (feed的过去式)给(人或动物)食物;喂养

  6. harp 竖琴

  7. marry (和某人)结婚;嫁;娶

  8. petal 花瓣

  9. bride 新娘

  10. held up (hold up的过去式)举起;抬起

  11. whisper 耳语;低语;小声说

  12. spun (spin的过去式)纺(线);纺(纱)

  13. fine 纤细的;很细的

  14. slip 迅速放置;滑落

  15. from then on 从那时起

  16. sparkle 闪烁;闪耀

Who makes Daisy’s ring?
a. spiders
b. ants
c. birds
d. Prince Tulip
Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!


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