
      这个纪录片的底稿我们在2015年曾经商议修改过无数次,我记得这个版本似乎不是最终的。为了压缩到10000字以内,我记得最后修改得面目全非,不过上传的这个稿子还是比较丰满的,有更多的看点,字数更多。但核心就是这些,依然会修改。有各种意见可以及时向我反馈。我们现在几方正在商议以什么形式拍。上文有个投票,感谢大家踊跃参与。第一项关于名称,大家挑选的第一名是保留《忽然》。第二项大家挑选主要集中在野外拍摄三五集。但最大可能是,我们先室内拍摄一集浓缩框架,然后再拍更长的系列,你们觉得如何?现在尚未融资需求,不过你们有特别想参与众筹或什么的也欢迎联系! 但我首先估计要找的是一个具有动漫能力的设计公司做PPT?


——庄子(公元前 369 -公元前 286)

Humans live between the heaven and the earth like a white colt passing through a narrow gap, all in a flash.

——Zhuangzi ( 369 BC-286 BC ),a Chinese philosopher




1 The First Story: Gauguin's Questions

1. 人类起源与气候的关系

1. Climate and Birth of Mankind

1.1 气候变化是自然规律

1.1 Climate Change as the Natural Law

1.2 为何人类起源非洲

1.2 Anthropogenesis in African

1.3 分子人类学与“人类出非洲”

1.3 Molecular Anthropology and Theory of Modern Human Going out of Africa

1.4 东亚和中国人是如何形成的?

1.4 The Coming into Being of Chinese and East Asia

2. 欧洲独享旧石器时代晚期辉煌

2. Glorious Europe in the Late Paleolithic Age

2.1 欧洲与中国谁更先进?

2.1 Which Was More Advanced, Europe or China?

2.2 永远的莫氏线

2.2 The Eternal Movius Line

3. 新石器时代与巨石文化

3. The Neolithic Age and Megalithic Culture

3.1 新石器时代与铜石并用时代

3.1 The Neolithic Age and Aeneolithic Age

3.2 伊甸园:辉煌的安纳托里亚文明

3.2 Eden, the Brilliant Anatolian Civilization

3.3 巨石文化源头在西部

3.3 The West as the Cradle of Megalithic Culture

3.4 气候对最发达地区的影响

3.4 Influence of Climate on the Most Developed Area at the Time

4. 地中海是个点金池

4. The Mediterranean as a Gold Pool

5. 欧亚大草原文化传播带与中国文化

5. Diffusion of Eurasian Steppe Culture and Chinese Culture

5.1 气候影响下的东亚

5.1 East Asia and Climate Changes

5. 2 欧亚大草原传播带上的人

5.2 Peoples on the Eurasian Steppe

5.3 支石墓、女神与玉璧的由来

5.3 Origin of Dolmens、Goddess and Jade Ring “Bi”


The Second Story: Dispute over the Origins of Civilization

6. 争议核心在中国

6. China as the Focus of Dispute

6.1 中国文明西来说研究史

6.1 Researches on Chinese Civilization

6.2 西来说,北来说?

6.2 From the West or from the North?

6.3 界定文明与中国文明

6.3 Defining Civilization and Chinese Civilization

6. 4 青铜+马车+轮子+马 的起源

6.4 Origins of Bronzes, Chariots, Wheels and Horses

6.5 汉字不是独立起源

6.5 Origin of Chinese Characters

6.6 农业文明同源之辩

6.6 Debates on the Homology of Agricultural Civilizations


The Third Story: Yali’s Questions

7. 历史时期各地落后与崛起的原因

7. Rise and Fall of Different Civilizations

7.1 中国文明为何集中于北方?

7.1 Why Were Civilizations Concentrated in the North of China?

7.2 相对的欧洲文明为何总是先锋

7.2 Why Was Europe Always the Pioneer?

7.3 全球各地的不同命运

7.3 Destinies of the Nations across the Globe

7.4 亚洲与中国近现代的起落

7.4 Rise and Fall of China and Other Asian Countries in Modern Times

结语:文明发展规律与中国崛起的原因                          100

Conclusion: Rise of China and the Law of Civilization              100

展望未来:我们的未来在云端                                  103

Where are we going tomorrow?

