【《道德经》第11章中英译文】三十根辐条连接于同一个轮毂,正因为轮毂的中空部分,才有车辆功能;Thirty spokes of a wheel are connected to its hub; it is the space inside the hub that makes the chariot work, which delivers utility.
揉捏黏土烧制陶器,正因为内凹部分,才有陶器的功用;Clay could be fashioned into a vessel; it is the space inside the vessel that delivers utility.
盖房时开凿门窗,正因为留出了空间,才有房屋用途。Make windows and doors for a house; it is the space inside the house that delivers utility.
因此,有形器物要带来利益,(还有赖于)无形部分的使用价值。 Therefore, the benefit of any piece of article, as being, depends on its utility as nonbeing. -溪谷 Valley.Lin《道德经:无为与自由》(修订稿)Feb. 15, 2021

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