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Lidocaine inhibits cytoskeletal remodelling and human breast cancer cell migration.
方 法
结 果
利多卡因(10或100μM)显着抑制CXCR4信号传导,导致钙释放减少(Fluo 340 nm / 380 nm,平均差异0.76,p <0.0001),细胞骨架重塑受损和趋化性实验(荧光平均强度,0.16,P = 0.0047)中,癌细胞的活动性均降低。 利多卡因的作用与CD44粘附分子的调节无关。
结 论
G. D’Agostino1, A. Saporito2, V. Cecchinato1 , et al. Lidocaine inhibits cytoskeletal remodelling and human breast cancer cell migration.[B]. British Journal of Anaesthesia,1e7 (2018) ,doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.07.015
Abstract Background: The metastatic potential of breast cancer cells has been strongly associated with overexpression of the chemokine CXCL12 and the activity of its receptor CXCR4. Lidocaine, a local anaesthetic that can be used during breast cancer excision, inhibits the growth, invasion, and migration of cancer cells. We therefore investigated, in a breast cancer cell line, whether lidocaine can modulate CXCL12-induced responses. Methods: Intracellular calcium, cytoskeleton remodelling, and cell migration were assessed in vitro in MDA-MB-231 cells, a human breast cancer epithelial cell line, after exposure to lidocaine (10 mM or 100 mM). Results: Lidocaine (10 or 100 mM) significantly inhibited CXCR4 signalling , resulting in reduced calcium release (Fluo 340 nm/380 nm, 0.76 mean difference, p<0.0001), impaired cytoskeleton remodelling (F-Actin fluorescence mean intensity, 21 mean difference, P¼0.002), and decreased motility of cancer cells, both in the scratch wound assay (wound area at 21 h, 19%, P<0.0001), and in chemotaxis experiments (fluorescence mean intensity, 0.16, P¼0.0047). The effect of lidocaine was not associated with modulation of the CD44 adhesion molecule. Conclusions: At clinical concentrations, lidocaine significantly inhibits CXCR4 signalling. The results presented shed new insights on the molecular mechanisms governing the inhibitory effect of lidocaine on cell migration.

编辑:代东君 审校:符校魁